Note: This is kiiiind of a homework help thread, but only sort of, and it's definitely not a "do my homework for me" thread.
So I'm going to be starting to put together a live electronic music performance for a class, and since we've talked about the surge of wiimotes and kinekts as instruments, I also want to do a performance with a 360 controller as the instrument
a: putting pizeo mics on a 360 controller to use clicks as actual audio input, and
b: having the 360 controller control MIDI or OSC inputs to shape fixed electronic music which will also be playing.
I want to sync this up to a 360 controller
also being used as, oddly enough, a game controller. So basically, I want to take the idea of using a game controller as an instrument and also use it for an instrument with the inputs being incidental to a game being played.
So that part I can do, I don't need help with putting that together.
My problem though, is that I'm not 100% sure on what game would be best to do this with. In the best case, I'd like the game to have a bunch of button presses, to get the most out of both the pezios and the MIDI presses, and then also have pretty constant use of both joysticks and triggers, to get the continuous MIDI data that's actually interesting. I'd also like it to be relatively challenging and precise, so the use of the game as the input is actually meaningful, and not just gimmicky. In a perfect world, it would have relatively differentiated play within a 5-minute timing.
The other problem, which I might be able to get around, is that my laptop isn't the best right now. If I need to, though, I could theoretically bring my desktop with me and use it. Or I could possibly find a laptop that could run the game, if I need to borrow from someone, or borrow from the school maybe. Anyways there are solutions there, but if a
So right now the top of my list to sync up is Dark Souls, which would probably require me to find a way to get it to run on my laptop or take my desktop. The biggest problem with it is that it doesn't use the Y or X that much in a fight, though they could always be assigned to inputs which I wouldn't want to hit too much.
So, H/A, the TLDR version here is: I'm looking for games that have a bunch of varied and intense button presses when played on a 360 controller. Low spec-requirement games are preferred.
The other thing is that it cannot be a game where the button inputs would be the same each time... if I can just practice the game to do the same thing every time and have it work, that would defeat the purpose.
EDIT: This last thing includes anything like a rhythm game, or non-procedural runners. Anything that's mechanically doing a series is out.
I'll have to do my due diligence and... research the game.
but they're listening to every word I say
If only an SSX game had been ported to PC.
Basically, if I wanted mechanical recreation of a set series of button presses, I could much more easily just write a score which describes when to have the button presses, and then the fact that the game is synched up becomes more of a joke or gimmick rather than having it provide meaningful input into the music.
I guess I should edit the OP to note that I'm looking the opposite direction of any game with a rhythmic element to it.
Also, I guess I'll have ot check to see if any skating/snowboarding style game would exist on PC that also will work easily with the controller.
Really the only problem there is that I'm very bad at fighting games.