First of all, if you have PSN+ and don't have LBP2 then "buy" it here for free. You don't have to download it now, buying it means you can download it in future, even if it comes off the PSN+ free list:
I think it's free over all regions, but if it's a PAL only thing be sure to yell at me.
I'm assuming anyone coming in to this thread is familiar with LittleBigPlanet, or LBP to it's friends. It's a platforming game. Except it's also a racing game. And a side scrolling shooter. And an RPG. And you can make all these things too. I'll let wikipedia summarise:
LittleBigPlanet, commonly abbreviated LBP, is a puzzle platformer video game series created by Media Molecule and published by Sony Computer Entertainment across multiple PlayStation platforms. The series follows the adventures of Sackboy and has a large emphasis on gameplay rather than being story-driven. All of the games in the series put a strong emphasis on user-generated content and are based on the series' tagline "Play, Create, Share". The tagline represents the three core elements of the series; Playing alone or with others online or on the same console, creating new content using the in-game creation tools and sharing creations and discoveries online with other players.
Now I know there's already an old thread for LBP but I thought a new one may get those creative juices flowing. What with LBP2 being free to PSN+ subscribers, and the Vita becoming that little bit more popular (by which I mean I own one and just bought LBP toda) now would be an excellent time to try and start up some creative competitions again!
When LBP1 came out we had a small but fairly active little community creating levels, we even ran a couple of competitions. A theme was decided upon in the thread (usually picked by the previous winner) and a level was created based around that theme. I'm hoping we can start that up again.
Some 'rules':
- The two formats aren't compatible: LBP Vita levels don't work with LBP2 and vise versa so the competitions will be separate. We'll use the same theme though to start with.
- The winner from the previous competition gets to decide the next theme.
- Initially we'll say, maybe, 3 weeks to the competition deadline.
- Themes shouldn't be game types, eg "side scrolling" or "top down shooter". They should be more like: "Circus" or "Superheroes". Entrants are then free to design whatever type of 'level' (platformer, shooter, etc) that they wish.
- Winners will be decided by voting. Anyone can vote, regardless of if you've submitted a level or not.
If anyone feels the rules aren't right, or are too specific or unfair then speak up, this is just meant to be fun
If we get more than 5 people competing I'll pony up a £20 PSN card reward (or whatever that is in $)
If we get more than 5 people competing on Vita then I'll pass out from shock.
So that's it, who's up for a friendly competition?
Feel free to also use this thread to discuss all things LBP, like the recently released(ish) cross compatibility pack which allows you to use your Vita, Wii-U style, with your PS3. I've yet to try it so can't comment on how well it works.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
PSN: rlinkmanl
Last week I decided to do the tutorials and really figure out how to make a level. I'm about half way through, but still feel completely overwhelmed. But I'll get there.
I have a PS3 en route to me right now, so assuming the editors are similar I could see myself entering one on each platform. But for now, pencil me in as a Vita participant!
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Well, I mean, I -was- going to on the Vita version, but then I quit while it was auto-saving one too many times and corrupted my profile. So, I mean, I'll have to start the game over again. Still, I've been itching for it lately so go ahead and put me down for it.
Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV