Welcome to the Star Wars: The Old Republic thread!
What is this Old Republic you speak of?
You are speaking a foreign language and I will destroy you!
Star Wars: The Old Republic is a fully voiced, free-to-play, massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by BioWare. The story takes place 300 years after the events of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and more than 3,500 years before the events of the films. You can be a part of either of the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire, but may choose a morality anywhere between the light or dark side, regardless of which faction you choose. It's all about the choices you make in the story.
Returnhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm4JEZudf0cHopehttp://youtu.be/SAkcolVxDy0Deceivedhttp://youtu.be/YdgmH9Vv2-IThe Old Republic TimelineATC - After the Treaty of Coruscant
BTC - Before the Treaty of Coruscant
ATC 0 - The Treaty of Coruscanthttp://youtu.be/wQDSiwzxfJQBTC 7 - The Mandalorian Blockade is Brokenhttp://youtu.be/x72-QABLy-wBTC 8 - The Return of the Mandalorianshttp://youtu.be/4gpXT6JfuXUBTC 14 - The Empire Changes Strategyhttp://youtu.be/srep__09hTMBTC 18 - The Battle of Bothawui http://youtu.be/P31fsYR9TWoBTC 28 - Onslaught of the Sith Empirehttp://youtu.be/vHCPju6amQQBTC 103 - Peace for the Republichttp://youtu.be/MgnxKu4YjCUBTC 303 - The Jedi Civil Warhttp://youtu.be/Pns_QpfhsqcBTC 311 - The Mandalorian Warshttp://youtu.be/xV34yqDNOqEBTC 347 - The Exar Kun Warhttp://youtu.be/Xu3WcM3CeTQBTC 1251 - Rebirth of the Sith Empirehttp://youtu.be/Q7qG8ui0vk0BTC 1347 - The Great Hyperspace Warhttp://youtu.be/CWJWDcaeVIoBTC 3,247 - The First Dark Sith Lords on Korriban
Exiled dark Jedi landed on Korriban and became rulers of the native Sith. They began expanding their empire.
BTC 3,347 - The 2nd Great Jedi Schism
When a small group of Jedi discovered greater power was available from the force, a conflict arose and many Jedi were exiled.
BTC 21,300 - The Jedi Join the Republic
Though much remains unknown, sometime during this period, the Jedi Order swore loyalty to the Republic.
BTC 21,400 - Founding of the Republic
The development of the hyperdrive expanded the known galaxy, to keep order, several star systems formed a democratic alliance.
BTC 22,130 - The Jedi Order is Established
Peace-minded scholars and monks who survived the explosive force war on Tython relocated and established the Jedi Order.
BTC 22,140 - The Force War on Tython
Several Tythonian scholars began using their knowledge of the force to pursue power. A conflict ensued which destroyed Tython.
BTC 32,800 - Force "Discovered" on Tython
Philosophers and scientists from several star systems gathered on Tython to share Mystical Knowledge. The Force was discovered.
This thread is an offshoot of the BioWare thread. Some of us were making little journal entries of our individual stories in the game. While most were small and non-intrusive, a couple
(mostly mine) started to grow larger and larger. So I made this thread so that people in the BioWare thread don't have to suffer loading up my many images.
We're hear to talk about The Old Republic and Star Wars in general. I'm also going to use it to continue to share my Old Republic experience. I'm pretty much doing this blind, as the furthest I've ever played before, was with a different class and faction, and for a short time when the game was released.
I also invite everyone who would like to post their experiences here, to do so. It's not just my thread.
There are a couple of places that PA people meet. There is a guild on the Jedi Covenant server for both Empire and Republic players.
For Empire, it's The Lost Squadron.
For Republic, there is a guild with PAers in it, but it's really not a Penny Arcade guild. It's called Dominus Nihil if you are interested in a good casual guild that raids on the regular. Full 10% xp.
http://www.dominusnihil.com/forums is where you sign up.
@Cambiata a PM if you want to get into either guild.
If you don't want to join a guild, but still wish to chitchat with PA peeps while on Jedi Covenant, Empire side, just type:
/cjoin pennyarcade
That will get you into the chat channel.
