Rebel and Imperial fleets fight for the fate of the galaxy in Star Wars™: Armada, the two-player miniatures game of epic Star Wars space battles!
Massive Star Destroyers fly to battle against Rebel corvettes and frigates. Banks of turbolasers unleash torrential volleys of fire against squadrons of X-wings and TIEs. Engineering teams race to route additional power to failing shields. Laser blasts and explosions flare across the battlefield. Even a single ship can change the tide of battle.
In Star Wars: Armada, you assume the role of fleet admiral, serving with either the Imperial Navy or Rebel Alliance. It’s your job to issue the tactical commands that will decide the course of battle and, perhaps, the fate of the galaxy.
In short, Star Wars: Armada is awesome. You build fleets of capital ships and fighter squadrons and then battle it out over objectives on a 3x6ft star field, over the course of six rounds, when, presumably, Imperial reinforcements arrive and the Rebels are forced to jump to hyperspace.
What makes Armada different than X-Wing? I'm glad you asked! Besides the obvious upgrade to Capital ships, a large and defining change is that rather than hiding your movement decisions, you are hiding your choice of action. Movement is decided when a particular ship is activated, with perfect knowledge of the current field, if not knowledge of what will come afterwards! Movement, rather than being handled by pre-determined templates, is controlled by this cool little doohickey:
The maneuver tool allows you to click in different directions depending on the size of your ship and its current speed, allowing for a wide range of possible courses and subtle shifts in course. FFG posted a full article on it that you can find
Another large difference is the lack of Defense Dice. Instead, each ship has a selection of Defense Tokens, which can be exhausted to provide a certain type of damage mitigation. Exhausted Defense Tokens refresh at the end of every round. However, should you come under heavy fire with exhausted Defense Tokens, what then? Well, you
can spend an exhausted token.. but then you've lost it for the rest of the game! This allows each player to have greater control and decision in those pivotal moments instead of having to wager your roll against your opponents.
Additionally, and in my opinion one of the biggest differences, is the addition of Objectives to the standard game play. In X-Wing, you and your friends might occasionally fly Missions, but in general people fly 100pt dogfights to the death. Armada takes a different approach in that as part of their fleet, each player brings a set of 3 Objectives to the game. The player with the lowest fleet-point total gets The Choice, of who is First Player. The First Player then has to pick an Objective from the Second Player's set of 3, which will usually favor that Second Player in some way. This provides a very dynamic setup and very different experiences across games. One mission might see players scrambling after bits of intel scattered across the map, while another might have the players battling it out amidst a dangerous minefield!
While many objectives do come down to who can kill the most enemy ships and squadrons, they all tweak the formula in an interesting way and force adaptation in interesting ways, whether it is how to play to the Objective, or, if your list is unsuited to it, how to take advantage of knowing your opponent's goal and...
Also, here is what the game looks like in play:
Which I guess brings us to the last question--Is this just X-Wing with different ships? To which I'd have to answer with a resounding No. The game has definite similarities to X-Wing, but it is grander and more thoughtful. Where X-Wing is a seat-of-the-pants ride through space, hoping to get that one good shot off, Armada is a game with a bit more thinking than praying, what with the lack of defense dice and blind maneuvering. The game's 6-round time limit also prevents the ability to just keep circling, hoping for an opportunity--Armada is a game about making and executing a plan on a fleet-wide scale, because you've really only got the one chance to make it right, out-wit your opponent, and succeed at your mission.
Currently Released:
Star Wars: Armada Core Set
Upcoming Releases:
WAVE 1, due Late April/Early May
Nebulon-B Frigate Expansion Pack
CR90 Corvette Expansion Pack
Assault Frigate Mk II Expansion Pack
Rebel Fighter Expansion Pack (Includes 2 each of X-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, and Y-Wings)
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack
Gladiator-Class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack
Imperial Fighter Expansion Pack (Includes 2 each TIE Fighters, Advanced, Bombers, and Interceptors)
WAVE 2, due Summer 2015
Mon Calamari Cruiser
Mon Calamari Frigate
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer
Imperial Raider
Rogues and Villains Fighter Pack (Includes the YT-1300, YT-2400, HWK-290, H-6 Havok, YV-666, IG-2000, Jumpmaster 5000)
Please feel free to let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added to the OP!
Bnet: DireOtter#11965, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter
Definitely do the "Learn to Play" game first. It'll help you remember "shoot first, move second" which is hilariously hard to remember if you've played X-Wing. Also, remembering to flip the squadron's switches.
