Also one time I had a dream that I was a giger alien. All running around being phallic and attacking people. It was fun.
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times ...
Stop publishing entries from my Hello Kitty diary.
Lost Salientblink twiceif you'd like me to mercy kill youRegistered Userregular
But for real last night I had a dream that I was teaching Japanese in a British private school, and one of the students morphed into this wolf-esque shadow creature, and no one else seemed to notice as it lunged at me and disappeared.
Then I was walking down the hallway and these burnt silhouettes of people kept appearing, but only to me.
Which somehow led me to realize it was this specific kind of werewolf?
And then I ran to the dean's office to report and they slammed the giant wooden door shut and locked it, and that's when I realized they were totally also werewolves
Ta daaaaa
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
My last dream involved being at work and trying to move a 20k lbs block of concrete on a hill to hide behind while shooting at bad guys. A lot of my dreams recently have been about getting attacked at work, or there being some kind of meltdown or some kind of radioactive release. They're all both boring and terrifying simultaneously (because dreaming about work is boring as fuck, but those situations are on the other end of the spectrum)
the dream where you have to pee, and you find a bathroom or maybe a mop bucket or something, and you start to pee
and then you wake up and you realize you are still in bed, but you have actually peed a little bit
From the first moment he awoke in the middle of the night, Mr. Toad had to make a wee-wee.
Hopping as toads do, Mr. Toad hopped down one hall and then the next in Toad Hollow, desperate to find the water closet.
Finally opening the door and raising the seat, Mr. Toad let loose with a grateful sigh of release, his tension lessening by the moment.
This entire dream actually happened to me/Toad when I was thirteen.
Thankfully, all I had to do was sanitize and wipe down the bathroom.
Something something Pissasso something something.
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
edited September 2014
I had an interesting one the other night where I was sort of crashing this big and fancybwedding/party. It was like the White Queen of Alice in Wonderland; giant white castle, people all dressed up in lacy dresses, etc.
I'm sure I forgot a lot of it, but just remember everyone very dressy with huge tables that went on forever filled with plates and glasses. And they were serving champagne in big bowls, which is how I got caught. I tried to take another guest's glass and got one but bumped into the queen? And they started chasing me.
My dreams are always very strong, I wake up tired from running.
Few years ago, I learned about lucid dreaming and decided to try it. It turned out to be surprisingly easy for me to do, but the things that come along with it made me stop, now I'm back to rarely remembering what I dream about.
Turns out that waking up from a world where you are literally god, into.. this.. is pretty depressing to me, plus being conscious all the time leaves me hella tired. Bad combo.
Professor FuzzlesNot a furry, just sayin'FuzztopiaRegistered Userregular
Last week I dreamed I was in a robot fighting league where you don a robot exoskeleton, as I stepped into the ring for the most important fight of my career thus far I started to feel the need to poop.
Thankfully I had the forsight to have the robot fitted with a proper porceline loo so crisis averted.
I woke up just as I finished pooping so I never did find out if I won.
I had a dream the other night that my mom (who isn't a fan of my beard turned up to 11) had snuck in and shaved my face while I was sleeping, even worse, shaping it to look like my older bro's goatee. I called her on the phone and yelled at her (still in dream land). Then it shifted to my dog digging tunnels on the beach except the tunnel collapsed and he asphyxiated and I had to bury him in my parents yard, but as an extra fuck you from my mind the lid on the box blew away so I had to look at him as we put h in the ground.
Since I was a kid I have had the recurring dream of a black cat. Sometimes it just sits there watching me other times it's low and ready to attack or doing cat things like licking paws or laying down tail twitching.
It's weird as it shows up at random times like a work dream or when I dreamed about hanging onto the back of station wagon while it peeled out across the desert. it made a hard turn and I fell off face first into a cactus. I remember the cat laying on a rock tail moving it looked at me and meowed.
Really I have dreamed of fire. not generic things on fire living fire it moved with a purpose it had a body? it moved with sweeping motions of it's arms as it hovered slightly off the ground.
My dreams over time have become rather lucid strange things
One time I dreamed about playing Smash Bros with Joseph.
Now the thing about Joseph and Smash Bros is that he is a total asshole and I would often spend half the match just chasing him dow nand getting nowhere and getting super mad at how little I am able to damage him.
