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  • Bliss 101Bliss 101 Registered User regular
    I have so far found three of the swords and one helmet, none of which are useful to me. The mount, however, refuses to appear. This is my third year of trying.

  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    I got the mount long ago before the age of the bag
    I am getting quite annoyed about the farm as IT IS perfect and set up before I go to bed I come back it it looks like shit

  • KryhsKryhs Registered User regular
    I've gotten two slicers on my warlock and two on my hunter.

    Awesome. -_-

  • SamphisSamphis Registered User regular
    Four weeks since hitting 90, and four entire sets of LFR without a single piece of loot, even using coins. Bleh.

  • The WolfmanThe Wolfman Registered User regular
    I ran the thing every day and all my warrior really has to show for it are two slicers. Which, screw it, I'm actually using as both tanking and fury weapons, agility be damned. I would really like the helmet as a stat upgrade, but I also have an old version in the bank, so I won't be too broken up about it.

    And yeah, many years of doing the event, and I've also never seen the mount at all.

    "The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
  • Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    And Nat is done. Phew.

  • Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    I wonder if there's any reason that the lockout info for Sha/Galleon can't be put on the calendar?

    I'm not sure how I feel about the reward for hitting revered with Golden Lotus being...more dailies. Yay, now questing in the Vale takes even longer. And August Celestials, Shado-Pan, and Klaxxi...ugh. Time to slow down...pick a faction or 2 each day, and go from there.

    Ran LFR for the first time last night. Blew a coin on each boss and got gold each time, except for Spirit Kings. They drop 4 pieces for feral, 3 of which I could use. I won the bracers, and my bonus roll got me...another pair of the bracers. Joy.

  • Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    I have yet to get a slicer. But I did get another hallowed helm to break up the 6 in a row days of getting the squashling!

  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    So I have been trying to get a lot of the "treasures", especially the brew recipe from the mountain in Kun-lai. So I logged in last night and the tablet was there! (amazingly I had logged out at that spot on a whim) I go to click it.... nothing. My character bends down, no loot window, and the tablet vanishes. /cry

    I put in a ticket (3 day wait time... *sigh*), hopefully they will give it to me, because that is bullshit.

    On the plus side, I did manage to find the sword from Dread Wastes and the mace/torch thing from Townlong.

    Also I seriously want to murder whoever decided the pet off Karr the Darkener (or whatever the Mogu Sorceror in Dread Wastes is named) is a low drop rate. I have killed that guy so many damn times now and he's always super camped as it is (fucking MMO Champion, at least I got the pet off the Jinyu in that zone before they spilled the beans). *sigh* And I just had a bad thought that they will probably do a guide for these treasures at some point which will make them super camped too :(

    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    So does (nearly) 8 years of something being broken seem long enough that Blizzard should just admit they fucked up and do something about it? Yeah, I agree. So it's time to make all fears just CC you in place. Thanks in advance for implementing yet another one of my perfect ideas, Blizzard.

  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    You mean you don't appreciate the concept of being so afraid of something that you run directly into a larger, angrier group of those somethings? Pshaw, sir.


  • Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    Well, I've found the one time that a druid's flight form is NOT an advantage. Hello Shado-Pan dailies. Stupid kite-riding panda keeps getting in the way when I want to interact with stuff on the ground.

    You may now resume hating druids for all their flight form shenanigans.

  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    Thanks to the monk's Glyph of Zen Flight I'm actually able to partake in the o.p'd functionality that is druid flight form, so I'm less envious of them. At least until Blizzard nerfs it to dismount on interact, which naturally they will.

    Also, quick question Enchanters and Alchemists - how are you making...any money at all? Enchants (that aren't rep locked) are selling for zilch as are flasks and potions. Even the new steel bar is going for much less than I'd hoped (around 700g) so that's not much of a moneymaker either.

    Daddy needs a new pair of everything.

  • OptyOpty Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    They haven't made druids dismount on interact for what, 6 years now? I'm pretty sure they're gonna do the same with the Monk's flying, especially since it's limited to 160% speed.

    And as an alchemist I'm making money by going Ghost Iron > Trillium > Living Steel as then the profit margin becomes worth it, especially since there's 7 chances at transmute procs (6 for the Trillium, 1 for the Living Steel). Straight Trillium to Living Steel barely gives any profit and only affords one proc chance.