Bnet: DireOtter#11965, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter
Any ideas on storage solutions for this?
I am currently having space (teehee) issues with my X-Wing set that I haven't resolved that yet, and that's been one of the biggest reasons I haven't gotten more ships. I feel like I would have the exact same issue, if not worse, if I got into Armada.
I can fit 2 cores in a single core box. All the fighters break down into planos, as do the corvettes. The Nebulons fit if you have a Plano with adjustable or single big spots. The Star Destroyers and such? Uh, right now they're on their bases in the box, covered by plastic that was in the box originally.
For the future, I'll probably make my first foamcore insert and use a second Core box. That won't work once Wave 2 and the ISD comes out, but that's solveable with a bigger box.
No one flew anything off the board in my game, luckily, but I wasn't the Imps in that game.
I definitely like flying the Vic II at speed 1 and then parking it for even just a round. Make the Rebels come to you. And if you time it right with a Repair command + Tarkin, you can replenish your forward shields in a single turn.
Bonus points if you place a station in the middle on your side, so your SD can park right on top of it.
My wife and I are in the process of selling our house and buying a new one that won't actually be built until, like, sometime in August.
I have neither the time, the money, nor the space for this game.
And yet I wants it so ...
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Well, I mean, August is right around when Wave 2 will be out with the ISD. So that seems like it's meant to be. And since you're having a house built, what better opportunity will you ever have to dedicate a room to Armada? Have the table built right in!
One of the perks of the community we're buying into (or, at least, planning on buying into) is a completely finished basement, including a "media room" in which we will never, ever watch movies.
It is, however, just about the perfect size for a combination music studio / boardgame room.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
Hmmm... I'm in the market for a house (kind of)...
I would love a space to Armada, X-Wing, and otherwise game. So that sounds excellent for you! Remember to post pictures of gaming (and your fancy new Star Destroyers) when you get settled in
In X-Wing, you can lose a ship (especially the smaller ones) rather quickly and basically limp along until the end, either due to your own blunder, bad luck, or both. It's worse when that ship is the crux of your list. Armada definitely seems like it's good for keeping your ships in the game and at least be able to play it out toward your agenda.
I like the idea of fights not being deathmatches. In most real battles, armies are fighting over an objective, and most of both forces are alive at the end. Even when one side is routed and retreats, most of the people in it are still alive at the end. Battles where one side is wiped out are a videogame thing, and I'm glad for one more feature of the game that makes me more of an armchair admiral.
Bnet: DireOtter#11965, PSN: DireOtter, Live: DireOtter
My friends are all in to warhammer pretty heavily and I've read that this game caters a little more to that type of player; is this true?
Origin: theRealElMucho
I'd say yeah. It definitely feels heavier than X-Wing, though the rules aren't really that much more complex.
Origin: theRealElMucho
I'm debating the same. More dice and another movement template sounds nice, but if I buy standalone ship expansions to get the unique cards that'd mean I have 3 of each capital ship. Three Corvettes and Frigates sound fine, but I don't know if I'll want 3 V. Star Destroyers once more stuff comes out. I guess I could buy a second core and sell the 3rd V Star Destroyer once the standalone ships release, hmm...
If you want a TIE Swarm, 2 Cores is an easy way to get there. If you think 3 VSDs sounds fun for when the game is shifted to 400pts, or you plan to run "epic games" with high points, then two cores is worth it. If you just aren't patient, then two cores is fantastic.
Personally, I don't regret my double Cores. My one friend bought one, and after playing a 300pt game, promptly bought another. But, if you don't think you'll get much game in by May when we'll see Wave 1? Then you have to look at those other considerations and it might not be worth it to you.
But realize this is coming from someone who is going to be dropping $200 on Wave 1, because I plan on playing every weekend and going to monthly tournaments most likely.
But as it is, Armada is my addiction and I'm super glad I can play 300pt games, because they are awesome.
Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73)
-- Grand Moff Tarkin (38)
-- Weapons Liaison (3)
-- Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73)
-- Weapons Liaison (3)
-- Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
Howlrunner, TIE Fighter Squadron (16)
TIE Fighter Squadron (8) x10 (80)
OBJECTIVES: Contested Outpost, Superior Positions, Most Wanted
With this setup, I'll be able to command up to 10 of the 11 squadrons on a single turn, while retaining some flexibility. This is actually a tough situation though, because I don't know if I want to go first, or have them pick from my Objectives. Going first will prevent the X-Wings from nuking my TIEs on the turns I don't use a Squadron command, but at the same time, I think I could take advantage of any of my Objectives, whereas they may not have one I can really excel at. Hm! Either way, should be fun to see that many TIEs on the board, especially when I think the most X-Wings I'll see fielded is 4 or so.
