So I noticed Mario Party 8 is scheduled to be released within the next few months, and I am extremely excited about it, as I am sure many others are.
I have only played a few of them at my friends house, but since I have recently acquired a Wii, I was thinking about picking up some of the previous GC titles. I was wondering, what is everyones favorite Mario Party?
Oh and a couple of screens for your viewing pleasure:
The world's most popular party video game is getting a lot crazier in Mario Party 8. Whether you're shaking up cola cans or lassoing barrels, you and your friends will be drawn into the action like never before using the Wii Remote.
* Play with motion control: Players row their way through a river race, punch a statue to pieces, steer race cars, mopeds and go-karts and handle a balancing pole while walking a tightrope.
* Play using the Pointer: Shoot at Boos in a haunted house, rag and drop toppings in a cake-decorating competition, select the correct answers in game show challenges.
* Play using the Wii Remote's buttons: Players jump and pummel their way through a football brawl, hop and run across a field of spinning platforms
* Mario Party 8 also includes dozens of new minigames, six new party boards and many new game modes. In a series first, players can transform their characters into many forms, such as player-smashing boulders and coin-sucking vampires. Mario Party 8 also includes "extra-large" minigames like Star Carnival Bowling and Table Menace. One to four players can play Mario Party 8, each with a Wii Remote.
Game storyline: In Mario Party 8, a whimsical ringmaster has invited Marioâ„¢, Peach and the rest of the crew to his carnival, a perfect setting for the dynamic spectacle of the Wiigame play . Mario Party 8 keeps the surprises coming with minigames that draw upon the Wii Remote's motion, pointing and button control in a variety of ways. Players always know how to jump into the action by watching an animated tutorial that shows how to use the Wii Remote.
How to progress through the game: Following tradition, Mario Party 8 takes the social, strategic game play of board games and adds breaks for quick, action-oriented minigames. In the main mode, players travel across six boards in search of Stars, landing on spaces that are helpful (example: giving coins) or a hindrance (example: sending Bowser in to mess with the player). Several variations for these boards tweak the main goals to enhance game play for solo sessions, two-player games and three- to four-player games.
In addition, Mario Party 8 includes four more minigame-infused kinds of board games, such as Tic-Tac Drop, where players earn the right to put the next mark on the board by winning a minigame.
Characters: Mario Party games are a celebration of all things Mario, so you can play as 14 classic characters, the widest selection yet for the series, including newcomers Hammer Bro and Blooper. You'll also bump into many old friends and foes that span 20+ years of Mario games.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Beyond using the Wii Remote's motion and pointer control, this eighth game in the Mario Party series goes its own way with two major changes:
* Players can transform their character using candy power-ups. Examples: When Peach eats Bowlo Candy, she'll turn into a Peach-faced ball and bowl over characters to get their coins. When Wario eats Vampire Candy, he'll sprout wings and fly off to suck the coins from all other players.
* A more engaging view of the action puts the player "on the board" with his traveling character, no longer far above the whole board looking down.
Same here, man
Man, I love adding to the conversation.
(I love my Wii; I'm just sick of party games.)
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The carnival thing works too though I guess.
Beating your opponent with a Wii remote is an accepted tactic.
next time some jerkface goes and steals your hard earned star, you know what to do.
I think hitting the jerk was always an option in Mario Party games
I still shudder at the thought of practically destroying my palm with that N64 control stick.
oh the damage that could have been done had that little feature continued.
Well, does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome count? I guess the only bad thing is it'll take years to really develop.
It's not like it wore on it that much. I spun the hell out of the thing.
Maybe my palms are just made of leather.
I have played pretty much every Mario Party since Mario Party 1 (including the eReader Mario Party), and none of them are half as good as the original. Mario Party 4 and 5 on the Gamecube were especially weak, and I can't even remember 6 or 7. But man oh man was Mario Party 1 the multiplayer game of the gods.
Re: the OP's question: get any of the N64 versions over the GC ones, as they are simply better (more fun, more creative, better art direction, just more work put in them all around and it shows).
And I don't have high hopes on this one either.
I prefer infrequent, but awesome mario platformers tbh.
and that is 8 since the N64.
That's quality over quantity.
edit: btw LewieP, I joined the forums, Invader's my name, hope I can help you
Hell, the N64 was even supposed to have a second, but it never formed. And the GCN almost had a second in Super Paper Mario. And now the Wii is getting 2 mario platformers fairly close together.
Since 4, my policy has been "When a new Mario Party comes out, get it, but sell the one you have now to offset the price. It'll be the same game, but the minigames will mostly be new."
The series is a staple in my house, what with the large family, and I'm hoping the addition of motion controls and invigorate the series.
Of course, it sort of goes without saying that the timing is kind of bad... what with the Wii already awash in minigame collections as it is.
I`m going to wait untill I`m having a family event but I`ll be buying this one for sure.
cheers, much appreciated. I'm actually nearly in first place for the competition now. 17 more referals, and I will be in position to win the HDTV!
Gabe's complaints, though, really outline what I loved about the first Mario Party. It was so capricious. Your perfect streak could be ruined almost for no reason, completely upsetting the game. It was great, because it put everyone on equal footing.
I just hope that MP 8 can capture that madness, since it's been some time since I've played one of those games (I think 3 was the last one I touched).
I just hope this time the boards are soo drastically different, that only 1 of them is worth playing (I'm looking at you 7!)
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You can't deny that its smart enconomically. I cant see Mario Party games being that hard to produce, and kids always eat them up. I remember when the GC was in its prime, I'd see a kid buying a GC Mario Party pretty much every time I went into GameStop.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Even then, it's kind of subjective. These days, it's not uncommon for Yoshi's Island to be viewed more as a "Yoshi" game than a Mario game. Same for Wario, despite the titles.
I do wish they'd release more than one per system, though. That is, of the regular sort, rather than Super Paper Mario and Super Mario Galaxy for example; I'd love either to have sequels of their own, just as the NES games did, rather than lumping the two together.
Of course, system life now is shorter than the NES/Famicom had, though it hasn't been a hurdle for Zelda, Metroid, or on other systems with the likes of Ratchet or Jax.
Feels like Mario's getting the short-end here.
As for Mario Party's, the first one I owned was 7, thanks to a friend, and I rather enjoyed it. I'd love to get the older ones as well as 8.
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I didn't love them before I thought to use the palm of my hand, though.