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Hello guys I'm having a problem and I could really use some advice. So here's the story... My boyfriend and I has sex january 3rd and WE USED A CONDOM AND HE DID NOT EJACULATE. We actually used 2 condoms. Not at The same time but we switched the condoms just to be more cautious. Okay so that's that. Now I got my period on the 14th of January I believe. And I have not had sex since January 3rd. My period was regular it was normal and heavy like it usually is. Now on January 24th I started getting really light bleeding. like brownish color blood. And it was very light. And now every now and then I keep getting period like cramps. Exactly how I would feel when I'm about to get my period. Only my period isn't coming. I'm not due until February 20th or so is my guess. I'm always irregular but I've never had such light bleeding before like that. I keep feeling nauseous at random times of the day and I'm getting major headaches. And just recently today I started becoming sensitive to smells. And my stomach hurts. I don't want to believe the I am pregnant because I did get my period! After the last time I had sex. And I repeat my boyfriend used 2 condoms (we switched out) he did not ejaculate and I got normal heavy period. So could all the symptoms all just be in my head? I mean I wasn't feeling his way until I started thinking about it too much. I've only had sex 3 times in my life and I always get paranoid about it very time because I always feel these symptoms. Please give me some advice. No rude comments please.
I feel like you could use some general sex-positive info sites, but now's not a good time for me to go look up the ones I'm thinking of again because I have homework. If somebody wants to chime in with resources, I think that would be very helpful here.
I'm just go out on a limb here and say that if you had sex jan 3rd and then had your period jan 14th, you probably aren't pregnant.
Sometimes your body just does weird stuff and its hard to explain why, and freaking out about for sure isn't helping and is probably making every little thing waaaay more noticeable, thus feeding into your stress, vicious cycle.
What I would do is head over your local planned parenthood or clinic and go on birth control if you can afford it. Lots of PPs have plans and options if you're low income or nervous. Anyways start using birth control (I personally prefer the ring but everyone is different). Once you're on birth control, don't stop using a condom but you can at least relax a lot more knowing that you're more protected than before. Trust me I know EXACTLY how you feel, I'm the kind of person who's always freaking out about stuff like this!
But yeah if you want to keep having sex, then find a way to calm yourself down! Maybe you want to use spermicide and a condom, maybe you want to stop having vaginal intercourse for a little while, whatever is gonna work for you
I'd make an appt with a ob-gyn and talk about your symptoms just to be safe, especially since you say this has happened every time after having sex. They can help you determine what, if anything, is going on.
I'll reiterate everyone else though: you are VERY unlikely to be pregnant since you have had your period.
Totally anecdotal but, I experienced very similar symptoms to yours after having sex and having my period, (minus the spotting) which scared me. Turned out I had a UTI! Took some antibiotics and that was that.
Bother me on steam: kabbypan
Obviously this is your choice. But you do seem to be unnecessarily frightened of the consequences of sex, and sound like you could use some sex-positive reassurance about things.
Obviously this is your choice. But you do seem to be unnecessarily frightened of the consequences of sex, and sound like you could use some sex-positive reassurance about things.[/quote]
I really could.
Just peruse those at your leisure for any questions you might have.
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It really would really do you some good to learn more about sex and how to have safe sex so you feel less nervous. Hell I still freak out over a late period from time to time, even when its totally irrational
I just want to say that it IS your choice, but like my girlfriend, it's mostly pretty much in your head. You are working yourself up and freaking yourself out, and that does cause your body to react under that stress and that is probably what you are experiencing, and due to that reaction you are freaking out even more because of it. I believe that what you have (and my girlfriend.) is almost like a phobia of sexual intercourse, and it's something that I think is very hard to get through, but positive reinforcement is definitely part of it. Also your feelings for your boyfriend should factor heavily into this as well, if your relationship is solid, then it makes getting through these things a lot easier, I know my girlfriend is bit by bit working on it herself, and I never push her to do anything. It helps that our relationship in non-sexual areas is extremely solid. Hope that helps.
If you had your period a week and a half after your last sexual encounter, used condoms and he didn't ejaculate, it does seem like the odds are against you being pregnant. Speaking to a doctor and/or taking a pregnancy test might help alleviate your fears of being pregnant, and I also recommend reading through some of the links provided. The better informed you are, the more prepared you'll be for some of the curveballs life can throw at us. As you're likely learning, sex is a funny thing.
No, seriously, it can induce some pretty good laughter (pro-tip, try to avoid this while he's taking off his pants unless, like, he pratfalls onto his ass while doing it, if your chosen lovers are young and/or inexperienced it isn't going to help their confidence :-P )
But more seriously, it's a funny, messy, exhilarating and even sometimes disconcerting thing. Proceed with caution and certainly go at your own pace. If you're not feeling comfortable with something, say so and go with something else or stop as you see fit. A good significant other/lover will respect your feelings on the matter, and anyone who tries to pressure you when you've made yourself clear isn't worth wasting time and energy on.
So best of luck and try not to be too hard on yourself about being a bit wary.