Last year for a few weeks I dreamed I was a werewolf
But not feral
I was rather upset that I ruined my new shoes when I transformed and how hot it was with all the fur I now had.
Because I worked nights I found that since most people were asleep or now out of fear since other people were changing into werewolves that locked themselves into their homes
Only during the day did people come out and I would sleep
I had a dream last night where I was playing guitar, and then this little crack showed up on the side of the fretboard, and as I kept playing it got longer and the music sounded worse until the whole thing tore in half like paper.
You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy. Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another. The Japanese have funded a full-length animated cartoon about the doings of these toys, which is all bad outer-space stuff. I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed. My plan to destroy Whoever-it-is is thwarted and I tear myself apart on the screen.
I have lucid dreams a lot, often I will just realize I'm dreaming without it really dawning on me that I'm dreaming, if that makes any sense at all.
But I can never really dream complicated stuff lucidly, if I try to I always end up waking up or it just plain doesn't work. Once I flew out the window into the sun and just woke up as the fictional light blinded me.
Last night I dreamed of flying again, this time I tried to fly to the moon but it was always just a bit too far away/I would start falling back to Earth. Then I just tried to go somewhere in space but I couldn't see past the stars. When I got close it turned out I was still in my room and staring at light reflected off the ceiling instead of stars.
MattitudePaste Pot PeteKicking The BucketRegistered Userregular
I have had several dreams where my teeth are falling out and are shattering in my mouth, so I just have a mouth full of tooth chunks.
I have that dream pretty regularly too! It sucks. someone told me once that it represented anxiety, which would make total sense in my case, but I don't know where I stand on rationalising dreams.
My other recurring dream is being constantly interrupted during sex or foreplay, which also sucks and tends to lead to me waking up grumpy and frustrated.
If I ever have nice dreams I never remember them.
I got this Tumblr and I don't know how to use it.
Decide on the next line by the rhyme when I choose it.
Also I put songs on YouTube
The musings of this lonely rube.
I have had several dreams where my teeth are falling out and are shattering in my mouth, so I just have a mouth full of tooth chunks.
Like Matt said, it's representative of some anxiety in your life, I'll get the teeth-breaking-dream on the regular, at least once a month.
Another one that's open for interpretation is where I'm either running after someone or something is chasing me, but I'm moving in slow motion and I keep falling face-first to the ground. I always wake up before the thing catches me, but if I'm trying to catch up to someone, I will stay asleep until my alarm goes off.
Apparently, my subconscious thinks I should suffer exquisitely.
I used to have a recurring dream where my eyeball would fall out and whenever I tried putting it back in it would somehow end up in my mouth and I'd accidentally bite down on it (it was similar to biting a super-bouncy ball) and it would keep repeating until the eye was just completely destroyed mush
I used to have a recurring dream where my eyeball would fall out and whenever I tried putting it back in it would somehow end up in my mouth and I'd accidentally bite down on it (it was similar to biting a super-bouncy ball) and it would keep repeating until the eye was just completely destroyed mush
I used to have a recurring dream where my eyeball would fall out and whenever I tried putting it back in it would somehow end up in my mouth and I'd accidentally bite down on it (it was similar to biting a super-bouncy ball) and it would keep repeating until the eye was just completely destroyed mush
what the fuck
I think I must have been in some kind of Odin Sleep
Had a dream last night that somebody played a prank on me that resulted in me going to jail. When they were signing me in, they asked me to confirm the information on a printed dossier, and they had the wrong last name and age (off by 20 years). I decided not to correct them, since it might somehow work to my advantage in escaping.
Then I woke up, which I guess is technically escaping. HA, take that, dream police!
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times ...
Stop publishing entries from my Hello Kitty diary.
Then I was walking down the hallway and these burnt silhouettes of people kept appearing, but only to me.
Which somehow led me to realize it was this specific kind of werewolf?
And then I ran to the dean's office to report and they slammed the giant wooden door shut and locked it, and that's when I realized they were totally also werewolves
Ta daaaaa
"Sandra has a good solid anti-murderer vibe. My skin felt very secure and sufficiently attached to my body when I met her. Also my organs." HAIL SATAN
Steam ID - VeldrinD | SS Post | Wishlist
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
Steam ID - VeldrinD | SS Post | Wishlist
Also, I have a hard time moving around in dreams. Like, I'll try to walk but struggle to get up, or I can't hold on to something.