F2P and Preferred are limited to three races;
Cyborgs (humans with metal parts on their face) and
Zabrak which come in Darth Maul red if you're playing on the Empire side and regular skin-tone if you're playing on the Republic side. If you want to unlock more races to use right there in the Character Creator or later in-game with the cash shop, it'll cost 600 Cartel Coins (six bucks real-cash). These races are (in locked order on the screen above)
Mirialans (green-skinned race that's normally Republic-only),
Twi'leks (aliens with head-tails, one of which you may have seen dancing in the third movie for Jabba),
Miralukas (aliens with blindfolds on due to having no eyes, also normally Republic-only),
Chiss (blue-skinned, red-eyed aliens that got popular due to a Star Wars novel-character named Thrawn, normally Empire-only),
Rattatakis (grey/white-skinned and always bald aliens, normally Empire-only) and
Sith-Pureblood (red aliens tied to the Sith origins, normally Empire-only). A race not seen there and added with the 2.1 patch for 600 CC (even to subscribers) are the
Cathar AKA cat-people.
Each side has four classes, with each set of classes basically identical to each other though the non-Force classes have a few differences in gear and resource management to set them apart. If you want a quick look at what they are, take a look (and ignore the charts on the right as this was made in 2011 apparently).
The pair of classes in orange are the Advanced Classes for each main class, which you pick at Lv10. Like I mentioned earlier in the thread, they help focus your role as well as grant you extra abilities tied into that AC. As you can see, the Trooper/Hunter and Consular/Inquisitor are the two classes in which their AC options offer both the opportunity to be a tank or a healer depending on which you choose.
Each class comes with it's own story, with your main missions consisting of continuing this story on different planets while you also handle side-jobs and any general storyline connected to the planet accessible to all classes. I'm not going to spoil them but I will divulge the opening hook for each class' story which tends to change once you leave your starter planet
Jedi Knight: Come to the Academy to learn how to beat people with a glowrod, stay to find out who's riling up the local population of starter mooks.
Jedi Consular: Learn the history of the Academy's planet and earn points with a lizard god without trying.
Trooper: Help the best squad of Republic soldiers as their newest recruit before all your base are belong to the local resistance.
Smuggler: Land on a war-torn planet, deliver guns and le-...wait, why is my ship flying off without me?
Sith Inquisitor: You are Harry Potter, trying to prove you're better then Draco Malfoy in the eyes of the Sith.
Sith Warrior: You are Draco Malfoy, trying to prove you're better then Harry Potter in the eyes of the Sith.
Bounty Hunter: Earn a spot in the biggest bounty-hunting contest in the galaxy at the swamps of the Hutts before the banjos begin to play.
Imperial Agent: Fool The Living Daylights out of a Hutt as a rookie Empire spy with a License To Kill. Goldfinger.
If what I described isn't enough to help you decide which class you want to try out, check out these videos below which were made by Bioware to show off the classes and their ACs.
Republic:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuChozXLGaQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA_9BiyOB1Ahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z5qKcBmy0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up9crByjT8YImperial:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L1wTWDjMRMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEZ_ziPgeF4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAKwB2tg0lchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRmJh2Qw0HUChoose your side!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4cLHU3Yd0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMMRZRsceUchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mqn4VAUps7khttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqc7dHKda30https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zKupzPFgmQ
It's impossible to not begin without a title scroll.
This is the story of Rhaevos the Sith Inquisitor, finally free from enslavement. It's amazing how most of my go-to names are taken in the game. Rhaevos was one of my first MMO names, a play on Rhaegar, from George Martin's books.
This red-brown hole is Korriban, ancient home to the Sith Empire.
Codex Entry - Korriban
Meet Rhaevos. He's the hooded one. No, the other hooded one.
I'm finally off that ship and take my first breath of freedom and right off the bat, some dude shoulder checks me. Since I don't yet have a shitlist, I'll make one now and put him at the top.
But immediately after, I meet this dick Sith trainer dude, named Overseer Harkun, whom is competing for first place on my shitlist. He wants me to find some crazy guy named Spindrall for a "Master Zash", whomever that is.
