I bought an ASUS g75 laptop a little over a year ago, and it's been fine until recently. A month or two ago, after turning it on from being asleep, the screen would stay black, but the computer was obviously on (cd drive spun, fan was working, windows made it's boot up sound, etc). I turned it off and on and it still didn't work. Finally, I unplugged the adapter, took out the battery, and plugged the adapter back in and turned it on. It turned on and the screen was back to working.
This morning I go to turn it on and it seems like it's doing the same thing. The trick I tried previously did not work. I looked up the problem real quick and oddly enough, what I had done before was a recommended method of fixing this issue. But it didn't work the couple times I tried before I had to go to work.
One thing I can think of that might have caused issue is that over the past couple of months, I have caused the laptop to shut off in a non safe way. I have a mic/headphone combo that I plug in every now and then, and I've accidentally put the jack in a usb port instead of the headphone/mic port (which are next to each other) and this immediately turned the computer off. To turn it back on, I would have to take the battery out and turn it on. This has happened 3 or 4 times. Could this have caused some permanent damage to my laptop?
One thing I will try when I get home is to see if I can still get an HDMI connected to my tv to see if that works. Otherwise, I have no other ideas.
It runs through the hinge, so even though it's designed to be flexed it's still metal and gets bent back and forth a lot. You'll have to take the laptop apart to where you can remove the keyboard and probably top half of the chassis, too. Don't know your specific model, but in most Asus that I am familiar with the cable will come from the left hinge and connect to the top of the main board. Make sure it's well seated, and check it for signs of wear where it enters the hinge. If it is damaged, you'll have to disassemble the screen assembly, too, to disconnect it from the screen panel. It's a cheap part, but labor intensive to replace.
I'm wondering if your testing with the battery and AC is giving you a bit of a red herring?
If it's the inverter, in good light you'll be able to faintly see the screen as it's still displaying, just not being lit. Batteries going bad is a thing, and when they die, they'll make a laptop do some weird shit.