D&D (2E) advice

PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
So, I've got a monthly D&D game. Our original DM moved about 12 hours south, so we've got a new one, and he decided "Hey, anybody know anything about Spelljammer? No? Good, we're playing some Spelljammer."

We had our first session last week, everything went well (or, as well as can be expected. Nobody died.) for the first 4 hours or so. When we ended for the day, some horrific things had happened.

'We' (the DM) rolled a 1 on a random encounter. We found a ship in distress in an asteroid field, which turned out to be an illusion. It was a trap set by a ship of Neogi. They basically had a death star to our space rowboat, things happened, and now we're adrift in random space, and our helm has been destroyed. This part, oddly enough, isn't what I'd like advice for.

The bad part: We found some random treasure at one point, and it turns out we've got a wee bit of a Yitsan problem now. We're all level 1. There is a single +1 weapon. So far, we've come up with 2 plans to try and deal with this.
Plan the first: Swivel the deck mounted catapult around, remove the crossbeam, use bait (people) and snares to try and get the Yitsan to a point where we can crush it with the catapult arm.
Plan the second: Tie a rope to a snare, use bate (people) to get the Yitsan snared, have the other end of the rope tied to a projectile in a catapult or ballista, and try to lob the thing out into space.

My feeling is that if we can deal with the Yitsan, the DM will rescue our boat.

So... anyone have any thoughts?

PS: Mods, if you feel like this should go in the gaming forum, my apologies.


  • Lord PalingtonLord Palington he.him.his History-loving pal!Registered User regular
    If one of your options is catapulting your enemies into space (toward a star, preferably), you take that option.

    My first rule of DnD is, "Which action will make sure everyone has the most fun?"

    I follow that with my second rule, "What will make the best story?"

    Launching something into deep space with a makeshift catapult will, I think, follow both of those rules.

  • ThundyrkatzThundyrkatz Registered User regular
    Both ideas seem like decent enough plans, but a Yitsan is way out of your league. I would seriously question the DM's motivation for throwing you up against one at level 1? One false move, heck one normal move and the Yitsan will kill your entire party in 1 round.

    "rolling a 1" & "well, that's what the list says" is shabby DM'ing IMO

  • PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
    Rolling a 1 got us the space battle we couldn't win. We could have got away unscathed, had we chosen a different course to inspect the vessel in distress. I mean, we knew it was a trap before too long, just none of us thought it would be that bad. Also, we had just made port and we really wanted to fight things...

    The Yitsan... well, we found some treasure on a ship that was adrift with nothing alive. Had any of us done more research, when the DM let us know that amidst the gold we found were some blank gold discs, we could have put 2 and 2 together and dealt with this before it hatched. Of the 7 players, 4 of us have had no experience with this guy as a DM. It turns out, he likes to give you all the information you need to make a 'correct' decision, you just tend to not realize that until it's too late.

    As far as spacing the thing goes, I can't think of any other recourse we have. We can't fight it, and I'd rather not all of us die quite yet. I was just going to throw this out there and see if anyone had any other ideas.
    I can give a list of characters/classes if anyone wants.

  • DecomposeyDecomposey Registered User regular
    If you're lucky, and if the catapult can be garunteed to get the thing outside of your gravity bubble (I forget what it's called, it's been a long time since I did any Spellgammer) then maybe you'l stand a chance.

    Before following any advice, opinions, or thoughts I may have expressed in the above post, be warned: I found Keven Costners "Waterworld" to be a very entertaining film.
  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    Do you have any small escape craft you could use? Just grab whatever valuables you can carry, then abandon your boat and the yitsan on a course to the nearest star?
    Also, how sure are you that there's only one? Because this GM sounds like the kind who may like to spring the ol' "Wow, that certainly got rid of that beasty... now what are you planning on doing with the other three?".

    Also, is it an adult, or is it still nibbling? The monster manual entry Google found for me says they stay in their tiny lizard state for 2 weeks before suddenly turning into a full blown Alien on you. If it hasn't matured yet, you may be able to hunt it down and fight it as a small lizard instead, alternatively determine where it'll try and hid during the transformation and kill it then (on a small boat there can't be too many private places).
    After the lizard reaches a foot in length, it undergoes rapid and painful metabolic changes, maturing in two hours. This frantic growth spurt drains much energy and leaves the adult yitsan ravenously hungry. The yitsan always seeks a private place to mature, for it is helpless during the transformation.

    see317 on
  • PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
    Decomposey: yes, we have a small ship. The effective range of our weapons is well outside our gravity, so the round will absolutely go far enough.

    See317: yeah, it's an adult. We only handled one disc (egg) which is the trigger for hatching. And no, I don't believe we have small craft, and if we did, the nearest star is farther than we can get.

    Like I said, I'm fairly certain that dealing with the alien in a creative fashion is the trigger for "oh, 4 days later, a trade ship happened to pass you and you were rescued!"

    Apologies for formatting and such. This is from my phone while I take a break from cutting down bbrush with a pole saw.

  • JaysonFourJaysonFour Classy Monster Kitteh Registered User regular
    Good gosh, those things are nasty. And your GM decided to throw one at a bunch of first-levels?

    Four attacks that may as well auto-hit, each with enough power to kill a Lv.1 outright, and only one +1 weapon between you? Yeah, going toe-to-toe with this guy is going to end up TPKing you guys. I'd load the valuables on the catapult, wait for the Yitsan to climb aboard to feed, and send it on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to the nearest star. You'll lose out on some shinies, but there will always be more. Treasure is not worth your life- that's the lesson of the encounter, and how they apparently spread.

    I can has cheezburger, yes?
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    just make sure you take the appropriate safety precautions before using your catapult.


    With Love and Courage
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    JaysonFour wrote: »
    Good gosh, those things are nasty. And your GM decided to throw one at a bunch of first-levels?

    Four attacks that may as well auto-hit, each with enough power to kill a Lv.1 outright, and only one +1 weapon between you? Yeah, going toe-to-toe with this guy is going to end up TPKing you guys. I'd load the valuables on the catapult, wait for the Yitsan to climb aboard to feed, and send it on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to the nearest star. You'll lose out on some shinies, but there will always be more. Treasure is not worth your life- that's the lesson of the encounter, and how they apparently spread.

    This is probably the best plan but those dudes are actually intelligent and shouldn't get anywhere near giant launching devices until they've murdered every living thing on the ship. Given their stats that should take all of about 5 minutes.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
  • PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
    Oh there's no doubt that this won't end up being an actual fight. That never crossed my mind.

    On the plus side, they're blind. So with the appropriate bait and snare tricks, I think we'll have a shot.

  • PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
    Sorry to bump an old thread, but we played last night. Plan A (swatting it with a catapult arm) worked ok. It made a save, took half damage for about 30 points. Plan B failed, in that a secret roll was failed and the ballista did not fire correctly.
    We ended up killing it, no PC deaths, but lost a ton of npc crew.
    And I was correct, we were saved by a passing naval ship a week after the combat.

  • Lord PalingtonLord Palington he.him.his History-loving pal!Registered User regular
    Sounds like a success, but I am a little bummed your space catapult didn't work.

    Congratulations all around, sounds like everyone had fun!

  • PantshandshakePantshandshake Registered User regular
    Eh, I got some extra XP just for having the idea. The biggest help was our mage, who had been pretty useless (I mean, he's a level 1 wizard, some kind of specialist...) had an idea to break into our helmsman's cabin and use his books. Shocking grasp actually got the killing blow.

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