Lets just get it out the way that yes i spoil the shit out of my kittens and move on.
They love to chase the laser pointer, (have yet to see a cat that didnt), and I was thinking of getting one of those laser theater units that put a bunch of points all around the room and spins them around, that i could just flip on in a room before i leave for work to make sure they have entertainment.
Like this:
or a higher end model:
But I just wanted to make sure...is there any danger in this in harming the cats vision or anything? I'm in an apartment so i couldnt exactly mount it on the wall or a tripod, I would have to find a spot for it to cover a good part of a room and lock it down somewhere horizontally on a desk.
Also, a question if you have one of these things...are they fairly durable? If i did this, it probably would be running for 9 hours at a time or more, and i dont wanna drop too much cash if they are going to go out easily.
I'd suggest looking into something like these though:
I've seen a few variations on them at pet stores. Keeps a single point, instead of tons of them (third one has two), but it's designed to be safe for unattended cats. I've owned the ones in the top two links (the third is basically the second with a second laser), they're basically the same until the cats figure out how to knock them off the table, at which point the cheaper one's unprotected mirror is pretty likely to get broken. The more expensive one's survived just about everything they've thrown at it.
Also, the... uh... potential harm done by those sorts of lasers... uh... varies widely by breed and coloration. Yeah. That. So it would be helpful if we knew what your cat looks like. Preferably in adorable poses for... uh... science.
the Public folder is them when i first got them. the base folder is pretty recent. Still kittens but getting big.
Invest in many toys for your cat, and different kinds- squeaky mice, lasers, jingle balls, feathers, scratchers, maybe a small fishing pole with a bit of ribbon attached to it. If you can keep your cat guessing as to what they'll get to play with next, well, you'll have a happier cat.
I can has cheezburger, yes?
Well, the "Can You Imagine" doesn't list a power level, but the "OEM Systems Company" one shows 100mW for the red laser and 50mW for the green laser, which are pretty high-power. I would not leave that unattended in a home with a cat.
I would get one of these instead, once they're back in stock: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/cae2/
The output power is much lower and it turns itself on and off.
They also have this, which is similar: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/dcd0/?pfm=cae2_3_dcd0#tabs
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Right now they are expecting play as soon as i feed them...thats not a problem in the afternoon but sometimes they wake me an hour before my alarm goes off for work, so i feed them then they come in and start meowing when id rather be trying to get that extra hour of sleep. I figured i could turn the laser on and distract them while i slept
is the link to the pictures working btw?
One cat kinda likes it...watches the dots move, occasionally will grab one but doesnt freak out like i half expected with so many dots moving around, the other one is afraid of it. Will leave the room when i turn it on. . I'll probably go pick up the dart mentioned above because of the mixed results.
The lazer spinners interested my cat for about 15 minutes the first night. Then he walked over to the device, knocked it over, and went back to playing with hair ties.
You want cat awesome funtime toys? Get the little bags of springs or a bag of nylon hairties. You can shoot them with your fingers, they chase them and chew on them. Alternatively you could get a box or large shopping bag and put tissue paper inside.
Both of those work better than expensive toys, and for longer.
I actually own one. He couldn't care less about the thing. He loves to kick the hell out of discarded underwear tho.
His brother LOVES laser pointers but doesn't care a whit about catnip which Puddy #1 goes into conniptions over.
The other thinks the only appropriate playing item are hair ties. Hairties are essentially the best thing ever and OH BOY LOOK I FOUND ONE NOW IM GONNA CARRY IT EVERYWHERE YESSSSSS
Void of socks and hairties, they are somber, serious chaps.