Like every other South Korean male, I have to join the military for a minimum of 21 months. I seriously think it's a waste of time and I do not want to join. But I dont have another option, so I must go but I'm scared. I live in canada and I lived in North America for around 10 years. I am a great athlete, tough and physical so it's not that part that worries me. I'm worried about war and actually fighting even though it's far-fetched. More realistically, I'm worried about wasting 2 years of my prime in the army just not doing much. I don't know if I could listen to my iPod, or even bring any electronics. I'm not sure if I would have enough contact with the outside world. I don't want to spend 2 years away from my family and friends. I'm going to be super lonely as well. In addition, because I'm not well accustomed to Korean culture, I don't think I would get along well with others. This subject has been in my head a lot lately. I need to get this off my chest and maybe get some tip/help. Thanks.
P.S. I'm going to try to join the KADUSA but it's like a lottery system, I doubt I'll get in.