Do you love freedom? Do you wanna spread democracy throughout the galaxy? Do you wanna shoot space bugs (and sometimes your friends) in the face? Then join...
Helldivers is a silly dumb game by the Magicka guys, and it shows. You team up with up to three others to complete missions, shoot guys, and occasionally squish teammates with your drop pods. It's basically Starship Troopers: The Video Game with some ODST thrown in.
And if you buy it, it's Cross Play, Cross Save, Cross Chat, Cross Everything between PS4, PS3, and Vita. Plus it's a few dollars cheaper for PS+ members.
The PA Helldivers Friends List
(PA Name / PSN)
Emerlmaster999 / MisterBeeb123
SeGaTai / SeGaTai
Conn / ConnConnor
IDDQD / FlynntLoch
LutExIV / LutExIV
Syphonblue / Syphonblue
Voranth / Voranth
Artereis / Artereis
Indie Winter / indie_winter
Zoku Gojira/ ZokuGojira
Qanamil / FauxRomano
JohnnyChopsocky / Stud_Beefpile
Unco-ordinated / LiquidSolid
No Great Name / NoGreatName
Farangu / Farangu
MegaMek / Mekredd
Doctor Fink / Doctor_Fink
Raiden333 / PA_Raiden333
CaptainNemo / CaptainNemo1138
Bolthorn / Bolthorn
acidlacedpenguin / AcidLacedPenguiN
Aretè /ninjafrizz
DiannaoChong / diannaoch
italianranma / italianranma
Rchanen / rchanen
I'll try and update the list as I see names, but it's probably safer to PM it to me.
For Super Earth!
*edit* PSN and PA tags are the same.
I am enjoying the upgraded SMG, armor piercing rounds and mini-stuns are great.
Loving the game so far - I still haven't fought the third faction.
PSN = FuriousJodo
I look forward to diving into hell with all of you, for managed democracy.
Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV
I updated the Friends List, will send requests later tonight around 10pm. I'll go get a mic tomorrow.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
Also: War were declared! Cyborg and Illuminate campaigns are active!
Gellert City in the Gellert system is under attack by cyborgs, the event timer only has an hour left as of this post!
If you would like to helldive with me my PSN is Voranth.
PS4: Voranth
Reminds me of the Vita's version of Borderlands 2.
I wonder what the PS3 version is like.
Bugs: low HP but move really dang fast
Illuminatus: pretty easy but have attacks that straight up kill you
Cyborgs: BULLSHIT. The flamers can get you into repeated down-and-bleeding loops and they fucing suck and the scouts are almost impossible to stop from summoning extra monsters. Otherwise higher hp and have distance weapons. Definitely the toughest of the enemy races
The Cyborg equivalent can tank two or three mechs. Only way I've seen them die quickly was to a rocket launcher that takes forever to reload.
Cyborg mechs (and now, I've discovered, tanks) are rough, but using artillery/avoidance they're not impossible. Also, you can run from most objectives and regroup and not fight them at all.
I can solo them fine they're just a pain in the ass. And the scouts in the cyborg mission ALWAYS get their alarm off, I've never had a bug or a illumines manage it. Those mama-farking cyborgs do it before I even see them on screen.
Steam/PSN/XBox Live:LutExIV
PS4: Voranth
I'm writing down names I see in the past couple of pages now to add to PSN, though I imagine I have a lot of you from other games already.
It really is worth playing with other people, even strangers. Everybody I've played with so far has been super chill.
Unco-ordinated / LiquidSolid
They just need to get the Multiplayer to be a little more stable. Every time there's a host migrating, I get booted and have to close the game and restart to reconnect.
PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | BadHaggis#1433
This will not stand. You have my guns and every bullet they can muster.
JohnnyChopsocky / Stud_Beefpile
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
Going to start fresh and stream.
Add me?
Hey, no worries. When any Helldiver worth his cape gets blown to bits, he just pulls himself together and gets back in the tube for more, with a song of Super Earth in his heart and a single manly tear in his eye.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!