Hey all-
So our cat, Tabby, is missing some fur on her ears. It's been like this for a couple months now, honestly, but never struck us as anything too serious. Absolutely nothing about her behavior whatsoever is strange besides this. She eats normally, is active, isn't scratching them, ect. Even when investigating she doesn't even flinch when touching the bald spots - so we're assuming she's not sensitive there or in any pain. Because we didn't notice any other issues, we hoped it would pass and moved on. She's 8 years old.
It goes through phases of clearing up a bit, and then sometimes looking worse. But again - her behavior never changes.
She had some dental issues and lost some teeth years ago, but she's a perfectly healthy looking kitty otherwise.
I hope this doesn't reflect poorly on me as a pet owner - my girlfriend would do anything for the cat, but we also realistically are very aware of how high vet costs can rise if they say "Hmmm...could be a billion things, how about we run tests." If we had disposable income, we'd be there right now. And even without disposable income, if the answer seems to be "Yeah, that needs to go to a vet ASAP", we'll leave right now and make it work financially.
But I figured it couldn't hurt to post it here and see if anyone recognizes what it is to give us a clearer focus on what we should do next. Thanks very much - Tabby appreciates it too!
I'm not a vet but I'd assume if she's in good health, there's no signs of parasites, and she is unconcerned by those areas she's probably okay.
If she's eating, drinking, and eliminating normally and showing no signs of distress then she's almost certainly fine.
We also have another Siamese that is 2 years old who is not showing ANY signs of any kind of hair loss.