I also flirt with this girl named Kory, she seems sweet. She's a redhead and I got a weakness for redheads. Scars too, gives character. I like tattoos more though.
But anyhow, off to find this insane guy.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
My first stop is the Tomb of Ajunta Pall in the Valley of the Dark Lords to find some nutter hermit named Spindrall. He's supposed to give me my first Sith Trial.
Codex Entry - Valley of the Dark Lords
Codex Entry - Tomb of Ajunta Pall
Inside the Tomb I met this soldier whom is a chap by the name of Cormun. He seems a decent fellow and is having issues with k'lor'slugs, which I couldn't care less about, but since he was cool, I was cool back.
Codex Entry - K'lor'slug
That didn't take long at all. 'Bout thirty seconds really.
I'm surprised I cared about helping him, since I'm kinda resentful on the Empire -you know, for the whole slave thing- and I'd like nothing more than to watch them roast. Slowly.
In order to do that, I need to climb higher in the Sith and acquire contacts and support. So I'll "help" a few people in order to further my own goal of destroying these pigs.
So in light of that realization, I also went and killed a bunch of looters that were trying to sack the Tomb.
Codex Entry - Tomb Raiders (No, not that Tomb Raider)
Looking at that top pic of Korriban, surrounded by Imperial soldiers, Sith masters, students looking to prove themselves, a few Star Destroyers, and a zillion k'lor'slugs, I'm actually doing the galaxy a favor by removing these brainiacs from the gene pool. Seriously, what was their plan? Steal from the most famous of ancient Sith Lords in the middle of a Sith academy, then fly past an armada of destroyers?
C'est la vie...
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
He assumes I'm there to be tested, but assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups and I give him some snark.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
i can only log in now if I call a 1 800 number to unfreeze my account
in other words, i'll never play this game again because it's not worth a support call
was a fun game but the MMO features felt uber-shoehorned and combat grew stale unfortunately quick
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Still, the F2P stuff works okay enough that I'd still suggest playing through a class storyline or two if you're a person that liked the KOTOR games and doesn't hate MMOs.
I hear Imperial Agent is rather good, but if I did play another story, I'd rather it be Alliance and not a Force user.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
because I didn't want to play jedis either until I realized that smuggler and agent are 90% the same class
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
then I paid to hide my helm and then stopped playing
I finally got past the prologue, which makes this the furthest I've ever gotten in ToR. I got really bored the first time I tried playing, it was a Jedi Knight cause I love David Hayter's voice. The Inquisitor however is starting to get good. The conclusion of the prologue is what finally sold it on me.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Codex Entry - Sith Academy
Beyond the training rooms lay many secrets that remain hidden to all but the most powerful Sith Lords. Higher levels contain chambers for members of the Dark Council, where few living creatures are permitted. Whispered rumors suggest that the Emperor himself has a sanctum within the Academy, but no one has seen the Emperor on Korriban for many years.
Who's this jerk?
Grrrrrrrr! You're on the list!
This is kinda cool looking though:
I like the mixture of asymmetry and symmetry.
Whelp, she didn't last long. Harkun's not a redhead fan I suppose.
I don't like Harkun very much. I think he needs to die. Not because he hates me. Everyone hates me. Or will hate me. Someday. But because he just killed my Leliana stand-in.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
See, unlike Harkun whom is just an asshole, Zyn enjoys making people suffer. A lot. He appears to have no goal beyond that and seems intelligent enough to be dangerous. Harkun is a mad dog to be put down. Spindrall seemed little more than a hermit. Zash (and her master) is a name without a face. But this guy? He's dangerous. Best to tread lightly.
He wants me to torture a person of interest in an "unauthorized murder"?
Not a fucking problem! I have my own goals to accomplish, after all.
I try to work with the stubborn fool. I even offer to genuinely help him.
Never waste my time.
Now sing like a canary!
HAH! He drops a dime on some tool named Esorr (two R's?) Kayin, some Dark Council members toy. If he's dumb enough to get caught by this plebe, then he deserves to be dead. Zyn hears the name and congratulates me. He then tells me to forget about it and gives some wise council.
