"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
-Cersei Lannister
Welcome to
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, where you'll experience George R.R. Martin's Westeros like never before! AGoT:tCG is
Fantasy Flight Games' game of intrigue, diplomacy, and strategy for 4 players. Across the Seven Kingdoms, the Great Houses of Westeros struggle to control the Iron Throne. As the influential House Baratheon, honorable House Stark, treacherous House Lannister and fierce House Targraryen all vie in a life-or-death struggle for the future of the realm, dark and supernatural forces amass outside the kingdom’s defensive wall. Winter is coming. Do you have what it takes to emerge victorious in the only game that matters, A Game of Thrones?
“Give me honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones, and I'll sleep more easily by night."Ned felt his anger rise. "You knew of this plot, and yet you did nothing."
"I command whisperers, not warriors."
"You might have come to me earlier."
"Oh, yes, I confess it. And you would have rushed straight to the king, yes? And when Robert heard of his peril, what would he have done? I wonder."
Ned considered that. "He would have damned them all, and fought anyway, to show he did not fear them."“Put not your trust in spiders, my lord."
That was scarcely anything Ned needed to be told.
"I will remember that, Maester. And I thank you for your help.”
In AGoT:tCG, players take control of one of four major houses of Westeros, and they zealously compete for power (the first player that earns 15 “power tokens” is declared the winner). Each house’s deck has different strengths and weakness based on the themes, characters, and locations of George R.R. Martin’s epic series. Indeed, fans of Martin’s writing will find AGoT:tCG strikingly true to the novels, and newcomers to the saga will be drawn in by the strife, intrigue, and backstabbery that so many readers have come to love. House Stark’s strength, for example, is in their military capabilities, while House Lannister’s cards concentrate on shocking and devious manipulations of the normal flow of the game.
The beloved heroes, villains, locations, and events of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire saga come to life in this customizable card game. Players take control of the Starks, Baratheons, Lannisters, or Targaryens and attempt to plot, fight, conspire, manipulate, and bribe their way to victory.
AGoT:tCG offers an experience faithful to George R.R. Martin’s beloved saga while simultaneously providing a clever and addictive game system. Whether your tactical style is underhanded or openly aggressive, diplomatic or blunt, you’ll find yourself enthralled. All of this, along with the infinite flexibility of the LCG™ system, makes A Game of Thrones: The Card Game the only game that matters...
This will be a Play-By-Post Game of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game for 4 players, participants determined from sign-ups.
We will NOT be deck-building nor using Agenda cards.
Decks will be comprised of each House's proprietary cards in the Core Set and first set of expansions.
Please sign-up in limegreen.
You may also post which House you may wish to play or not.
(See image in next post.)
Participants will be determined randomly, although Phyphor & Matev are in, due to their already being in the game.
No PM's are allowed between players.
All discussion must be done in the thread.
Game questions to the host are allowed.[RULES][RULES SUMMARY][FAQ]
“I can feel it in these old bones of mine, and Maester Aemon agrees. The cold winds are rising. Summer is at an end, and a winter is coming such as this world has never seen.” — Old Bear Mormont
As with most card-based games, the rules are simple but the card actions and exceptions create situations that can be complex.
One important item - Responses can be played after ANY one card play! This can mean you will stop the active player in his tracks to play a card on his action. Don't be surprised if another player interrupts your plans!
-The Turn Phases-
Step 1: Choose and Reveal Plot Cards
Each player chooses and reveals one plot card from his plot deck.
The player with the highest total initiative (sum of your plot card’s initiative and any initiative bonuses on cards you control) wins initiative and chooses who will be the first player. He may choose himself. The first player then decides in which order the plot cards effect's are resolved.
Step 2: Select Titles
Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, each player selects a title from the Small Council Chamber.
2. Draw
Players draw 2 cards from their House deck and add them to their hand.
3. Marshalling
The active player completes all marshalling before the next player clockwise. On your turn, first determine your income (add the income on your revealed plot card to any income bonuses on cards you control) and take that number of gold tokens from the Treasury. Now, play cards from your hand, paying their gold cost until you either run out of gold, run out of cards to play, or stop.
You may also attach duplicates to your unique cards, at no gold cost.
A Character, Location, or Attachment of a different House costs its gold cost +2.
A card that has been ‘used’ is rotated 90º and is kneeling. Only standing cards may be used for actions that require kneeling.
