ubisoft finally admitted that this actually exists, and put out maybe the best trailer for anything ever
Blood Dragon wears its idiocy like a shield. With its mechanisms borrowed from a bona fide blockbuster and its cornball retro swagger rendering any artistic criticism surplus to requirements, all that's left is to have fun, and that's in plentiful supply. Blood Dragon condenses all the best bits of Far Cry 3, sprinkles them with cheesy nonsense and blazes its way through to a finale that will leave you grinning like a loon.
Release date: MAKE IT BUN DEM
No ones talking about this game, and I think it looks pretty damn awesome. So heres a thread about it.
What is it? Well, heres some stuff i copied and pasted from
this review that might shed a little light on that question.
The game kicks off with its protagonist, a blue-eyed American boy called Jason, being shown having the time off his life with his mates and his two brothers on holiday in an island paradise. In montage the player sees them doing shots, leaping into rock pools and skydiving.
The camera then pans back to show this montage is being shown on a camera phone that’s being held by the group’s captor, a twitchy, erudite psycho called Vaas Montenegro, who has a smile similar to that of a boa constrictor before it swallows its prey.
Vaas, by the way, is one of the best villains created in gaming in the last few years. Intelligent, charming and utterly insane, he’s as likely to casually stab a helpless captive through the heart as he is to wax philosophical on the nature of madness.
Vaas heads up a colourful list of slavers, pirates, criminals, perverts and nutcases who Jason finds himself ranged against in his search for his friends, once he escapes Montenegro’s clutches in the early stages of the game.
As Jason explores the tropical island environments, racking up an impressive number of corpses, he transforms from scared First World brat into an unhinged killing machine, tossing vestiges of his humanity to the four winds in his quest for alpha male supremacy. In short, he starts to resemble Vaas…
heres some random reviews
Eurogamer, 10/10
In the past, Far Cry's vision of a first-person shooter RPG where you explore, master and then control your environment has always been more seductive on paper than any of its developers have managed to deliver on disc. Far Cry 3 changes all that. For me, this is the new apex predator of open-world shooters.
Escapist, 4.5/5
Far Cry 3's single player story may have its ups and downs, but it's still an incredibly in-depth action experience. Its combat and open-ended gameplay is engaging and well-designed, and there are plenty of incentives to explore the game world to see what you can find.
IGN, 9/10
The allure of Far Cry has always been the open-ended tactical choices available during each encounter, and the variety of ways you could take down targets. With dynamic variables like aggressive wildlife and roaming pirates, your stealth and aggro options open up more than ever. I loved letting bears and tigers out of their cages in pirate outposts – the animals took care of the dirty work for me and I’d claim the enemy’s checkpoint as my own.
heres a random 45 minute video of some dudes playing and talking about the game
heres some screenshots
also there is a 4 player co-op campaign, and a kinda dull seeming COD wannabe competitive multiplayer. There is a pretty crazy looking level editor though, so that at least will be worth playing around in the multiplayer for.
so anyone else looking forward to this game?
edit: also... sharks!
edit: GB quicklook
I love the one review quote "Like Skyrim with guns!"
...so, Fallout then?
this quote from the eurogamer review was one of the things that really helped seal the deal for me
edit: also im a huge sucker for wandering around lush open worlds and hunting/gathering. im going to hunt all the komodo dragons.
Now I just have to figure out, PS3 or PC. This happens with every game, I'm afraid my PC has gone off the edge of modernity, but then I try it out and it's fine. GRRR!
Now, I will try to sleep for a whole week.
Watching that video in OP, this is the game I want.
Also, look how quick he shot those unarmored non-heavy dudes with than M4. Those dudes died in like 1-2 hits. In Far Cry 2 it would have taken 10 to wound them.
This game even has weapon mods. Look at those attachments. Beautiful. I hope weapons don't rust in your hands though.
I just wish these games supported mods better.
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My 10 commandments of game reviewing
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Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
I believe the co op campaign is its own separate story.
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My 10 commandments of game reviewing
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Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
Well Far Cry 3 seems to do stealth, resource gathering, crafting, and pretty much everything better than AC3, which is a bigger title and IP.
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My 10 commandments of game reviewing
7 Great Games Playing Watch_Dogs will remind you of/url]
Far Cry 4: 10 Essential Features it Must Have
10 Videogames Ruined By The Hype
It's funny when people make up their minds based on video game journalism without playing stuff for themselves. The games are open world but not really comparable in their style or the way their systems are approached.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to this a lot. I'm one of the crazy people who loved Far Cry 2.
Then I am as crazy as you! I thought FC2 was a great game and the story was what I made for it. I loved exploring the world on the hunt for diamonds whilst heading towards your objective. If you want to talk crazy, I owned the entire AMBX kit and FC2 was one of the few titles that supported it all.
It also felt like it never really changed across the whole game, 10 hours in I was using the same weapons and tactics against similar enemies in similar places as I was right at the beginning.
I think Far Cry 3 is going to be a buy for me.
Goddamned holiday seasons' got me buying games every two weeks, And I can't even complain because they're all good.
I forgot all about it until I saw it on steam this morning.
I am not a grognard. I typically shy away from games that emphasize realism. But there is NO good reason for it. The STALKER devs, who do the same thing, tried to say it "makes it more interactive." No. It doesn't. It is silly and I don't know if the developers had no idea what they were doing or it was by choice.
Sorry, I had a lot of hang ups with FC2. I'm just being a goose. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this. Quitgettinmadatvideogames.jpg
It's also uh.. Really pretty. Which comes at a price.
Never played a FarCry before, so this will be my first.
loved Far Cry, was sad when CryTek and Ubisoft parted ways, was mostly happy with Far Cry 2 (I missed the CryEngine, it had the stinking respawning check points, but then again no trigens and was really pretty) and have pre-ordered the Far Cry 3 Insanity Edition...
Even got Far Cry Instincts: Predator for the 360... Didn't like that so much, the feral abilities where a bit uber...
Loved the CryEngine 2 Engine from Crisis, but didn't like the game play so much. The Nano suit felt a little too uber... What is it with Crytek and mutants/aliens and super soldiers??
Someone mentioned Steam above, it does not seem to be on Steam in the UK...
Ekkk... this might be the game to finally kill off my HD 5870...
Man, I don't even know. I'm hopeful that FarCry 3 wont fall apart in the second half of the game because of aliens or some other dumb shit, though. Since it isn't CryTek.
6850 here.. I may need to wait until a summer sale
Guild Wars 2: Tyreh, asura Warrior