Codex Entry - The Dark Council
Best to remember my own goals. I don't give a damn about who killed whom anyhow. I passed my Trial, that's all that matters.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Also, does anyone ever actually do the Heroic quests? The rewards don't seem enough better to bother with spamming chat with LFGs.
I've only gotten to the very begging of my Act 1 story, but I found a way to keep your character and companions insanely powerful.
I bought a full set of adaptive armor and custom weapons. This can range from super cheap to crazy expensive, depending on if you care what your character looks like. You can probably get a full adaptive armor set for around 20,000 credits. Maybe even less.
The trick with adaptive items, is the modifications. The armor itself will scale to whatever you put in there. So the best trade skill for that is cybertech (scavenging and underworld trading go with it), which will let you make your own armoring and mod slots. You'll have to buy/find enhancements and hilts/gun mods in your own though. But armoring is the big one and covers the most slots in your equipment and will go the farthest in damage and survivability.
Once I figured crafting modifications out, I've been soloing every quest, including heroics and flashpoints.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
You really don't need to grind much as most of the quest rewards will keep you geared enough to continue the story. If you get lucky and get your hands on a few moddable items or just plunk down and buy an armor set off of the Cartel store you can just use your planetary commendations to keep the gear updated and rarely have to worry about finding a new piece of equipment or looking like a clown.
I'm picking up that they don't like me very much.
Codex Entry - Asshole Overseer Harkun
Ffon expresses his intellect by broadcasting how intelligent he is.
I on the other hand, have to go to the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, a place that has killed or driven mad thousands of acolytes, and retrieve a Sith holocron that hasn't been studied in over a thousand years.
Maybe I can pick up some evil milk at the evil Walgreens while I'm out.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
I'm usually careful on reading spoilers, since this story is actually new to me. I may have possibly had a small portion of my story spoiled for me, since I had general chat turned on for a moment in game.
If the payoff is big enough at the end of the game, I'd be highly tempted to play as more classes. From what I understand, the Inquisitor isn't the best of the stories, but it's supposedly up there.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
These poor fools are traitors of some kind. The only thing I know is that they want to subvert the Sith teachings in some manner. I don't give a shit about the Sith or their philosophy, nor do I give a shit about who wants to subvert it, but I can't afford distractions. I offer to kill them so that I may gain some reputation among the Sith. If they got caught, they're dead anyhow. I might as well profit from the situation. and advance myself.
Rhaevos also finds a sweet datacron. Give me your delicious power...
More slaves...
No! This is not my problem and I cannot waste time on them. If I'm to destroy the Sith Empire, I cannot be distracted by minor issues. My first priority should be self preservation and advancement, only then can I truly destroy this diseased place.
Codex Entry - Slavery in the Empire
Anyhow, this dude is flagging me down. I hope he has money.
Woot, called it! He wants me to kill these fugly pigs for some Varacen dude.
Welp, who am I to judge? As long as it pays, amirite? And it's along the way to the Tomb of Marca Ragnos, so win-win for me.
That was easy. The Varacen dude is just a flunkie for Lord Renning.
Now I know why he wants with all these pig creatures. He's a cook. An evil cook.
I've never met an evil cook before.
Not sure if I'd like evil cuisine. On the other hand, I did promise Harkun I'd bring back an evil dinner.
Lord Renning's favored pig-monster has disappeared. Guess I'll get his prized pig back, then have some evil pork chops.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Codex Entry - The Wilds
Though honestly? I think this one is mocking me.
More delicious knowledge.
Tastes like purple.
Rump or flank?
I'm not sure what's the choice cut on a tuk'ata... You know what? Why are there so many goddamn apostrophes on all these fucking creature names? Is tukata too hard? Does klorslug not work (k'lor'slug)?
Or extra consonants. Like Ffon? They didn't exactly spell it Lukke Skywalkerr or H'ann Sol'o or Kashyyyk with three Y's -OH WAIT!-
Anyhow, since I fried the evil pig, I suppose it's evil jerky for evil dinner once finish my Trial.
Speaking of which...
So here we are, deep inside :winky: the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, confronting a Sith holocron of untold knowledge and power. Hundreds have tried to access it's wonders for over a thousand years...