4. Challenges
The active player completes all challenges before the next player clockwise. Initiate one of each type of challenge against any opponent, in any order. Before, between, but not during each step, players may play cards and use abilities playable during the Challenges phase.
Step 1: Declare Attackers
Declare the type of challenge (military, intrigue, or power), and which player you are challenging. Declare attackers by kneeling at least one of your standing characters with the correct challenge icon.
Step 2: Declare Defenders
The challenged opponent may kneel at least one standing character with the correct challenge icon as defenders against your challenge.
Step 3: Resolve
The player with the highest total STR wins.
Ties go to the attacker (must have 1 STR).
Attacker wins:
Defender chooses and kills a number of his characters in play equal to the claim value on the attacker’s revealed plot card.
Defender discards, at random, cards from his hand equal to the claim value of the attacker’s revealed plot card.
Defender gives the attacker power equal to the claim value on the attacker’s revealed plot card.
If the defender had a total STR of 0 (or no defending characters), the attacker also claims 1 bonus power from the power pool.
Defender wins:
No claim effect.
5. Dominance
All players count the total combined STR of all of their standing characters, adding 1 for each of their gold tokens.
Player with the highest value is dominant and immediately claims 1 power.
6. Standing
All players simultaneously stand kneeling Characters, Locations, and Attachments.
7. Taxation
All players simultaneously move unspent gold tokens back to the treasury. Return all titles to the Small Council Chamber.
-Power and Victory-
When you are instructed to claim X power for your House, take X counters from the power pool in the Throne Room and place them on your House card. When a card effect allows a character to claim X power, take X counters from the Power pool and place them on the character card. This counts towards your 15 power victory total, but does not count as power on your House. If a character leaves play for any reason, power on that character is returned to the Power pool.
During a challenge, if the attacking player controls the most participating Deadly characters, the defending player must choose and kill a participating defending character after the challenge resolves.
These cards are placed in the dead pile whenever they would otherwise be placed in the discard pile from play.
Deathbound Event cards are placed in the dead pile only after they are successfully played from their owner’s hand. If the effects of a Deathbound Event are canceled, it is placed in its owner’s discard pile.
This card ignores the effects of card types to which it is immune. A card cannot be chosen as the target of any effect to which it is immune.
You may play only one Limited card (of any type) per round. A Limited Response: action is not the same thing; each player cannot trigger more than one Limited Response: per round.
No Attachments
This card may not have any attachments on it at any time. Duplicates are not considered to be attachments.
If you win a challenge (as attacker or defender), each of your participating characters with Renown claims 1 power after the challenge resolves.
For each of your attacking characters with Stealth, you may choose, before defenders are declared, a character without Stealth on the defending side who may not then defend during this challenge.
Setup Cards may be played during setup.
-House Specific Keywords-
You may put an Ambush card into play from your hand as an Any Phase: action, by paying its gold cost with influence.
Infamy - Lannister
When you claim power or move power to your House, you may place it on any card with Infamy instead of placing it on your House. Power on a card with Infamy does count towards your victory total, regardless of the card’s type.
Stalwart - Stark
When a Stalwart card is killed or discarded from play, it is placed on the top of its owner’s deck instead of being placed in the dead or discard pile.
Vigilant - Baratheon
After you win a challenge as the attacker, you may stand any number of Vigilant cards that you control.
Intimidate - *Greyjoy*
While a character with Intimidate is attacking, characters with a lower STR than that character do not count their STR for that challenge.
Vengeful - *Martell*
After you lose a challenge as the defender, you may stand any number of Vengeful cards that you control.
If your title supports another title, you cannot initiate challenges against the player holding it. When a player you support is attacked by another player, if the defending player declares no defenders, you may declare any number of your own eligible characters as defenders to that challenge. You are considered the winner or loser of the challenge, but the original target of the challenge is still responsible for any claim that would need to be resolved.
Stealth, if applicable, must be declared against characters controlled by the player who is the original target of the attack.
On the board, a title is positioned clockwise from the title it supports, and a curved arrow points to the supported title.
If your title opposes another title, you are rewarded for winning a challenge against the player holding it. If you win a challenge against a player with a title that you oppose, you claim 1 power for your House in addition to any other power you might claim for winning that challenge. You cannot claim more than one power per round in this manner.
On the board, a title is positioned opposite the title it opposes, and a dark arrow points to the opposed title.
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
Add 3 to your side’s total STR in any Military challenge in which you have at least one participating character.
