this on the local news today, about movement forward on expanding the Washington State Convention Center, where PAX Prime is held.
Two significant things about this story:
1) It's nice to get some 'official' news about the rumor.
2) The report raises some interesting questions about eminent domain and land law.
Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
PAX Prime / PAX Dev 2014
PAX Prime 2013
PAX Prime 2009
The business owners say that they were only holding out to get a fair property price. Obviously we have no way of knowing if that was true or not, but either way the city appears to have used a policy loophole to simply steamroll them.
Trade me pins, yo:
In the end I just hope all land owners are given a fair price and the expansion gets on its way.
I'm very much in favor of the idea given the limitations of the venue. The legality, etc, of the issue does not concern me as I am not affected. (It wouldn't make me happy if things weren't on the up-and-up, but the convention center needs the additional capacity). I just wish these things didn't take so long to progress, but that is the unfortunate nature of the process.
PAX Prime / PAX Dev 2014
PAX Prime 2013
PAX Prime 2009
Really hope they get this land and break ground on the expansion as fast as possible.
I dunno - I think they're convenient for very specific point-to-point transport but not for anything outside of that. So basically, it's great if you want to hang out at the airport. But you can't really get anywhere else. Have you ever tried to get crosstown East-West in Seattle by bus? It's practically faster to walk.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Proposed square footage from zerzhul's link. *asterix is approximate measures
CONVENTION CENTER PROGRAM (square footage that will be added)
5 stories above grade
2 stories below grade
250,000 SF of Exhibition Space*
120,000 SF of Meeting Space *
70,000 SF of Ballroom Space*
280,000 SF of Lobby & Circulation*
510,000 SF of Support Spaces* (we don't get access to this space, this is for maintenance, janitorial, Enforcers, etc.)
500-800 Parking Stalls*
200,000 SF of Loading Area*
Street-Level Retail & Restaurants
Current square footage
numbers taken from
I may be pulling wrong or incomplete numbers, so don't slay me for inaccuracies, I just copy/pasted what looked comparable.
236,700 square feet of exhibit space
71,000 sq ft of corporate meeting space / Nine additional large meeting rooms, totaling over 27,468 square feet
Four separate ballrooms totaling 44,628 square feet
CANNOT FIND Lobby & Circulation numbers
CANNOT FIND Support Spaces
1,490 covered parking spaces within the facility (wtf? less parking?)
CANNOT FIND Loading area SF, but "Three complete loading dock facilities with a total of 23 covered bays" is a lot of space.
60,000 square feet of retail space including FedEx, concierge, and restaurants
**edited to reflect zerzhul's input
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Cause it looks like almost 13k more SF of expo, 20kish more of panel rooms?, 34k more ballroom space(not sure if we use that) and then I don't think we use the lobby space, and attendees don't ever see the rest of that I think.
So they're adding say 250k SF of expo space for a total of 486.7k? And would PAX actually get use of all that?
The PDF, for reference:
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
keep trying to be one of the lucky 70k people in a sea of 500k trying to get a ticket because the fire marshal wont let anymore people in the building
-or- (based on the proposed numbers)
basically double or triple your chances when the new center is in place.
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Well, considering most estimates seem to be at least doubling the space already offered, I would imagine at least twice as many.
The real question is even with the space how many people the Fire Marshal allows in the building at once. While ideally we'd be able to have 150k+, the reason we already can't have more people in the convention center isn't a real lack of space, it's not being allowed to have more in case of an emergency.
Usually the amount of people in the space depends on the amount of exits and the flow of traffic. All hail the safety inspectors!
They've been cutting money from transit, while doing projects to screw over drivers into downtown so you kinda have to use the bus cuz no real parking. I love when they actually allowed contractors to just make buildings without any built-in parking. Cuz that really solves everything right?? The current mayor doesn't really like cars, so he's not gonna fix the problem but instead pushes faulty transit! Other states at least have a good structure for it. I wouldn't know about the Convention Center being outpaced, but you can bet it will be overbudget and probably stuck in line behind Bertha! We're still paying huge amounts just to have that machine sitting underground doing jack.
The eminent domain bs has been happening for years now. Remember the failed Monorail plan? That thing was dead in the water, but they still grabbed up land every which way they could to try to build it! And they brought that guy from California to save it, for the low low price of 300k a month. He saw a sinking ship, but he "tried" to fix it. Yeah. Eminent domain is the go-to for many projects downtown, so unless you have a good lawyer, you're kinda at a loss.
I hope they can settle things reasonably with the property owners. Pay them a fair price, and still get to expand the Convention Center. Best of both worlds, and it really really needs it!
Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
"S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
If you check out this pdf is says: It is hard to compare the Honda and the Kollias Family LLC property values because the Honda property was already on the market while the Kollias property was/is being rented but WSCC did offer more then market value for square foot for that area, you know this because the Honda property is right next door.
Either way it sucks it had to go this way. BTW I only read pages 31-36