So I'm gonna tell you some history.
So we're not going to talk about Ella T. Grasso, first woman to be elected governor of a state without a husband proceeding her. Nope. Nor are we going to discuss the massive whale statue that this moment is commemorating. Although both should get a write up at some point. We're gonna talk about the history of that desk. Well less about that desk and more about the tree they made that desk out of.
This majestic white oak is the Charter Oak.
In 1662, it was brought to the attention King Charles the II that Connecticut had never been recognized as a colony. John Winthrop the Younger was serving as governor at the time and so went as a delegation over to England to get that bit of paper work taken care of. Now it was assumed for various reasons the charter of Connecticut would be like all of the others and this wouldn't be a big deal. But Charles liked Winthrop, and he hated the people of New Haven due to them sheltering the Judges who had Charles the first killed and took part in that whole English Revolution. So Winthrop didn't get a charter containing the fundamental orders of Connecticut but those and some expanded powers. Oh and rights to the Colony of New Haven. Now I'm gonna digress for a moment here. You might guess that the people of New Haven didn't care much for this and quite a few of them left. They founded what would become New Jersey. The people of Connecticut still consider this a net good to this day.
So the people of Connecticut are pretty proud of this charter. It's shiny, it's new, and it's better than the charter for Massachusetts Bay Colony. But Charles II saw a bit of a problem forming. New England doesn't really have a staple crop. You can grow a little bit of everything in it but you can't grow a lot of one thing. So they engaged in trade. Also they were a stubborn, independent lot who all disliked each other but hated outsiders more. So he began to form the Dominion of New England which includes most of modern New England except Connecticut. Because he liked Winthrop. But Charles II died and James II took the crown. And he felt the Dominion of New England was a fine idea but it would be better with Connecticut in it.
Now the people of Connecticut are no less stubborn then the rest of New England. We're just better educated with more pleasant manners. But the revoking of the shiny new charter was far too much rudeness to be tolerated. So they ignored it. James II proceeded along and sent Sir Edmund Andros over. And Sir Edmund Andros realized that he was being snubbed by everyone. So he made an ass of himself and passed a bunch of laws that managed to piss everyone off. So the Governor of Connecticut said sure and ignored those laws. So Sir Edmund Andros the Jackass decided to lead a delegation of troops down to Hartford and symbolically seize the charter as he had done with the other colonies.
Now three are three stories as to what happened next. The one that is traditionally accepted is that Andros and the Connecticut delegation meet in a room with the charter on the table. Hours of debate followed when suddenly the room went dark. When the candles were relit, the charter was gone. Joseph Wadsworth had snatched up the charter and fled the room. When the candles were relit, the charter was gone. Hidden in the Charter Oak to prevent to be found in house to house searches. The other stories involve giving Andros fakes of the charter. But those stories have less evidence to support them. Also they have less swashbuckling so we ignore them.
Andros would be overthrown in 1689. And the Charter Oak would stand until 1856 when it got blown down in a storm and it's timber would be used to make a number of objects, including the desk in the Governor's office.
Oh, and when it came time to select symbols used for the state quarters, Connecticut went with:
Its a glitch in the matrix
... a conspiracy!
my [chat] would have been stupid
Do you read the history thread?
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
For a place that styles itself "anti-Lunk", they sure had the broiest bro working the counter, and I love how the billboards that advertise $10 a month are actually $10 a month plus a $60 "down payment"
...Which actually just a sign-up fee, when I asked the guy about it.
How about a day pass to see if I like the facilities, then? $20 for a day pass.
What's the best way to do this gym sign-up bullshit, then? It's like shopping for a car in the bad old days, apparently
What I've found is good is havin a gym at work
Now you can cancel any time!
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
Gims are also scams
gyms are basically the mafia
it p much sucks
Columbia House Gym
And most people end up leaving them in disgust after 6 months, too!
invest in a home gym
Is p sweet
Pretty much just hit up each gym and find the best deal
I went through all the local big gyms a couple weeks before the new year and decided on LA fitness since it was month to month and didn't have activation fee
IMO though, that 10 dollar a month is a pretty decent deal, even with the 60 activation fee. You might be able to get them to wave it if you haggle, but most places are usually 30 a month, and when you join you have to pay first and last, so for me it came out to 60 anyway.
You're gonna have a hard time finding a better deal than that.
I have not, and my goodness that sounds bonkers and dangerous. I shall add it to the queue.
Edit: Which is to say I will not because it is not on Netflix.
probably not but who even uses horses anymore
Nobody charges to let you run around the block.
We do have a republican congress.
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
Quit your job and live at the ymca
y'know if we started a Forever Alone club we would stop being Forever Alone
but wait would that then make all of us ineligible to be in our own club