And then for Rebels, I'm thinking of going with a heavy Squadron-based build as well, where a pair of Neb-B's will be the ones meant to deal with the incoming TIEs, keeping the X-Wings fresh to nuke the Victories. This one will definitely want to give Initiative to my opponent though, because all 3 Objectives will be pretty painful for an Imperial list to pick between.
CR90 Corellian Corvette B (39)
-- General Dodonna (20)
-- “Dodonna’s Pride” (6)
-- Overload Pulse (8)
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)
-- Leia Organa (3)
-- “Redemption” (8)
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57)
Luke Skywalker, X-Wing Squadron (20)
X-Wing Squadron (13) x6 (78)
OBJECTIVES: Precision Strike, Fleet Ambush, Superior Positions
Super excited for tomorrow. I've been itching for a game all week.
It somehow looks even better on the table than X-wing.
I was completely jelly.
Well, I am jelly that you live near enough to go play games at FFG, so, :P
Thanks for that, I didn't realise the core set included upgrade cards like Tarkin and the Weapons Liaison. I've set up for the beginner match but not played yet, so I didn't see them hiding with the damage cards.
Yep! Tarkin is awesome. Expensive, but totally awesome.
Also, after you play the learner game (which is a good idea, because there are a lot of habits to learn, and if you play X-Wing or Attack Wing, shoot-then-move is a biitch.) jump into a 180pt game with Objectives. I keep seeing people playing multiple games without Objectives, and I think they are having wrong bad fun. :P
I flew the Rebel list I posted above, and it handled really well! But part of that may have been luck, as my opponent happened to have Superior Position in his Objective deck, so even though he made me first player, I was able to play to a strength.
The TIEs caught and obliterated a lone X-Wing squadron early, as I had it escorting the CR90 flagship my newbie was flying. I then swooped in with my other 6 squadrons led by Luke and a huge furball started in the center of the board. A few well-placed Squadron commands, along with some supporting fire from my Neb-Bs pretty much wiped out his TIEs and freed up my X-Wings to get a few shots at the rear of one of his Victory's, scoring some points for each squadron that hit thanks to the Objective.
The collisions kept my ships right in close range of one of the Star Destroyers for multiple turns, but luckily it was his weaker one, and I spent the last half of the game doing nothing but Repair commands to discard a damage card every turn.
In the end though, the 30 pts I scored from the Objectives plus the 7 TIEs I wiped out were enough to assure our success. But in the end, I had a Neb-B with 4 out of 5 damage cards, and a second with 3 no shields, so it was pretty close.
Hopefully tomorrow I can get the Imperial TIE Swarm on the table.
Ok, got my copy today, and after playing the tutorial scenario I can totally see why you feel justified in your two core sets. This game feels pretty fantastic at first impression, and I'm antsy to be able to field a full 300 point match. More dice would be nice to so I can have enough to handle the extra firepower command.
I've still got my "don't hold your breath" $50 Amazon preorder open, so hopefully I can have the willpower to wait and see if that ever comes through, but I already know I'm going to be buying tons of stuff the first few expansion pack waves. I really think I'm going to like this even better than X-Wing.
I have no idea how the "shipped by Amazon" stuff works but I'm guessing 3rd party stores provide their own stock to Amazon to sell, and Amazon probably won't get their stock for a few more days, maybe weeks.
Speaking of, I need to email them myself... that's on today's to do list.
Second game saw me going against a list with 5 X-Wings and the TIEs still did a great job. I had very little trouble eliminating the X-Wings at first, but then my opponent employed a "Run Away!' strategy and I over-extended a bit and lost the ability to command half my squadrons, which left them open to being thinned out by the remaining X-Wings and lots of Capital ship fire. Still managed to score enough rear-hull shots to secure a victory, though amusingly none of our ships had a single damage card on them at the end of the game.
Over all, I was really impressed with the teeth that TIEs have. Some of it was good rolling, but when you're dealing with high enough numbers, your rolls are going to average out, and that still seems to result in some solid performances.
Superior Positions is a GREAT Objective for a TIE swarm, and both my opponents picked it, because they sure didn't want to face the swarm in Most Wanted (which effectively doubles the attack dice of the TIEs) or Contested Outpost, which would have seen my VSDs just camping out with the swarm as protection.
Really interested to see how tossing some of the new fighters in will mix things up.