Codex Entry - Tomb of Marka Ragnos
We should treat this unique and sacred artifact with the utmost care and respect!
Like most of life's problems, this one can be solved with lightning.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Fraps. I started off using the in game screen capture, but it turned out to be shit. So I use Fraps now. Which is nice, since I can just spam my screen cap key, and then later select the best screenshots to use.
I host with Imgur, which is free, but I paid for a year subscription. Photobucket is also a good one, but there is a bandwidth limit, so an LP will run that dry fast.
That's why it's taking so long for me to copy all of my posts from the old BioWare thread. I'm converting my old low res shots into something a bit more viewable. I'm almost done with converting, so hopefully soon I can get to my new stuff.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
The issue is the time limit. They start to delete the images if they see no use after six months. Since LP's tend to take several months, you're risking having parts of it deleted before you finish.
Photobucket doesn't have a time limit, -my avatar is a pic I uploaded back when I first joined PA in 2005- but they do have a bandwidth limit. Which also is a pain with an LP.
There are other image hosting services, but I haven't explored them all, just those two.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
I prefer the timelines myself. I still hope they finish them one day.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
I see. I did find that I can use Infanview to score screenshots while playing so at least I don't have to download Fraps. I just with my mouse had an extra button to use since right now used Alt+X as the keys to take the test pictures.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
I don't often remember to take screen shots, but I've got a couple from the one character I got to the end with.
Here's my Bounty Hunter re-enacting Empire Strikes Back.
And here's some shots of him finishing up his main story line. Warning: there will be some endgame spoilers in here.
After taking out the corporations and freedom fighters still loyal to the Republic, that last obstacle to Imperial victory are the elite Green Jedi.
Here Mako and some troopers watch for reinforcements while Lotah looks for the man in charge.
This punk Jedi thinks he can take me out by sneaking up on me. A quick force push sends Lotah flying over a balcony railing, and the Jedi dives in for a killing blow...
but gets dropped mid-air by a busrt of blaster fire.
I continue onward to find the Jedi responsible for sending hit-squads after me. I can't really remember why he is so mad at me. Something about stealing an advanced Republic warship, and then sending it into a black hole with his apprentice on-board. It wasn't anything personal, I just wanted to win a contest. His reaction was totally overblown.
Anyways, I find him, he insults my ego and tells me I've brought all my problems on myself through my arrogance and quest for glory. I agree to disagree and we get into a fight.
Turns out that while lightsabers are great a bouncing back blaster shots, they suck at stopping a wall of flames.
Lotah then returns to Imperial command with their prizes. Darth Decimus is so happy that he invents a new medal just for me, and gives me a great opportunity to drum up a little more business for myself.
Boarding his capital ship was pretty exciting, and included probably the hardest fight I've seen in the game, but unfortunately, I don't have any screenshots of it.
After finding my target, we had a nice little conversation about a new business opprotunity.
Warning: again end game story spoilers
So I returned to Darth Tormen and told him I now had a better offer on the table.
His counter-offer was to rip the table off the floor and attempt to bludgeon me to death with it.
Lotah and Tormen then engaged in an epic duel, but again, no screenshots really turned out. But you can imagine how cool it looked.
After subduing Tormen, Lotah feels like lecturing him on the responsibilities of leadership and proper applications of force for those in positions of authority.
Tormen is pretty furious and rants about how insignificant I am, and how I showed fear and tremble before the power of the Sith.
And with that all wrapped up, the only thing left to do was strike a dramatic pose with my crew, and fly off into the sunset.
I should try and get back into this game. Maybe I can remember to take pictures while leveling this handsome devil.
The restrictions have yet to annoy me terribly, but I'm only level 14.
Plus I'm mostly in it for the story.
Also there's just something about mindlessly grinding in an MMO that I've missed.
That was pretty cool. I hear the Bounty Hunter is a rather good story.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
EDIT: Ok, I think I got enough screenshots for an initial post. I just have to wait for Imgur to settle down as it's right now slow-loading and constantly flashing over-capacity messages.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Codex Entry - Tuk'ata
I take her up on her offer cause she looks a bit like Anna Popplewell and I can't resist.
How about a date later?
Hey Renning!
That's how I roll.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.