So I have an Western Digital Passport I am trying to get working. When I hooked it up first time it worked perfectly on both my desktop (windows 7) and laptop (XP). Unfortunately when I tried to update the firmware it for some reason rebooted my laptop during the install process and now the Hard Drive only shows up as a Initio Default Device and won't actually be recognized as any type of hard drive, from the looks of it I can't do
anything with it.
Through google-fu I've tried a few different solutions:
1) Using different usb cable (although it wasn't a 2.0 cable? or just thinner and less powerful or something) didn't work.
2) Uninstalling the Initio driver and then rebooting my computer/s didn't work.
3) The hard drive still lights up and spins, doesn't make any noises so I don't think it's a problem with the drive itself.
From what I've read getting a new usb cable might work but I don't want to risk wasting the money. My computers are pretty old so when I plug in the hard drive it says the device could run faster in a 2.0 usb slot, but I'm not sure if this is the problem because it worked and I was able to put files on it until I tried updating the firmware.
So I'm officially stumped and hoping someone smarter than me can help, thank you for reading!]
by the way the External Hard Drive is a Western Digital Elite Passport (WDBAAC5000ARD-00) if that helps.
First of all - is there important data on the drive? If so the first move could be taking the thing apart and hooking up the drive inside up to your computer directly.
Can you find the drive in "Disk Management" and perhaps mount it there? (Disk Management is in Control Panel in the Administrative tools section). Important if you have important data on the drive this can lead to loosing all that and the drive essentially being erased.
On getting a different cable. An USB cable should not run you more than a couple of $ but from your description I do not think your cable is the problem.
Finally on the USB 2. Thing sounds to me like the port you're using is a USB 1.1 and that you system likely has USB 2.0 ports, are you perhaps using a USB Hub instead of connecting the drive directly to your PC. If so you could get more speed by finding a USB 2.0 port but it should not change anything with regards to the problem at hand.
It is still under warranty but I think I voided it when I took the passport cover off trying to see if the usb slot was damaged. I didn't unscrew or mess with anything other than the cover but It most likely be obvious someone was inside the thing.
Thanks for trying to help @BlindZenDriver! I pretty much figured the thing was done for but it doesn't hurt to try.