Now that old, stinky, PAX [past its] Prime is over, we can now discuss the glorious, still new (until PAX Australia happens) PAX East 2013!
The largest consumer gaming convention in North America is coming back to Boston on the 22nd day of March in the year 2013. That's 199 days from now (and no, I likely won't be updating that figure too often).
What is so special about PAX East?
A few things, actually. For one, its cooler than PAX Prime in a quite literal sense, as the event is held in the Northeast just as winter is ending and spring is beginning. So that means we get the added bonus of a neat, con exclusive scarf, if the upcoming PAX holds true to form. Also, there's differences in the Omegathon (pairs), and the accents, but all of the great things you love about PAX are in Boston every year.
What do I need?
Number one on the list of shit you need to get is a pass. 3-Day passes for PAX Prime sold out in something like a day or two? Registration for Prime opened on April 25th (about 3 weeks after East ended) and all passes (3-day and single days) were sold out by May 3rd. That's 8 days. So you need to be on your shit. 3-Day passes are $65 dollars, single days are $35 per day, and usually sell out in Saturday-Friday-Sunday order if memory serves me.
You will also wanna hop on the PAX hotel registration site as soon as its up, as those rooms (especially the cheaper ones) get sold out pretty quick, too. Unless you live in Massachusetts someplace, anyhow.
Who is going?
Thanks to my wonderful newfound employment, there is no reason why I should not be at PAX East. Yay for me. As for who else will be going, we'll find out as this thread trucks along. Also, Anime Boston is a whole 2 months after PAX East this time, so no conflicts there! Also Restaurant week is supposed to be March 2013 according to a thing I just looked up online so hopefully the dates will coincide with folks being there.
How can I meet up with SE++ dude/ettes?
There are several hang out-y things, and all will be made up in this thread. The main one to watch for is the picture with Robert Khoo. Hopefully this time it won't be at like 3 o'clock in the fucking morning.
Here's a handy Google Map thingy I've been keeping up with (along with folks in the PAX forum) for the past 3 years-ish: folks say they are going@Goose!@Rorus Raz@A duck@Didgeridoo@Sal@Aphostile@Sassori@Naphtali@The Otaku Suppository@Tonkka@Usagi@thorgotConsidering/maybe/unsure folks@mully@rhylith@Smart Hero@MulysaSempronius@Javen@Sheri@Matey@The Geebs That Is A Pony@M.D.
When's prime next year?
but for the love of god I hope the khoo picture isn't after some overly long q&a
Pretty sure that he isn't going to do that again.
Daaannnnnnn you should totally come toooooo
We'll see where work takes me.
I'll be there.
You have to petition Lady SH for my leave.
Assuming I don't miss registration because I worked 16 hours the day the tickets went on sale of course!
Going to be the best vacation ever.
But it appears I am already on a list
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Shots Pax
@Tonkka best idea ever
I have a place we can crash if you don't mind me tagging along?
I snore when I drink too much so bring earplugs
Unless Team FLOPAX splits a room again
Even though I just got back from Prime a grand total of 20 minutes ago.
I think I have a problem.
I figured you and Javen would come or not come as a pair. I could be wrong, but its easier than going back and editing again.
Well I live here, so I can't see any way of escaping it. And I won't be trying to pull double duty so there's that.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better