Unofficial Penny Arcade Clan - Established November 9, 2004
Latest News (updated 4/30/2007)
* The new maps for Halo 2 have been released, and are remakes of Halo 1's Hang 'Em High and Derelict. They will cost 4$ and be available for both the OXbox and 360 (via backwards compatibility). . You will need a credit card to buy them since you'll have to get them via the old interface.
* Halo 3 beta will start May 16th. If you didn't get an invite, the only way in is by buying Crackdown
What is this Halo thing?
A good place to start is
Halo.Bungie.Org, the biggest and most well-known Halo fansite. Specifically, you should check out the
Story PageWhat is The Bees Knees?
We are a no-cheaters and no-jerks clan. Created at the launch of Halo 2, we have exceeded the expectations and predictions of people and have been active (more or less) for the past 2 years+.
What do you consider cheating?
- Modding (spawn modding, gun modding, playlist modding)
- Boosting for Rank
- Bridging and Standbying
- Button glitches (BXR, etc)
- Superbouncing
Coincidentally, all of these are considered cheating by Bungie aswell.
How do I join the clan? Do I have to be a certain rank?
TBK is kinda unique in that we don't really hold tryouts to get into the clan. All you have to do is show up and not be a jerk. When we've determined that you enjoy playing the game and are not a jerk, you will get a clan invite. You also don't have to be in the clan to play with us. We actually have a few regulars that aren't officially in TBK's clan list but we consider them fellow Bees.
You do not have to be a certain level, although it would help if you know at least all the level layouts and most of the weapon locations. And listen to your teammates - we aren't going to send you to your death on purpose! (The average rank of clan members is around 30)
To start you off, you should send a friend request to one of the Staff, so that we can get you into games. Please indicate via text or a voice message that you are from the Penny Arcade Forums.
What are the (active) Staff's gamertags?
- Phyrewulff
- Nambkab
- Repoman1023
- TattlingTomcat
- Valnegro
- SchwarzeKrieg
- Default Fiasco
I just got Halo 2, or have been away for a long time. What do I need to start playing?
You will need to auto-update Halo 2, then go to Download Content and grab some map packs. There are 3 free map packs, and the new one (available shortly) for 4$. You should at least grab the free maps, and a lot of us will be getting the new map pack, so it will be money well spent!
What time do you guys play?
TBK usually plays at night. And sometimes late into the morning. Night, in this context, is between 7PM-12PM EST. We also try to arrange a specific Halo Night where all TBK members try to simultaneously show up for a couple of hours. This is usually on Wednesday, and the thread title will be changed when this happens.
What's the deal with all your crazy lingo
We have names for specific areas of the map, certain weapon combinations, and certain strategies. Part of this is because we like coming up with these names, another part is because we can say these in the open and the enemy won't know what we're talking about. Finally, for map names, it's a lot shorter to say "Darkcrotch" than "the small hill on the side of the cliff next to blue base"
Click here to see an overview of our slang and terms.
How do I deal with cheaters?
If you find yourself spawning over and over in one place and dying, the screen going blue a lot, or notice you're playing against someone with a Moon or Halo as their rank:
Send an email to, with a link to the game from, the names of the cheaters, and a general description of what happened. This gets them banned faster.
Misc Questions!Will you guys be on Halo 3?
Do you guys play any other games?
Yes, quite a few of the Bees play 360 games.
Can my clan play against your clan in a clanmatch?
Challenge us in our thread and we will try to organize a team! We like the setup of 3 Games: Challenger Choice, Defender choice, and a matchmaking gametype.
Extended info on grabbing the maps:
I may get on for these "new" maps.
I'll definitely be on at some point this week for new map goodness, though.
but I hate it Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
Try deleting what you have of the map pack so far (or the entire Halo 2 directory, if you don't mind remaking your profiles) and try again.
and I suck at it
Also, that header is pretty damn slick, Fyre... :^:
Basically, yes there will, but you can't use the VGA cable to dl it if you are using a PAL tv. Just switch to another video output and the dl will work, then switch back to VGA.
Blakout made that. He's also responsible for the wallpaper.
And, I remember that gametype, but not the name. Molasses? Dead Man Walking?
why have you not parodied 300 yet
it seems so obvious
Since someone asked about PAL-60 issues...(from that link btw)
In case you didn't read the spoilers in the op.
Interesting tid-bit about the new equipment.
or is it strapped to your back or something?
Obviously in the trailer, MC was carrying a rifle, so it'll probably just be on your belt or something
Steam | Live
That's the impression that the guys had.
To be honest, I'm mostly posting to subscribe to this thread.
In an mostly unrelated topic: is there any lingo for when you get a kill by tossing a frag nade at someone's feet, then getting a hs with the battle rifle? that was a favored tactic by myself.
my favorite is the bomber man tactic (at least that's what i call it)
just try to get a dude to follow you through a tight corridor and lay some sticky grenades on the floor
Wonder how far the mancannon can throw ghosts and hogs. And fusion cores.
And you get to see the needler(looks like it anyway) for the first time when the dude uses the portable(?) jump pad.
I kinda hope they give it significantly more melee damage. C'mon, it has crystal shards in the fucking top of it.
I think the needles need longer homing range, people would use it more then.
Unfortunately they are very likely to kill you too.
"Oh shit guys, we accidentally made the Needler useful if it's dual wielded."
"I know, let's make it a two-handed weapon!"
[edit]JoahW, what do you want your name to be on your sig?
[edit mkII: The Re-Editing] Oh and you want it to be 10px shorter so you can keep your mini-sig?
Actually, as of now, super bouncing is legal and so are button glitches.
And as for the maps, they look kick ass.
From what was shown in the vidoc, the equipment is not viewable on your body. It'll be just like another grenade, only having a separate button.