    Opty on
  • KryhsKryhs Registered User regular
    Halfmex wrote: »
    Thanks to the monk's Glyph of Zen Flight I'm actually able to partake in the o.p'd functionality that is druid flight form, so I'm less envious of them. At least until Blizzard nerfs it to dismount on interact, which naturally they will.

    Also, quick question Enchanters and Alchemists - how are you making...any money at all? Enchants (that aren't rep locked) are selling for zilch as are flasks and potions. Even the new steel bar is going for much less than I'd hoped (around 700g) so that's not much of a moneymaker either.

    Daddy needs a new pair of everything.

    I know you said ones that aren't rep locked, but the wrist enchants from AC are a gold mine, at least on my server. 2500g per enchant that takes 3 sha crystals.

  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Living Steel it is then, at least until I can get the Celestials past...200 into Neutral.

    Yay, dailies!


    Edit: True Steel? What the hell, brain?

    Halfmex on
  • Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Halfmex wrote: »
    Thanks to the monk's Glyph of Zen Flight I'm actually able to partake in the o.p'd functionality that is druid flight form, so I'm less envious of them. At least until Blizzard nerfs it to dismount on interact, which naturally they will.

    Also, quick question Enchanters and Alchemists - how are you making...any money at all? Enchants (that aren't rep locked) are selling for zilch as are flasks and potions. Even the new steel bar is going for much less than I'd hoped (around 700g) so that's not much of a moneymaker either.

    Daddy needs a new pair of everything.

    I have been selling my enchanting mats as that market fluctuates alot. If they are up I will throw some in the AH. Flasks should be one of those markets that inflates a bit after the initial supply from people leveling up and now that raiding has been going for a few weeks.

    Insription seems to be the big money maker now since they still havent put in the trader. People are still buying cards on my servers so I funnel all my investments into that and I have made a pretty decent sum. Not as much as my crazy guild mates who went all nuts with it and got some of the first dps decks together and sold them for 90-110k. They are rich mofos now.

    Jubal77 on
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Halfmex wrote: »
    You mean you don't appreciate the concept of being so afraid of something that you run directly into a larger, angrier group of those somethings? Pshaw, sir.

    Or getting feared and stuck inside geometry, or getting feared through walls. The fact that this shit is still happening means that it's time to change the core mechanic.

  • Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    If they change fear they need to allow me to use Touch of Death in pvp then :) I am not asking for 100% of my health use. Maybe like 50%...

  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    forty wrote: »
    forty wrote: »
    Halfmex wrote: »
    You mean you don't appreciate the concept of being so afraid of something that you run directly into a larger, angrier group of those somethings? Pshaw, sir.

    Or getting feared and stuck inside geometry, or getting feared through walls. The fact that this shit is still happening means that it's time to change the core mechanic.
    Yeah I've never cared for the way fear works in this game, at least in PvE. It's caused far more problems than any CC ability should.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    It's broken in PvP too (/mainly?).

  • Jubal77Jubal77 Registered User regular
    I would think people running away from you would be nothing but positive in PVP as a Lock or Priest. When I played my lock in Wrath I pvpd sometimes and my fears were my "get away from me" buttons.

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    So...I can't use my blizzard balance in the blizzard store?

    I'm confused. What is the point of having money in my blizzard account from D3 if I can't fucking buy anything with it?

    EDIT: apparently i can buy account services (but not a subscription!) and...the games I already fucking own. But nothing else. Nice. :rotate:

    The Dude With Herpes on
    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Jubal77 wrote: »
    I would think people running away from you would be nothing but positive in PVP as a Lock or Priest. When I played my lock in Wrath I pvpd sometimes and my fears were my "get away from me" buttons.
    They are positive if you're playing the character that's fearing. They're negative if you're the character that gets stuck in a crate or sent through the keep wall in IoC.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    So...I can't use my blizzard balance in the blizzard store?

    I'm confused. What is the point of having money in my blizzard account from D3 if I can't fucking buy anything with it?

    EDIT: apparently i can buy account services (but not a subscription!) and...the games I already fucking own. But nothing else. Nice. :rotate:
    What can't you buy with it besides paying for your sub (which they're supposedly working on)?

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    pets. I have $5 in my account, figured I'd pick up the lil'KT on sale.