Special ability: Once per round, when an opponent is attacked by Military challenge by another opponent and decides not to declare any defenders, you can make yourself the target of the attack. The attacker cannot back out of the challenge; any characters he declared as attackers now attack you. If you win, you move 1 power from the attacker’s House to your own. If you lose, you must satisfy the attacker’s claim. You cannot use this ability if you are not a legal target for the declared attack.
Master of Whispers
Add 3 to your side’s total STR in any Intrigue challenge in which you have at least one participating character.
Master of Coin.
Master of Laws, Crown Regent.
Crown Regent
Add 3 to your side’s total STR in any Power challenge in which you have at least one participating character.
Special ability: Once per round, after a player initiates a challenge and declares a target and attackers, you may make that player choose a new legal target. If there are no other legal targets, the attack goes through against the original target. Players can never choose to attack themselves.
Master of Coin
When you count income during the Marshalling phase, add 2 to your total income.
Master of Laws.
Hand of the King.
Hand of the King
Use once, at any time throughout the round, to produce 2 influence.
Master of Whispers.
Master of Coin.
Master of Laws
Draw an additional card when you draw cards during the draw phase. This does not count towards your draw cap for the round.
Hand of the King.
Master of Whispers.
-Other Game Concepts-
Unique cards have a banner icon next to their title; each player may only have one copy in play. You may not play or take control of a unique card if there is a copy of that card in your dead pile, or if your opponent has taken control of another copy of that unique card from you.
If you have a duplicate (another card of the same name) of a unique card in your hand but you already control and own a version of that card in play, you may attach the duplicate from your hand to the unique card in play, for no gold cost, during your marshalling. Place the duplicate under the version already in play. (You control a card you have played as long as no opponent has taken control of that card through the use of an effect. A card you own is one you brought to the game.)
If one of your unique cards is about to be killed, discarded from play, or returned to your hand or deck, as a triggered Response: effect, you may discard an attached duplicate to save the unique card.
Duplicates, once they have been played, are not considered attachments; although they are attached to a character, they are not affected by effects that specifically affect attachments.
Duplicates have no text, titles, or traits. Duplicates may only be played on unique cards that you control and own. A card attached in this way is thus only considered to be a “duplicate card” while it is actually in play and attached to a version of itself.
You may have more than one duplicate attached to a single card.
Multiple Character Versions
Different versions of unique cards (ie, cards with the same name but different stats and effects) are considered to be the same unique card (and thus only one version may be in play on your side at any one time). If you are playing with multiple versions of a unique card, and have the option to play a different version as a duplicate, only the abilities of the first card played (ie, the card on top) are in effect. You cannot switch a card with its duplicate.
Multi-house Cards
Multi-house cards have 2 (or more) House shields printed on them. They are considered to be affiliated with 2 or more Houses, as indicated by their shields, for all game purposes.
Playing Cards
You are only allowed to play Characters, Locations, and Attachments from your hand by paying their gold cost during your turn of the Marshalling phase. Event cards may be played, and card abilities may be used, at any time during the phase stated in their text. If a card ability states Any Phase: then the ability may be used during any phase of the game.
“In Play” & Removed from the Game
All non-plot cards in the game are considered in play except for cards in your House deck, cards in your discard and dead piles, your agenda, any card that has been removed from the game, and cards in hand.
Cards removed from the game are completely removed from the playing area, and have no further interaction with that game.
The Draw Cap
No player can draw more than 3 additional cards per round, regardless of card effects. Only effects with the word draw are considered under this restriction.
Drawing Multiple Cards
When a player draws multiple cards, he is considered to be drawing them one at a time, not all at once.
High-claim Military Challenges
If, during a military challenge, the defending player loses, and the attacking player has a claim of 2 or higher, the defending player must kill the required number of different characters all at once.
Actions and Passive Abilities
Taking an action is defined as playing a card or using the ability of a card already in play (responses do not count as actions).
Immediately after they are announced, action effects are completely resolved; then another action may be taken. You may take actions during any player’s turn as long as your card allows for its effect to be executed at that time.
The first player always has the option to take the first action of each phase (but is not allowed to play a Character, Attachment, or Location card during the Marshalling phase, unless it is his turn).
After a player’s action resolves, he must allow each opponent (in clockwise order) the opportunity to take an action or pass. A player may not take another action until all opponents have taken an action or passed.
