We're just one week away from yet another year's clusterfuck of stupidity and people will obviously want somewhere where we can all complain and suffer through it together. This is the place. This thread is your support group.
When? December 7th, 9PM ET/6PM PT.
Host? Samuel L. Jackson.
Why do we care? Video game announcements. The show itself is a joke but they've had some pretty big reveals over the last few years, so that alone is usually worth suffering through it.
What announcements do we know of? So far, just these games but there are bound to be surprises:
- The Last of Us
- Gears of War: Judgement
- South Park: The Stick of Truth
- Castlevania: Lord of Shadow 2
- BioShock Infinite
- Tomb Raider
- Halo 4: Spartan Ops
- Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington
I'm expecting Dragon Age 3 and Rainbow Six Patriots to be two of the surprises.
Nominations? Why do you care? Oh well, here's the full list:
They're all user voted, so feel free to go
here and vote.
Brought to you by C-list celebrities, Doritos and Mountain Dew.
Assassin's Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington
BioShock Infinite
Halo 4: Spartan Ops
Tomb Raider
Also it seems MS will be showing it on Live.
It's in the best male VA section! In the best female VA section is Emma Stone for Amanda in Sleeping Dogs.
Amanda is in the game for all of 10 minutes, and sounds like Emma Stone on vacation. It is barely more than a cameo.
Melissa Hutchinson better win that for Clem in The Walking Dead; she plays a hella convincing (and realistic) kid through a huge range of possible scenarios. I had assumed Clem was voiced by a kid. :O
So yeah, DA3 is the reveal I'd be most interested in.
XBL, Steam & Tribes: elmartino333
Even though I no longer have confidence in bioware to actually write it, the lore of Orlais and the whole political maneuvering thing sounds interesting. Of course, it's kinda hard to have any nuance with having your conversation choices color coded into 3 options (AP excluded)
Of course any trailer would focus on the shiny-ness of frostbite rather than any actual substance.
Anyway, I get why something like this which is supposed to advertise games for the holliday season is pushed out so early, but (in general) why are goty lists always posted/voted on right on the end of the year, rather than giving a month or two for the "just played" effect to diminish a bit, and allow for a bit of perspective on the games that came out. Also, if even game journalists can't reasonably play all the major games up for awards before their voting period...
(I may be a little bitter about missing @mcc goty threads this year)
That and games journalists have a massive hard on for Journey.
Yeah, I feel the same way. DA2 had plenty of flaws, especially with the story and design but you could always see that there was a good game behind all the bullshit. The gameplay was fun but the enemies and their placement, were not. The dungeons were fine, just not the 5th-20th time you had to run through them. And so on. Still, I think there was some promise and I'm really interested to see where DA3 goes, unlike ME3, which fucked up to the point where I just don't give a shit about that world/universe anymore.
Though it's not guaranteed that DA3 will be there anyway. It's just something I expect will happen, as they've announced it but haven't revealed any details. Plus, EA are the kind of company that would've seen that the VGA reveal worked for Skyrim and want to copy it.
Agreed. This is one of the many reason why the Game Developers Choice Awards and BAFTA Game Awards are credible awards and next to none others are.
Because Journey was amazing. It's certainly my GOTY.
I'm pleasantly surprised at some of the nominations here. Clementine? Xenoblade Chronicles? Soundshapes? Dust? There's some good mentions there that I wouldn't normally expect out of Spike.
Can we stop putting cross-platform releases up for "*console* game of the year" though? GameTrailers does this too, and it drives me nuts... you fall into a situation where Assassin's Creed becomes the GOTY for all consoles, while some platform specific titles lose out. Make a separate cross-platform nomination.
Then again, it's an awards show.. who really cares?
We take baby steps every year towards a decent awards show.
I think about 10 more years and itll be worth watching!
No Clem or Lee in Character of the Year, though? That's fucked up.
Probably the worst thing about Character of the Year is that Connor ACIII is in there despite the fact he's probably the least interesting character in that game
XBL, Steam & Tribes: elmartino333
Oh, the moneyhatting/stupid is strong with this one.
Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
Mass Effect 3 was an outstanding game and would be my GotY if not for The Walking Dead.
But I also voted Dishonored all over the place because c'mon.
EDIT: oh right, US release this year. Everyone was just importing the EU release last year....or the japanese release 2 years ago
Shepard is a weird vote because everyone's Shepard is so vastly different. Mine was cool and all but there were more interesting characters in the ME universe than him I believe.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
He's talking about best voice actress.
Oh. Still, Shepard is also nominated for best character so I guess my point still stands.