I'm sure it has happened to you at some point - insane neighbors. The kind of adults that have been crapped out by their mothers and left in the gutter for rats to educate. I have a couple of drunken hicks who now live upstairs with a couple of rug rats and now there's a third or fourth on the way. I can't tell how many kids they have but that's not too important since I don't think they know the answer either.
They are loud, insanely loud. The children can do pretty much what they want all day like practice track running and bowling with anvils. They are obviously from some kind of religion where setting up a curfew for your infants is something considered evil, so this will go on and on until usually 11pm on a weeknight (I honestly think the oldest son is about seven years old). When it's not the kids that practice jumping in place for the sake of making my ceiling lamps flicker, the parents will turn on loud music to a point I can barely hear what I was watching on TV.
All other neighbors who requested some civility where welcomed with a drunken and aggressive man who told them to promptly fuck off since this was a free country (I am restraining myself from telling you many stories related to their aggressiveness). I would like to take that man up with his way of thinking and do a little bit of free willed action of my own by bugging the fuck out of these people. I am looking for straight out revenge here to which they won't be able to do much or even better - not figure out what's actually happening. They are obviously not the type to be reasoned with, so I won't even try to do so. Let me be clear on this - I want to fight fire with fire. I want to do something to which they won't feel there is much they can do in return save for bending over and taking it up the Borat Tunnel of Love.
Unfortunatly I have not imagination what so ever, so I was wondering if any PAers would have some devious ideas to share. I've been thinking about sending over all kinds of different authorities like child services and shit but somehow that seems a bit overboard. Obviously, this has to be legal. I am a man who follows the law to a T, and the last thing I want to happen is to get in trouble with the authorities.
Vital info:
- They WILL be moving out this summer, an so will we. Yes, we where mostly moving away because of them and we recently learned they where going away as well. We would have probably stayed if it where not for that.
- We live in Canada, Quebec province to be exact. Assume boring Canadian laws to come into play.
- Walls and ceiling are made out of paper.
- I will do something that goes against everything Sun Tzu has told us in his teachings, but I will assume that these people are really a bunch of dumb fucks that react to anything with violence or aggressiveness.
PS. Yes, I've finished writting this post in the wee hours of the morning. GUESS WHY I'M STILL UP.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you that this is a stupid and unproductive idea.
If you want revenge, real revenge that actually benefits you and improve your living conditions, don't start a campaign of petty aggression. Instead, get the law on your side. There will be laws against noise disturbances.
Start off by making a log of all noises - time, duration, type of noise, how loud it was (using similies, unless you want to fork out for a proper meter) and why it was disturbing you (these can be seemingly petty reasons like I couldn't concentrate on American Idol properly, the authorities will understand).
If the noise is seriously impeding your ability to live normally - ie, preventing sleep - call the police (and be sure to add this to your log). If the noise starts up again after the police have left, call the police again. They won't stand for being called out more than a couple of times before they start confiscating equipment, if the occupier is drunk and aggressive, all the better.
Encourage your neighbours to do likewise. What you're doing here is building a case against the occupants, gathering a folio of evidence against them. If your logs corroborate other peoples logs, all the better. Copies of this evidence can be presented firstly to the landlord (if the occupants are renting) and then to the relevant authorities if the landlord doesn't do anything about it.
Lastly, have a dig around the internet to see if your city has any info on 'noisy neighbours', 'noise pollution', 'antisocial behaviour' or 'environmental health'. They may have a special department who will respond to complaints with proper monitoring equipment and the power to make on the spot fines, confiscate equipment and generally support your rights and case against the occupants.
And failing that, assault his fuse box.
Break his utilities
Shit on Doorstep
Throw your garbage on his doorstep
Play your own music rediculously loud
Pop their tires and break there windows
Fuck their kids.
were - Were you going to use the dictionary?
Also, I remind everyone about the "no giving illegal advice in H/A rule." I'm reminding a couple of you with infractions.
see if you cant somehow sneak in his apartment and top shelf him. this is shitting in the tank of his toliet bowl. takes people a while to figure it out and the smell isn't to be taken lightly. or a slab of raw steak. it will rot in about a week then start breaking apart and getting into the bowl itself. imagine using the bathroom to the smell of rancid meat without being able to figure it out.
it's deadly.
if this guy is truly hated maybe the super can help out. tircky though and breaking the law but worth it.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
I think he's trying to say that your thread is in the wrong forum
of doom
Cops are great for this kind of shit.
Yep. In our old apartment we had some folks below us who liked to throw parties at odd hours of the night. Very loud parties. I knew they smoked a lot of marijuana, but that was their business and for the most part I minded my own business.
I would go down there and ask him politely to turn it down, and usually they would. However, one night I go down there to ask him to turn it down, and he tells me to "fuck off" and slams the door. I noticed a nice haze of smoke coming from there, and it certainly wasn't Cigs in there.
I called the cops, got my lawn chair, and sat out on the patio waiting for the show. Needless to say, when the guy opened the door to tell me to Fuck off again, he was a bit surprised to see two cops. The cops were a bit pleased at seeing a bunch of drugs in plain site.
End result: Guy and friends were arrested, and later evicted. Never saw them again.
Like Than said, they usually have nothing better to do working the graveyard shift. And most cops that I've met particularly love to deal with loud people.
As for their activities, the twist is that this is an old building with very little sound proofing. You can't call the cops because children are running around an apartment or because the guy chooses to ignore civility by listening to stuff beyond the average volume level. They are just down right ignorant and territorial with no care in the world for the common interest of all other neighbors. They are very loud yes, but honestly I think calling the cops would be overkill, yet it feels like they are very close to the limit. The only clear illegal thing they have done up to now was to verbally harass complainers.
The Landlord has been advised, mostly by all the people who did not renew their lease (two tenants where long lasting ones). He also noticed how hard it was to get new tenants to our particular spot because every time he came around with visitors, the upstairs neighbors would do their thing.
People have complained to the neighbors (I am far from being the only one in the building with a problem with these people), results have been scary.
Seems that for some reason, complaints that have been sent by others to more official channels have never been answered. Lack of balls? I would not be surprised (guilty as charged). Administrative Clog? I would not be surprised.
They are leaving within three months, any process undertaken would be futile at this point.
They WILL get away with everything they have done. I just don't want to exit the building with a score of 0.
Oh yes you can.
How about three months good night sleep? How about three months of you and your neighbours not being terrified of an aggressive drunk?
That's ridiculous. I know exactely how you feel because I went through it last year and I was having the exact same thoughts as you. But it's still ridiculous. Get your 'net on, figure out the specifics of the law in Canada and leverage it. You'll get a lot more satisfaction from inflicting the law on your neighbour and doing your other neighbours a service in the process than anything else you could conceive. There's no point in profitless revenge, if you are going to take action, take action that provides gains for yourself - peace, appreciation of your neighbours, improved quality of life.
I know your tired and frustrated, but don't be a jerk.
if he gets attacks with you B$$$ in his s$$$$ with a ****ing ^^^^ &&&n. self defensive (NOT ILLEGAL)
cops. sheesh. yall must be from the suburbs.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748