A passive ability is a card effect that takes place automatically, without action from any player. Some are automatically initiated at a certain time; others may be lasting effects.
Actions and passive abilities are not interchangeable: If a card has a passive ability, resolving that ability is not considered taking an action by the player. Passive abiities are always resolved before player actions may take place.
If two or more passive abilities are initiated at the same moment, they are resolved in the order determined by the first player.
Some card abilities, instead of listing the phase in which they may be used, have a Response: label.
These abilities may only be used specifically when the card in question states they may be used. Responses resolve before the next action may be taken.
Response opportunities always begin with the player to the left of the player who initiated the action to which a player wishes to respond, and proceed clockwise from that player.
Cancel/Save Responses
Normally, when a player takes an action, either through playing a card or choosing to trigger the ability of a card already in play, the effects of that action are completely resolved before another action can be taken. The exception to this is a response action that contains the words cancel or save.
Cancel responses are special effects that interrupt an action and prevent its effects from resolving. However, any costs of the canceled action must still be paid.
Save responses are special effects that interrupt and prevent the killing or discarding of a card in play. However, any costs of the killing/discarding action must still be paid.
Lasting Effects
Most effects last only for the duration of one action (immediately after being triggered), but some effects last for a set period of time, or even indefinitely. Effects that last for longer than a single action are considered lasting effects.
Multiple lasting effects may affect the same card at the same time. The order in which the lasting effects take place is irrelevant, since the net sum of all lasting effects is applied to the character.
If a character’s STR is ever lower than 0 after all effects are applied, its STR is rounded up to 0. Any time a new modifier is added to the mix, reevaluate to net sum from scratch before applying it to the base STR.
-“Littlefinger” Variant-
Players can (and will!) back out of deals, even after money has changed hands. So proceed with caution!
-Strategy Tips & Info-
Just read the cards for what they say; no more; no less. Don't read more into them than what they say and no less than what they say. Some of the images of cards will have things that will not apply to this particular game, i.e. deck-building & tournament stuff. I will try to keep those out of the Hand Tracker texts to avoid confusion. Play dumb and you will probably be fine!
FFG Video Tutorial
CardGameDB Strategy Pg 1
CardGameDB Strategy Pg 2
CardGameDB Lists
BGG Official Deck Lists
BGG LCG Set Lists
BGG Review
Ambush - Targaryen
You may put an Ambush card into play from your hand as an Any Phase: action, by paying its gold cost with influence.
Kinda both, (depending on the phase).
If you put it into play during YOUR Marshalling Phase, you can pay with Gold or Influence, but not a combination of the two.
"(but is not allowed to play a Character, Attachment, or Location card during the Marshalling phase, unless it is his turn)."
Other phases require Influence to put it into play, which others generally can't do, thus "Ambushing" them with a surprise after all have Marshalled forces already.
E - "Hey look! A dragon! Oh, great!"
Since putting a card into play is a complete and separate action, cards are ready to be used as soon as that put-into-play action passes, so, yes, they are available for use right away.
The rule refers specifically to characters that bear the coat of arms of one (or more) of the 4 Major Houses that is not yours.
Neutrals will play on anyone's team.
I don't believe we will be coming across this situation much this game, if at all, since the decks are pretty set to line up with each House.
Gold penalty comes into play more when you build your own deck from ANY of the available cards.
"I really want that character in my deck, even tho' he's a Stark & I'm playing Lannister."
Also, the cards have color-coded powers.
Strength of a Character is in their Shield symbol.
Red is capable of Military challenges. (Killing others' Characters.)
Green is capable of Intrigue challenges. (Removing cards from others' hands.)
Blue is capable of Power challenges. (Taking others' Power from their House card to your own.)
Circular Gold symbol on a card is gold for your House.
Parchment symbol on a card is Influence for your House.
Diamond symbol on a card is Initiative for your House.
Can't attack someone you support. They can attack you. Ingrates.
In every phase or action.
Once the game begins, you'll use the "Draw to Hand" command on Hand Tracker to draw cards. To play cards, click the "Give" button and give the card to me, then link the action in the thread with the name of the card.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
You may also post which House you may wish to play or not.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Maybe this time around wildfire assault won't show up!
I will take up the Lannister banner again!
Sign me up, if you don't mind previous players making a return.
Wins: NBN; Jenny Barnes; Emperor of Mankind; Werewolf (posthumous), Gregor; Colonel Mustard; USSR
Losses: Silas Marsh Bob Jenkins; Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle; House Harkonnen; Stark; Beravor; Scientist, Dispatcher; Universities of Jol-Nar, Winnu
Yay! I wasn't eaten by these cute little bears!
