[Konami] I guess they remembered they're supposed to make games?

cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
edited October 2021 in Games and Technology
Because there apparently needs to be some place to talk about it:

Something is rotten in the state of Konami. Let's start with all the weirdness with Metal Gear Solid V. There's reports with Hideo Kojima leaving Konami, and his name/company name has been stripped from the box art, web site and studio. Konami said Kojima will remain to finish MGS V -- though they also said they're looking for new staff to push the series forward.

Next, PT, the extremely well-received demo for a new Silent Hill, was removed from download. I mean, COMPLETELY removed -- you can't even re-download it if you previously downloaded it, which never happens even with licensed stuff. Everyone involved in the game, from Guillermo Del Toro to Norman Reedus, have said the game is cancelled.

...and that's pretty much the only console games we know of that Konami's working on. They typically release a Pro Evolution Soccer in November so that's a possibility, but we haven't heard a peep about it yet.

To add to the weirdness, Konami voluntarily removed itself from the New York Stock Exchange. Being listed reportedly cost Konami $5 million per year. So, they're losing money and panicking, right? Well, no -- in the last fiscal quarter, they reported a profit of $30.9 million, which was up significantly from $7.1 million the year before. They do all kinds of things beyond console games, such as mobile games, arcade games, slot machines, card games, fitness centers and so on, and all that seems to be treating them well. Their next quarterly report comes out May 8 and could show a reversal of fortunes, but for the moment they seem to be doing fine.

So what the hell is going on? Is Konami leaving console gaming, or the west in general?

Switch: 3947-4890-9293
cloudeagle on


  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Just to be clear: this is not a thread to discuss all things Konami. Just their...weird behavior.

    And boy is that weird. Are they publicly traded in Japan?

  • LarsLars Registered User regular
    I think I read somewhere that the branch of the company that was removed from the NYSE was actually the branch that did their slot machines and such and not their video game branch. I didn't really look into it to verify, though.

  • SteevLSteevL What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sad about all of this. Konami was one of my favorite developers back in the NES/SNES days. I'm way behind on the Metal Gear series at this point. Castlevania is my favorite series. I even liked the first Lords of Shadow, although the other two games were disappointments. Looking forward to seeing what Igarashi does with that swordorwhip thing.

    After everything that's happened, I won't be surprised if they're exiting the console space for good.

  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    If Konomi got out of the console biz, that would be a sad day. Not that they do much of anything beyond MGS and Soccer anymore, but because they've been a staple of gaming since I can remember. I still remember how amazing playing Castlevania for the first time felt for me as a kid.

    Konomi leaving the console biz for me would be just as strange feeling if Capcom left the console biz.

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  • DHS OdiumDHS Odium Registered User regular
    P.T. was my 2014 GotY. Playing that with friends in pitch darkness was an absolute highlight among my gaming memories. I still have it installed, I hear there's a way to back it up, anybody have a guide?

    As for Konami, my hope is if they want out of the console business, they just sell their IP. If all their seemingly weird behavior is them trying to cut costs and downsize a whole lot, why not just sell the IP for the extra cash?

    I really do hope that Sony somehow takes ownership over P.T., they can patch the teaser at the end out, and relist it on the store. They would be a hero to a lot of people.

    Wii U: DHS-Odium // Live: DHS Odium // PSN: DHSOdium // Steam: dhsykes // 3DS: 0318-6615-5294
  • Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    It is weird that they completely removed the ability to even redownload P.T. from the store.

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  • miscellaneousinsanitymiscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular
    Just to be clear: this is not a thread to discuss all things Konami. Just their...weird behavior.

    And boy is that weird. Are they publicly traded in Japan?

    they said like 99% of their trading happens in Tokyo and London, so it wasn't worth it to stay on the NYSE

  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Just to be clear: this is not a thread to discuss all things Konami. Just their...weird behavior.

    And boy is that weird. Are they publicly traded in Japan?


    As far as what the NYSE version of Konami stock covered, I didn't see anything that specifically limited it to slot machines. But I did find this fine helping of financial gobbledygook:
    The company listed its ADSs on the NYSE in September 2002 mainly to diversify its opportunities for fund-raising and to raise the visibility of the Konami brand. Since then, the company has made efforts to enhance disclosures for shareholders and investors with the goal of deepening their understanding of the company, in addition to complying with the disclosure requirements of U.S. securities laws and regulations, providing consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”), and establishing internal controls in accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    Meanwhile, the external environment has significantly changed as indicated by the increases in trading volume of Japanese stocks through stock exchanges in Japan by overseas investors due to the internationalization of the Japanese financial and capital markets, as well as the narrowing of the gap between U.S. and Japanese disclosure standards with respect to financial reporting due to a series of amendments to Japanese laws and regulations and accounting standards.

