So my group at work has decided we will be doing the Game of Clue for our contest [our group costume and our office area] and I've been volunteered to be professor plum. I can be a female or male version but my character is Professor Plum. I don't have any directives really for the character. We will also have a best group contest and best personal contest. I'm not sure our Clue idea will win group contest so I'd really love to at least place in the personal. I LOVE Halloween but the idea of dressing up for , what seems to be, a boring character isn't my cup of tea but I'm hoping you guys can give me some advice on how to make it better.
My bf said that it isn't possible so I understand if you guys can't come up with any ideas. But if you can help me then you'd be making my day (and year in a way because I always look forward to this holiday)
So ANY ideas?
Also if you have any ideas for the making the game of Clue cool that'd be awesome.
The characters themselves are archetypes remember, your best bet it to get ridiculous with the professor part.
Huge monocle spirit gummed on. Overly long pipe that sort of thing.
A crushed purple velvet suit with a cravat would suit it well.
Satans..... hints.....
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
Double jokes like that win contests.
I like this idea. Especially if everyone else does something similar (Col. Mustard could be a bottle of mustard in a military uniform, Ms. White could... I dunno, be a crayon...).
I'll also second watching the movie, because it's awesome.
Mrs White could be a southern belle.
Alternately, a purple corduroy suit with sleeve patches would be fantastic, as would purple morning dress 0r morning suit) if you don't mind being mistaken for the Joker.
for plum: a pipe is essential, as is a bow tie. circle glasses or small reading glasses, an old tweed jacket with elbow patches (in purple if you can find it), and a purple vest.
i second the idea of carrying props, and it would be something cool for the whole group to do... each pick a prop (candlestick, knife, rope, wrench, revolver, lead pipe), and maybe even pass them between each other throughout the party..
my definitive version of the character is from the VHS play along clue board game:
Mustard wears a pince-nez: