Looking for games to play with my girlfriend

HeraldSHeraldS Registered User regular
We just finished Gauntlet Legends and we're looking for our next game. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is an obvious choice but we're looking for more beyond that. Console options are PS2, SNES, N64, and Gamecube. She liked the teamwork and RPGish aspects of Gauntlet Legacy so we're looking for something in that vein. Shmups would work too- she tried and liked Ikaruga. Things that probably wouldn't work are sports games and fast twitch FPS games. Recommend away!


  • MelinoeMelinoe Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance on the PS2 had a decently fun co op and is probably super cheap now.

    Melinoe on
  • EsseeEssee The pinkest of hair. Victoria, BCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    If your girlfriend is okay with the idea of silly guns (it's not an FPS) without much serious violence, and great writing, I pretty much need to recommend that everybody with a PS2 play Destroy All Humans! 2 with co-op. Because it is so glorious in or out of co-op (and it has drop-in co-op, so if one person wants to take a break they can drop out while the other keeps going). My mom hates violence in games, but she totally got sucked into this one while I was playing the game because of the writing, and apparently the violence was miraculously cartoony enough that it didn't bother her. It's actually one of my favorite games of all time, but I don't think many people know the game. It should be <$20 though.

    Other than that... well surely you must've played Secret of Mana already, right? If not, there you go, arguably best co-op game ever. What about Kirby's Dreamland 3 and Kirby Superstar? The Donkey Kong Country games are kiiiiind of co-op. The Lost Vikings games are fantastic puzzle games... Starfox 64 is co-op too, right?... If she likes SHMUPs, there's always Gradius III, or if you want to pick up something with hilariously awful voice acting Castle Shikigami 2 (if you can find it) is like $5 or something. It's a "real" SHMUP though, so be warned that it might be too hard. Uhhh... Hmmm, I think I have more recommendations, but I'll have to look those up. But there's a start?

    Edit: Oh yeah, the Pocky and Rocky games are good too. So much co-op on the SNES, man.

    Essee on
  • StronginthearmStronginthearm Hi, I'm Liam! with broken glassesRegistered User regular
    There's Secret of Mana, an RPG on the snes that lets people play together.

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  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Torchlight II for PC is very fun both solo and as a team.

    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
  • RetabaRetaba A Cultist Registered User regular
    There were some Everquest RPGs for the PS2 I think, just your standard kill monsters get loot kind of thing however.

  • EntriechEntriech ? ? ? ? ? Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    You might investigate some of the more recent Lego games that came out for the PS2/Gamecube. Star Wars, Batman, and Indian Jones are the ones that I think apply.

  • mojojoeomojojoeo A block off the park, living the dream.Registered User regular
    The everquest games for the ps2 mentioned here are so great for this.

    Chief Wiggum: "Ladies, please. All our founding fathers, astronauts, and World Series heroes have been either drunk or on cocaine."
  • RaernRaern Registered User regular
    We Love Katamari on PS2 has co-op, if you can find a copy. It's no RPG, but it's so unique, if you haven't played it, you probably wouldn't know to ask about it:


  • Magic PinkMagic Pink Tur-Boner-Fed Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Absolutely the Lego games but avoid the Star Wars ones; the jumping sections are freakishly annoying in those when you play multi. Sadly, you'd need to update consoles to get the better ones.

    Magic Pink on
  • SteevSteev What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    Melinoe wrote: »
    Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance on the PS2 had a decently fun co op and is probably super cheap now.

    I'll second this one! The sequel was pretty good too, although last I checked it goes for a lot more for some reason.

  • CelestialBadgerCelestialBadger Registered User regular
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (1) is great for up to 4 players.

  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Raern wrote: »
    We Love Katamari on PS2 has co-op, if you can find a copy. It's no RPG, but it's so unique, if you haven't played it, you probably wouldn't know to ask about it:


    Katamari Damacy is a pretty amazing little game if you can get your hands on it, and you will never get the music out of your head.

    "I wanna roll you up into my life."

    Side story: My friends have a son, and when the kid was about 4 they introduced him to this game. He wasn't very coordinated with it of course, but he enjoyed it anyway. He would sort of sing along while he was playing. He would also freak out at you if you rolled up anything he knew to be alive (cats, people, whatever), I guess because of the way they flail. It just upset him. So if he was watching us play we would always have to avoid them, or wait till he was preoccupied and just hope he didn't hear the scream, because at points that restriction really makes the game harder.

    It was adorable though.

    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
  • HeraldSHeraldS Registered User regular
    Thanks for the replies guys. Baldurs Gate/ Everquest/ MUA all sound like winners. Katamari would be fun too- I like the single player version & didn't know you could do co-op. Secret of Mana is on the list as well- showed her some sections on youtube last night and she liked it. In poking around on Gamefaqs I also came across FF: Crystal Chronicles and LoZ Four Swords Adventures. Are those games worth the extra cost to play them? I've always been curious but never had the equipment needed to try them out. My only concern other than the start-up cost is that it looks like with FF:CC if it's only 2 players one would mainly be holding the chalice. Is that the case? How good are those games with only 2 players and are there other games that take advantage of the link cable in co-op as well?

  • cookiekrushcookiekrush Registered User regular
    HeraldS wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies guys. Baldurs Gate/ Everquest/ MUA all sound like winners. Katamari would be fun too- I like the single player version & didn't know you could do co-op. Secret of Mana is on the list as well- showed her some sections on youtube last night and she liked it. In poking around on Gamefaqs I also came across FF: Crystal Chronicles and LoZ Four Swords Adventures. Are those games worth the extra cost to play them? I've always been curious but never had the equipment needed to try them out. My only concern other than the start-up cost is that it looks like with FF:CC if it's only 2 players one would mainly be holding the chalice. Is that the case? How good are those games with only 2 players and are there other games that take advantage of the link cable in co-op as well?

    I'd avoid FF because it's not fun as multi. I played it with my brother and all I did was hold the chalice and only once in a while was able to do some fun things.

    I agree with the listing and throwing my two cents at Katamari. That game was so much fun, and the different versions were great. How about any of the Dynasty Warriors games? It may not be as much RPG as some of the others, but there is co-ops.

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  • NocrenNocren Lt Futz, Back in Action North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    Gonna echo that FF:CC isn't really good for 2 players. 3 or 4 is better because you can alternate anchor duty.

    Had a lot of fun with it though when I managed to get everyone together for it. Letters from home were great.

    "guys! My mom sent me a new helmet!"

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