The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia

WarponyWarpony Too small.The MoonRegistered User regular
edited January 2013 in Games and Technology
The Legend of Zelda celebrates 25 years since its release of the first NES 8 Bit title.

And to celebrate, Dark Horse Books released Hyrule Historia this month, a 272-page tome which details the 16 titles in The Legend of Zelda series all the way from the NES versions to Skyward Sword. Artwork includes the various portrayals of Link and Zelda throughout the series including concept art as well as other characters and creatures. Historia delves deeper into the Zelda mythos revealing various canon elements throughout the games.

It looks something likt this:


And this


Also this


I will do my best to get me a copy next month, I hope I can get it, it is very gorgeous.

Oh did I say its Zelda's 25th Birthday? The CD is out too:

Warpony on


  • Andy JoeAndy Joe We claim the land for the highlord! The AdirondacksRegistered User regular
    Preordered my copy months ago, hopefully it'll be here a week from yesterday.

    XBL: Stealth Crane PSN: ajpet12 3DS: 1160-9999-5810 NNID: StealthCrane Pokemon Scarlet Name: Carmen
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