Long-winded closing message, spoilered for text-avoiding convenience.
Two men enter...one man leaves. Then the other man leaves slightly later after recovering from the embarrassment of loss and all the sponsorship deals he blew (note: he didn't literally fellate the deals; one cannot fellate a deal; it has no penis; its corporeal form is most likely a handshake or a legally binding document).
This epic battle will culminate the end of an epic contest that has now lasted for well over a month. In internet time, that's like an entire fucking year. Ridiculous. 62 people later, we're down to this final battle. Granted, some people never showed up and we definitely pretended to hate those people for at least a few minutes before A.D.D. kicked in (especially those working past round one who, after witnessing at least eight days of preliminary battles, still couldn't figure out that this was all being done in Eastern Time), but all in all, it went fairly well. Even with the untimely forum downtime.
There will be some kind of prize scheme, and I'll PM the prizes to the winner/runner(s)-up as soon as I figure out the scheme I just said existed. That is my thanks for those who participated and my consolation for those who ruined their social lives in the process. Or, strictly speaking, since only the top couple of finishers will get prizes (potentially shitty prizes that may make them wish they hadn't won, mind you), I guess it's only my thanks for the most competent of contestants. But the rest of you participants can officially have an I.O.U. for an unfellateable handshake from either me or a dead celebrity of your choosing, filled to the fingery brim with merit and insincerity. Zombie metacarpals, too, if you prefer to go with the latter.
Cheers, my doggies. Thanks for making this work. Now let's finish this shit off.
tl;dr version of the above message.
This contest is over. Zombie bones for some.
BerkSynthetic Orange
saveable version)
Oh, and after the poll closes, the winner has to declare he likes purple or the victory will automatically fall to the runner-up (and if the runner-up fails to like purple, I think I promised the victory to scrumtrulescent). I am totally serious about this because it is gloriously irrational.
Let's do it and never stop!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
but Berk
Secret Satan
trying to steal my vote with my undying love of heman
well played SO
but I think Berk got a few more jokes in
oh god I'm so torn
I was this close to voting for you for the HW2 music
I bet I can even place it. Battle_06?
but whoops guy kinda trumped you
Which reference are you talking about
you know
the running
SO, yours was good, but damn it, too much intro.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
berk wins my vote
I mean, it was kinda lame before that.
But the Punchline.
So glorious.
For serious.
And LarLar as Al? Fucking priceless.
and oh god, Teefs and Defender, that's like a Turner and Hooch level of hilarity right there.
SO I thought all your others were fantastic, but berk defeated tl;dr last round
So guys.
Does that mean Mully kinda raped her cousin?
That was the original Whoops guy quote.
Berks was more humiliating, though.