I'm pretty sure the game is buried on an old flash drive or hard drive of mine somewhere, but no luck finding it without knowing the title, and trying to google it has probably put me on fifteen new government watch lists and just given me page after page of internet insanity.
Anyway, I want to say the game had a Latin name. I think it came out post-2000, but... I could be way late on that, could be mid to late 90's for as good as my memory is.
Other than that, it was a strategy game with a Risk-style map, except rather than military conquest it was conquest by an Illuminati/NWO-style conspiracy. You conquer a country by controlling its military, political, criminal, industrial, religious, and media leaders, and if you manage to do so on a global scale (while legitimate forces and traitors erode your existing control and crazy people on the internet make the populace uneasy), you win.
I'm pretty sure it was an indie game, but it had a demo and paid full version. It wasn't exactly great, and it got repetitive pretty quick, but it still had enough charm that I've been wanting to revisit it lately.
Any help?
Otherwise you might find it in the bigass list at the bottom of this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_simulation_game
Very spreadsheet. Some basic stats (population pacification, income) in a bar, black lines on a white background for the map, countries where you control leaders are varying shades of red depending on how much control you have. Actions are basically from a menu - you click on a country, then a leader, then you can investiage them to find weaknesses, then pressure them (blackmail, bribery, favors, etc), or get rid of them (there were several ways to do this, I remember scandal, supporting a rival, or just killing them).
I did remember that, while there was very little war involved, if you did control all leaders of a country you could incite a war between it and a neighbor. Doing so caused a loss of population control, risked leaders leaving, but if you won would give you total control of the target country.
Thanks to people for the leads, Shadow President and Neocolonialism did eventually lead me there. I was really starting to believe I'd imagined the game.
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