Were you perchance eating any pretzels?
and then you wake up and you realize you are still in bed, but you have actually peed a little bit
From the first moment he awoke in the middle of the night, Mr. Toad had to make a wee-wee.
Hopping as toads do, Mr. Toad hopped down one hall and then the next in Toad Hollow, desperate to find the water closet.
Finally opening the door and raising the seat, Mr. Toad let loose with a grateful sigh of release, his tension lessening by the moment.
This entire dream actually happened to me/Toad when I was thirteen.
Thankfully, all I had to do was sanitize and wipe down the bathroom.
Something something Pissasso something something.
I'm sure I forgot a lot of it, but just remember everyone very dressy with huge tables that went on forever filled with plates and glasses. And they were serving champagne in big bowls, which is how I got caught. I tried to take another guest's glass and got one but bumped into the queen? And they started chasing me.
My dreams are always very strong, I wake up tired from running.
Turns out that waking up from a world where you are literally god, into.. this.. is pretty depressing to me, plus being conscious all the time leaves me hella tired. Bad combo.
i had this dream too
but with food and hunger
and it was actually in real life
Thankfully I had the forsight to have the robot fitted with a proper porceline loo so crisis averted.
I woke up just as I finished pooping so I never did find out if I won.
Although one time I dreamed up an episode of Batman The Animated Series, which was pretty great.
It's weird as it shows up at random times like a work dream or when I dreamed about hanging onto the back of station wagon while it peeled out across the desert. it made a hard turn and I fell off face first into a cactus. I remember the cat laying on a rock tail moving it looked at me and meowed.
Really I have dreamed of fire. not generic things on fire living fire it moved with a purpose it had a body? it moved with sweeping motions of it's arms as it hovered slightly off the ground.
My dreams over time have become rather lucid strange things
Now the thing about Joseph and Smash Bros is that he is a total asshole and I would often spend half the match just chasing him dow nand getting nowhere and getting super mad at how little I am able to damage him.
This was basically how the dream went.
It got to a point where I woke up MAD
and then immediately went back to sleep.
And then you realize later that your phone was ringing and it worked itself into your dream
But not feral
I was rather upset that I ruined my new shoes when I transformed and how hot it was with all the fur I now had.
Because I worked nights I found that since most people were asleep or now out of fear since other people were changing into werewolves that locked themselves into their homes
Only during the day did people come out and I would sleep
Some day.
But I can never really dream complicated stuff lucidly, if I try to I always end up waking up or it just plain doesn't work. Once I flew out the window into the sun and just woke up as the fictional light blinded me.
Last night I dreamed of flying again, this time I tried to fly to the moon but it was always just a bit too far away/I would start falling back to Earth. Then I just tried to go somewhere in space but I couldn't see past the stars. When I got close it turned out I was still in my room and staring at light reflected off the ceiling instead of stars.
I have that dream pretty regularly too! It sucks. someone told me once that it represented anxiety, which would make total sense in my case, but I don't know where I stand on rationalising dreams.
My other recurring dream is being constantly interrupted during sex or foreplay, which also sucks and tends to lead to me waking up grumpy and frustrated.
If I ever have nice dreams I never remember them.
Decide on the next line by the rhyme when I choose it.
Also I put songs on YouTube
The musings of this lonely rube.
I made a thread once. It didn't end well for me.
Like Matt said, it's representative of some anxiety in your life, I'll get the teeth-breaking-dream on the regular, at least once a month.
Another one that's open for interpretation is where I'm either running after someone or something is chasing me, but I'm moving in slow motion and I keep falling face-first to the ground. I always wake up before the thing catches me, but if I'm trying to catch up to someone, I will stay asleep until my alarm goes off.
Apparently, my subconscious thinks I should suffer exquisitely.
Steam ID - VeldrinD | SS Post | Wishlist
what the fuck
I think I must have been in some kind of Odin Sleep
I'm really, really glad I don't have dreams about eye stuff
freaks me out way too much
or being naked and ashamed, usually at work. i go hide somewhere, but the day just won't end
Then I woke up, which I guess is technically escaping. HA, take that, dream police!