Really spool32, if you're reading this I'm going to find out AND I'm going to start talking about your secret Liberal leanings...I mean it!
Dear fellow geeks/nerds/people who live near by,
I have no clue how to get in touch with the awesome crowd that gathered to go bowling a week or so ago. So, I'm posting here, because, well, I need help if I'm going to a) find them and b) throw spool32 a decent party.
The party will be on either/both Friday, Oct. 5th/Saturday Oct. 6th.
I'm considering either a Rock Band focused party at our (always a huge mess of a) house on Friday night or bringing y'all out to my family's ranch near Johnson City for an evening of live music (2 bands have offered to play) and good eats, folk could crash at the cabin (has A/C, bathroom, kitchen, and several beds) and hang out to play with the longhorn the next day or drive on back to Austin as ya see fit. I'm also open to party idea suggestions! (no, sending him to a DNC meet would not be a good b-day would, however, be damn funny).
So! If you're interested in coming to poke fun at spool32 as he ages, or just celebrate that he's on the planet please email me:
Many thanks!
Damn there goes my idea.
i'll summon some of the people y'all spent time with
@form of monkey