I'll give it a day or two for sign-ups.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Wins: NBN; Jenny Barnes; Emperor of Mankind; Werewolf (posthumous), Gregor; Colonel Mustard; USSR
Losses: Silas Marsh Bob Jenkins; Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle; House Harkonnen; Stark; Beravor; Scientist, Dispatcher; Universities of Jol-Nar, Winnu
Fresh meat, @robinlambert, gets in automatically.
High roll gets the last spot.
geth roll 1d1000 for caliber
geth roll 1d1000 for jdarksun
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
@jdarksun gets the remaining one.
Sorry, @caliber!
No honey for you.
E - Remember, everyone who has played the Dragons has had to bail!
It's dangerous.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Or rob can have them if he wants them.
I am reading over the rules, I have watched a couple of videos, and I have signed up for Handtracker.
I probably now just enough to get my butt handed to me.
Core Set
Lannister Expansion
Stark Expansion
Baratheon Expansion
Targaryen Expansion
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
All discussion must be done in the thread.
Game questions to the host are allowed.
I have set up HT in 2 "games" for each player - their Plot deck in 1 game & their draw deck in another - since you choose, not draw, which Plot you are playing each turn. Since there are 14 Plots in the combined Core & Expanded games, we will be drawing 7 Plots at the start & those will be the 7 you get to play with all game. The other 7 will be ignored. I also set it up this way so your playable hand won't be cluttered up with Plots everywhere, since HT doesn't organize cards in a hand too well.
This game will be all "GIVE" in HT!
Card statuses divide up into in-play cards, a dead pile & a discard pile.
The only way i could see this working, (without me having to recreate decks every day or two), is if I receive your cards, no matter what they are played for.
There are cards which let you scan your draw deck for particular cards and put them in your hand.
If there were cards in HT's actual discard pile, these would get re-shuffled into the draw deck & that would be bad.
The cards, shown on CardGameDB Lists I use, have color-coded powers.
Strength of a Character is in their Shield symbol.
Red is capable of Military challenges. (Killing others' Characters.)
Green is capable of Intrigue challenges. (Removing cards from others' hands.)
Blue is capable of Power challenges. (Taking others' Power from their House card to your own.)
Circular Gold symbol on a card is Gold for your House.
Parchment symbol on a card is Influence for your House.
Diamond symbol on a card is Initiative for your House.
Seating order -
Matev, Phyphor, jdarksun & robinlambert.
First steps are -
Draw 7 Plot cards and draw 7 Player cards.
We will use the Warhammer Mulligan rule for drawing starting cards; i.e. - Draw your cards, (both Player cards & Plot cards), decide if you want to keep them or discard the whole set, re-shuffle and re-draw. (Player & Plot cards decided separately. Both can be dumped.)
This decision can't be reversed. Once you re-draw, you're stuck with those cards.
Please let me know whether you will keep your initial sets of cards or not & I will update the thread here.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Stark - Phyphor kept both of his starting draws.
Baratheon - jdarksun kept both of his starting draws.
Targaryen - robinlambert kept both of his starting draws.
We can now begin the pre-game Marshalling phase.
You may place up to 5 gold worth of characters and/or location cards from your hand facedown in front of you. You may not place attachments unless they include the Setup keyword; your setup must also include valid targets for such attachments. You may only place one card with the Limited keyword and you may not place duplicates of unique cards.
GIVE me your pre-game selections, as this is done secretly, and I will post the starting line-ups.
Then, draw back up to 7 cards in your hand from the draw deck, replacing the cards you just played.
The cards will be positioned in order of House Card, (which can receive Attachments when a card says so), Characters, Attachments and Locations.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Lannister - Matev
CHARACTER - Tyrion Lannister - Cost: 4 - STR: 3 - Icon: Military, Intrigue, Power - Lord. - Stealth. - While Tyrion Lannister is participating in a challenge, all knelt Clansman characters you control are also participating in that challenge. Response: Kneel a Clansman character to save Tyrion Lannister from being killed. - Crest: Learned
LOCATION - Sunset Sea - Cost: 0 - Westeros. - Marshalling: Discard Sunset Sea from play to reduce the cost of the next Lannister or Greyjoy character you play this phase by 2. - 1 Influence.