    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    Wow, I'm amazed that they haven't given up on CRZ considering that it's pretty much universally reviled. No one at all appreciates it and yet they continue plugging away on it undeterred. They're tenacious, I'll give them that.

  • SaraLunaSaraLuna Registered User regular
    well, pvp griefers love it. no matter where you go, you're guaranteed ganking victims

  • Magus`Magus` The fun has been DOUBLED! Registered User regular
    Wait, you can't get pets with Blizzard Bucks? Damn.

  • LarsLars Registered User regular
    Cancelled my account, primarily because of CRZ. Subscription runs out on Tuesday. I think this is only the third time I've ever been unsubscribed since joining in tBC (first was because of RealID but they reversed that decision before my subscription ran out, so I didn't actually stop playing that time, the second was during Cata when I had nothing to do and my guild died).

    Shame they only gave me like 255 characters or so to talk about why I was unsubscribing, but after the thousands and thousands of messages about CRZ on their forums I'm sure they're aware of all the possible problems anyways.

    It is an enjoyable expansion, but I just can't stand CRZ and do not enjoy the game when playing in a buggy zone that has it turned on (meaning Pet Battles and Hallow's End pumpkins were an endless annoyance). Pandaria was a nice escape from it, but only half my toons are high enough to go there.

    I've already loremaster'd all the new zones, done all the scenarios, and will have done all the heroics before my time runs out, so I figure I got my money's worth for buying the expansion even though I only was subscribed for a month or two of it.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    pets. I have $5 in my account, figured I'd pick up the lil'KT on sale.

    Wow, that's stupid.

  • HalfmexHalfmex I mock your value system You also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered User regular
    Well hell, no dice on getting a refund on my recent BMAH fuck-up. The GM told me that support does not provide refunds/reversals of AH transactions, either the standard or BMAH. Not surprising, but a bummer nonetheless. Welp, (expensive) lesson learned.

  • BlendtecBlendtec Registered User regular
    I found 2 of the rare world items yesterday, the staff in Valley and the dagger in Forest. I like them for leveling alts and transmorging, but why are some of the items BoP? I will never use them on my 90.

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Hey, does anyone know off hand what slots have epic rewards from factions?

    What I mean is...and I could be mistaken, but like I think Klaxxi have an epic (no idea ilvl) for 'finishing' their rep (not talking about VP stuff).

    I'm just trying to figure out what I shouldn't buy with VP.

    EDIT: Klaxxi is a 289 ring.

    Do the other ones have anything? All the 'guides' right now are still pretty pathetic.

    The Dude With Herpes on
    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Golden Lotus have an epic neck piece

    There are also epic boots for killing Sha the first time.

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    Yeah, found the Golden Lotus one.

    Shado-pan's final reward is a mount, as is the cloud serpents.

    I can't figure out if the August Celestials have a 'final' quest chain with special rewards.

    Tillers just have the farm stuff. Can't tell if the Anglers give you anything at exalted. Lorewalkers don't.

    Looks like effectively just one ring and one neck, unless the August folks give something I'm not finding.

    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Anglers do not award anything at exalted, other than the honor of being able to buy their water strider mount from the rep vendor :P

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Does the Cloud Serpent rep have anything but mounts/flavor stuff? If it doesn't unlock any gear then I probably won't bother with it.

  • Warlock82Warlock82 Never pet a burning dog Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    forty wrote: »
    Does the Cloud Serpent rep have anything but mounts/flavor stuff? If it doesn't unlock any gear then I probably won't bother with it.

    Nope, though you learn the "Cloud Serpent Flying" skill which is required to ride other mounts that are not necessarily from Cloud Serpent faction

    Warlock82 on
    Switch: 2143-7130-1359 | 3DS: 4983-4927-6699 | Steam: warlock82 | PSN: Warlock2282
  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Oh, if you need to make gold, getting Tillers to Revered on one or more 90s should be your priority. At least until Blizzard pulls their heads out of their asses, the value of Golden Lotus is sky high and you can get at least 3 per day by farming Motes of Harmony and trading a Spirit of Harmony for 3 Lotus at the Shrine vendor. Spend 12-16g on seeds, less than 10 minutes flying to and tending your farm, then put your 3 or 6 Lotus on the AH for (server-dependent, of course) 200+ gold a pop. Pretty good RoI for time spent.

    forty on
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