anyone have good recs for physical books for drawing technique and stuff that aren't like, too general or too complicated?
Now That I got a new pen display to draw on I wanna practice more often but I kinda want something to practice along with or has some decent reference in it or both?
The way I've got my computer set up with it and the way my brain works its really hard to follow along with videos though so having a phat stack of books I can toss open on a music stand or something I think might help
Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain comes to mind immediately. I know that someone posted here or in Artist's Corner a pretty good list? Actually yeah I think there are a couple of good threads as announcements for just this kind of thing there.
anyone have good recs for physical books for drawing technique and stuff that aren't like, too general or too complicated?
Now That I got a new pen display to draw on I wanna practice more often but I kinda want something to practice along with or has some decent reference in it or both?
The way I've got my computer set up with it and the way my brain works its really hard to follow along with videos though so having a phat stack of books I can toss open on a music stand or something I think might help
Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain comes to mind immediately. I know that someone posted here or in Artist's Corner a pretty good list? Actually yeah I think there are a couple of good threads as announcements for just this kind of thing there.
Specifically, there's a link in there to a google drive full of art books and I am staggered by the amount of good stuff in there. I'm downloading them all, it's going to take an age to go through it!
Thanks everyone. I did pick up drawing on the right side of the brain the other day on taya's recommendation actually as well as Morpho volume 1
Drawing on the right side of the brain is reminding me a lot from skimming it of that short class I took at the museum a few years before the pandemic but it's laid out like a text book which is a little intimidating to me because of my lack of academic experience. I'm sure if I just go through it a little at a time it'll help a lot though.
The hard thing is it expects traditional medium stuff for some exercises in it and I'm working on a pen display so it'll take some adaptation I'm sure. Unless I pick up a new sketch pad somewhere soon.
I did the paid version and actually think it didn’t add anything too valuable over what’s there for free. I also personally think the really useful stuff is lesson “0” through the 250 box challenge. After that the lessons get a bit muddled, and I found that his teaching wasn’t gelling with the way I think past that point.
Oh! Also draw a box is meant to be done with just a ballpoint pen and whatever paper you can find.
I've been sketching on post-it notes during my lunch break lately. Got a backlog of them, so I'll post here a few at a time. Hope bluesky links work!
Edit: nope, they don't. I'll try something else later.
Ever since I started following Japanese artists who draw FFVI, I’ll discover it’s a a character’s birthday when a ton of fanart for that character shows up that day. But this time, the entire month of October has been art of Terra. This gave me the chance to participate myself.
I think this mouse might have stolen that candy corn
Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain comes to mind immediately. I know that someone posted here or in Artist's Corner a pretty good list? Actually yeah I think there are a couple of good threads as announcements for just this kind of thing there.
EDIT: Yep Questions, Discussions, Tutorials is a good resource.
@Tallahasseeriel Just stumbled across a Reddit thread that I found very helpful, and thought you might too:
Don't be fooled by the name, ha, it's good advice
Specifically, there's a link in there to a google drive full of art books and I am staggered by the amount of good stuff in there. I'm downloading them all, it's going to take an age to go through it!
Drawing on the right side of the brain is reminding me a lot from skimming it of that short class I took at the museum a few years before the pandemic but it's laid out like a text book which is a little intimidating to me because of my lack of academic experience. I'm sure if I just go through it a little at a time it'll help a lot though.
The hard thing is it expects traditional medium stuff for some exercises in it and I'm working on a pen display so it'll take some adaptation I'm sure. Unless I pick up a new sketch pad somewhere soon.
I did the paid version and actually think it didn’t add anything too valuable over what’s there for free. I also personally think the really useful stuff is lesson “0” through the 250 box challenge. After that the lessons get a bit muddled, and I found that his teaching wasn’t gelling with the way I think past that point.
Oh! Also draw a box is meant to be done with just a ballpoint pen and whatever paper you can find.
I like anything other than spending hundred of hours in XGen to indicate fur.
Pumpkin doodle!
I'm going with Capcomtober this year but I'm off to a bad start and re-did the first day and don't really like either.
I think I've finally hit a set of brushes and a workable style I can carry forward through the month. Now I can draw other characters...
Neneh Molly from Eco-Fighters
Minayle from Monster Hunter Rise:Sunbreak
Chuck Greene from Dead Rising 2
Pure and Fur (Adventure Quiz: Capcom World)
Date Masamune (Sengoku Basara)
Fiona and Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Linz (Quiz Nanairo Dreams)
Edit: nope, they don't. I'll try something else later.
Amuritta from Tech Romancer
Galuda from Power Stone
Captain Rose from Zack and Wiki
Black Tiger (Black Tiger)
Mercedes Marten (Dragon's Dogma)
Vanessa Z. Schneider (P.N.03)
dim man
Ever since I started following Japanese artists who draw FFVI, I’ll discover it’s a a character’s birthday when a ton of fanart for that character shows up that day. But this time, the entire month of October has been art of Terra. This gave me the chance to participate myself.
I never knew!
Hideo Shimazu (Rival Schools)
Thrasher Damnd (Final Fight)
Agathe (Gaia Master)
Nina (Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter)
Simone (Cannon Spike)
Regina (Dino Crisis)
Player 2 (Forgotten Worlds)
A.K.I. (Street Fighter)
Vega Donna (Onimusha)
Lou and Siva (Three Wonders)
And with these final drawings, inktober has come to an end. I’m pretty pleased with myself this year.
Santana (Cyberbots) -Who is a massive walking Jojo reference, so I took this one in a different direction.
Nico (Dmc V)
Black Hayato (Star Gladiator)
Asura (Asura's Wrath)