House Power = 0
Gold Pool = 0
Cards in Hand = 7
Stark - Phyphor
CHARACTER - Kennel Master - Cost: 2 - STR: 2 - Icon: Military - Ally. - Kennel Master gets +1 STR for each Direwolf in play. While you control 3 or more Direwolf cards, Kennel Master gains: "Response: Save Kennel Master from being killed or discarded, and return him to his owner's hand."
CHARACTER - House Tully Recruiter - Cost: 1 - STR: 1 - Icon: Power - Ally. House Tully. - Marshalling: Kneel to lower the cost of the next House Stark character you play this phase by 1.
LOCATION - Frozen Outpost - Cost: 2 - Winterfell. Stronghold. - Challenges: Kneel Frozen Outpost to choose and stand 1 defending character. Until the end of the challenge, that character gets +2 STR (+4 STR instead if it is a War character).
LOCATION - Great Keep - Cost: 0 - Winterfell. - Stronghold. - Limited. - +1 Gold.
House Power = 0
Gold Pool = 0
Cards in Hand = 7
Baratheon - jdarksun
CHARACTER - Ser Parmen Crane - Unique - Cost: 3 - STR: 3 - Icon: Military, Power - Knight. Rainbow Guard. - No attachments except Weapon. House Baratheon Lord characters you control gain: "Response: Kneel 1 influence to save this character from being killed."
LOCATION - The Stormlands - Unique - Cost: 2 - Kingdom. - Your revealed plot card gains the Power Struggle trait. If it has the printed Power Struggle trait, raise your claim value by 1 during Power challenges.
LOCATION - Aegon's Garden - Cost: 0 - Dragonstone. - Limited. - +1 Gold.
House Power = 0
Gold Pool = 0
Cards in Hand = 7
Targaryen - robinlambert
CHARACTER - Captain Groleo - Unique - Cost: 3 - STR: 3 - Icon: Military, Power - Ally. Captain. - Response: After an opponent plays or reveals an attachment, claim 1 power for your House. (Limit 1 per phase.)
CHARACTER - Blue-Lipped Warlock - Cost: 2 - STR: 1 - Icon: Intrigue - Ally. Qartheen. - Blue-Lipped Warlock does not kneel to attack. Dominance: Return Blue-Lipped Warlock from your dead pile to your hand. Use this ability only if there are at least 3 characters in your dead pile.
House Power = 0
Gold Pool = 0
Cards in Hand = 7
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Step 1: Choose and Reveal Plot Cards
Each player chooses and reveals one plot card from his plot deck.
The player with the highest total initiative (sum of your plot card’s initiative and any initiative bonuses on cards you control) wins initiative and chooses who will be the first player. He may choose himself. The first player then decides in which order the plot cards effect's are resolved.
Please select a Plot card and GIVE that card to me and we will resolve Initiative.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Lannister - Matev
PLOT - The Art of Seduction - Inc: 3 Init: 2 Claim: 1 - When revealed, choose 1 opponent that did not reveal The Art of Seduction as his or her plot. That opponent cannot reveal a new plot card during the plot phase next round.
Stark - Phyphor
PLOT - Family, Duty, Honor - Inc: 4 Init: 3 Claim: 1 - When revealed, search the top 5 cards of your deck for any number of House Tully cards, reveal them, and add them to your hand. Then, shuffle the other searched cards back into your deck.
Baratheon - jdarksun
PLOT - Good for the Gander - Inc: 4 Init: 0 Claim: 1 - When revealed, copy the "when revealed" ability of an opponent's revealed plot card.
Targaryen - robinlambert
PLOT - Noose and Swordpoint - Inc: 4 Init: 3 Claim: 1 - Characters with STR 2 or lower cannot stand during the standing phase.
We have 2 players with 3 Init each & no held Power to break it so it's determined randomly.
Geth roll 1d1000 for Phyphor
Geth roll 1d1000 for robinlambert
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The first player will decide in which order the Plot cards effect's are resolved, which is the upcoming step.
OK, @Phyphor, who's First Player?
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
I don't think it matters, but Stark, Baratheon, Lannister for the effects
It's a funny thing, being able to reveal new plot cards. Seems like the sort of thing people might value.
I could promise to not hit those who don't pick me. Also that my building season partner won't be someone that does pick me
Also, I think Baratheon now has to choose some to suffer The Art of Seduction.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Baratheon -@jdarksun to resolve his Plot card's effect.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1