A few hundred thousand years ago, your kind crawled out of the primordial ooze.
Until recently, you and your people were little more than mindless beasts, fighting each other for survival.
Soon, though, you began to realize that things would work better if everyone cooperated.
Our story begins shortly after this realization. You, my loyal players, will control these individuals. Think of yourselves as a benevolent god, leading the populace with a gentle hand. Think of yourself as some omnipresent dictator. I don't care! WHO you are won't affect the game. Your choices will!
I have a few requests for you all, in order to keep things running smoothly.
1) If you are giving your vote on a course of action, only vote once. Edit your vote post if you change your mind! Also, vote in
2) There will be chances for you to give your own ideas, in case you don't like any of the options presented. I can't think of every eventuality by any means. Do this in
3) Need clarification?
Use orange
Now, here is the whole world! (What you know of, at least)
Pick an Island!
(L, R) and a location on that island to start
(N, S)
And your choice of general critter type.
1) Aquatic
+Can swim 2 spaces per turn
- Anyone who is in the water for more than 2 turns dies.
+10% extra population growth due to you make a crapton of eggs
- Reproduction is on a 2-turn delay due to egg-laying
2) Avian
+Can move two spaces on land due to flight
-Reproduction is on a 1-turn delay due to egg-laying
3) Mammalian
+ You are average!
- You are average.
4) Reptile
+ You are fast! You can move 2 spaces per turn
- You are not very well adapted to very hot/cold places
+ Scales provide natural armor (+5% extra defense!)
- Reproduction on 2-turn delay due to egg-laying
5) Plantlike
+Don't have to worry about food as long as there's sun/water!
-Reproduction on 3-turn delay due to the fact that you're a goddamn plant
After that, you must choose how you want to be oriented:
!) Scientific
@) Magical
#) Political
$) Militaristic
(Options taken from
@hoodie13 's game due to the fact that they're good and I couldn't think of different ones)
Our current cast! (RPed by players
@Sir Fabulous -> SirFab - Emu- Fanatical religious guy. Great lizard ancestor worship. Pulls out feathers because reasons. ((Council member))
@SaberOverEasy -> Stormcrow - Crow - Embraces magical heritage. Shuns the religion. Thinks that those with the strength to control the air should guide and protect the GCs.((Council member))
@Zekebeau -> Red Talon - Hawk - Cold, calculating. Longs to lead. Covets leadership, hates the lizard cult. Allied with stormcrow in terms of goals. ((Council member))
@Jdarksun -> Dark Shrike - Hawk - Follows Red Talon. Says the mighty should rule over the weak
@Kilnaga -> Averax -> Goose -> Obsessed with building
Aaaaand, BEGIN!
The collected progress of our civilizationThe First DaysEnmageningA Rockin' OrgyIf You Liked It, You Shoulda Put A Roof Over ItPolitical DickscourseThe Council MeetsContact with TreepleBattle! It... uh... it wentThe examination beginsI feel itchyLeaf us alone!Conquering the weaklingsLeaving CockstantinoplePossibilities!Reporting backBurning bridgesMovin' on UpMore options!When a problem comes along, you must whip it!
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
And be reptiles.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Options at the moment are the two big islands. YOU DONT WANT TO GO TO THE SKULL YET. TRUST ME
Birds! Because birds are the coolest, and I will peck anyone who says otherwise.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Also, hoodie's game doesn't have any magic, and I want to vary it up :P
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Let's start on L and S, because it's the smallest section of land, and that means there must be a disproportionately high amount of resources. Right?
Also, as any fantasy game will tell you, Reptilian races are fucking cool. The more like Kobolds our race turns out to be, the better I say!
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Reptiles kick ass. Dinosaur people. Seriously.
How about SCIENCE! So we can be Science Dinosaurs.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Which is why I'm going to go Militaristic for a change.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Most displeased.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Science. Dinosaurs.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
For our species Avian
$) Military with some science thrown in because the faster we take this to ww1 the better.
First place on the orientation gets two points, and second gets one. So you can have science with a minor in magic, etc.
Huh. I hadn't noticed that before.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Right, North is an angry gorilla face.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Also, Kobolds!
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Quoted from Wikipedia, the Sage of Great Knowledge: Tucker's kobolds were a tribe of kobolds featured in Roger E. Moore's editorial in Dragon issue 127. They were used by a Dungeon Master, Tucker, who ran an adventure for high level characters featuring an ordinary tribe of kobolds who utilised traps, ambushes and local knowledge to significantly challenge the party, going against the stereotype of kobolds posing no significant threat. Tucker's kobolds became a famous part of Dungeons & Dragons lore, often referred to as an example of how cunning and local knowledge can be used by physically weak opponents to overcome much more powerful adversaries.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Sweet, huge boobies.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
An agile military can be quite dangerous, also with science we can overcome that minor issue.
Twitch Stream
Because that sound hilarious and I like the idea of not having to worry about food and water.
I just can not resist dinosaurs. Raptors in cloaks, hissing enchantments to bring fire and doom upon the non-scaly. They can even get breath weapons! Dragon/dinosaurs!
Magic is cool as long as you aren't a bug or fish person. Remember, magic is so advanced science can't explain it. So it must logically be better.
Where is the equator? So we know where really hot and really cold places are likely. We have 2 mover per turn. Do you mean 2 on land (like birds) or 2 anywhere (land or sea)?
Dr. Dinosaur
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
If you are swimming to new lands, you can only do so within 4 spaces of your embarkation point without researching other methods of travel. If you scout out and establish things on the other shore, that'll be your new furthest point. But until you have a way to not have to tread water, you dont have control over it
Dr. Dinosaur, Sorcerer Supreame!
:whistle:Nothing can take us far enough emotion
Far enough together
As the light shines so bright
Bright enough to let us in
Nothing can bridge our souls devotion
Fast enough together
As the power proves you right
Right enough to let you begin
So many displaced among the future dreamers
Realized their doubles
Took a new step
A question of origin
Only in the recent past
Seekers fought to realize
Skyward shone like beacons
A question of origin :whistle:
You know you want it.
Vote for Dr. Dinosaur!
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
3DS: 1289-8447-4695