    While the company believes the initial objectives of the U.S. ADS listing were mainly achieved, it has judged that the continued listing on the NYSE is not economically justified, taking into account the market changes as stated above and the fact that the trading volume of its ADSs on the NYSE accounts for only a small fraction of the total trading volume of its shares. Therefore, the company has decided to apply for voluntary delisting of its ADSs from the NYSE and for termination of registration of its ADSs with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the Exchange Act.

    So, they felt it wasn't worth it anymore. But the stock traded between $18 and $23 over the last year -- lowish but probably a decent source of funds. Granted it had been trending downward, but money's money. And the timing sure is odd. Definitely feels like the heads of the company are changing its direction.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    The OP says 'bought' with regards to PT, but it was always free, right? Except in Germany where it counted as one of the PS+ games, so you could make more of a case for ownership there. Still tho. Removing it from download lists is fucked.

    Skullgirls also got pulled from PSN, and replaced with a newer version that didn't rely on Konami's online infrastructure (maybe this shoulda been an early warning sign ;P) and in that scenario, Skullgirls was no longer available for purchase, anyone who had bought it got the new version 'Skullgirls Encore' for free, automatically added to their download lists IIRC, but you can still download the original version if you wanted. Couldn't play online with it, and it encourages a patch to the Encore version, but they didn't scorch fucking earth trying to get rid of it.

    The story I've heard explaining this is pachinko. That Konami is a pachinko company first, and a games company a waaaay distant second. Apparently their profits from those goddamned slot machines are so far beyond what they ever make on video games, it makes sense in a robotic fashion to burn the one we care about down.

    Oh brilliant
  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    The OP says 'bought' with regards to PT, but it was always free, right? Except in Germany where it counted as one of the PS+ games, so you could make more of a case for ownership there. Still tho. Removing it from download lists is fucked.

    Skullgirls also got pulled from PSN, and replaced with a newer version that didn't rely on Konami's online infrastructure (maybe this shoulda been an early warning sign ;P) and in that scenario, Skullgirls was no longer available for purchase, anyone who had bought it got the new version 'Skullgirls Encore' for free, automatically added to their download lists IIRC, but you can still download the original version if you wanted. Couldn't play online with it, and it encourages a patch to the Encore version, but they didn't scorch fucking earth trying to get rid of it.

    The story I've heard explaining this is pachinko. That Konami is a pachinko company first, and a games company a waaaay distant second. Apparently their profits from those goddamned slot machines are so far beyond what they ever make on video games, it makes sense in a robotic fashion to burn the one we care about down.

    Gah, brain fart on the "purchased" bit.

    Pachinko is big, but they're still making smartphone games -- in fact they just added a Chewbacca Contra level to their Star Wars app. My theory is that Konami is saying "screw this" to just AAA games, since the risks and development costs just keep going through the roof. The number of AAA releases keep dropping as publishers circle their wagons to try to contain costs, and many of the ones that come out are showing up with crazy bugs as even the boosted manpower strains to keep up. Part of me can understand why Konami wouldn't want any part of that insane scene.

    And part of me is heartbroken that we'll never see what PT would have become.

    cloudeagle on
    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • DartboyDartboy Registered User regular
    At this point, I think the best we can hope for of they do decide to back out of the console business completely is for them to sell their IP. It would suck if Metal Gear, Castlevania, and others languished in a vault because they pulled a Microsoft or Capcom and didn't want anyone else to have success with "their" stuff.

  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    It's definitely a whole lot of effort/money to get $60 a sale if you're lucky, and I guess if they're killing it in the mobile/pachinko market it's a sensible thing to back out entirely? But supposedly the mobile market is becoming stagnant in Japan too so... who knows. Some times you have to bring a machine to a near halt to really fix the problems with it.

    Kind of curious at to what IPs Microsoft has in its vault that it's not using other than some niche stuff that would warrant its inclusion in that remark though, Dartboy. Though I guess that's OT. IDK.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Wait, so Konami made a profit of 7.1 million one year, and then the very next year reported a profit of 30.9 million? That's quite an increase... Do they have some really profitable free to play junk or something? That or their other revenue sources are kicking ass for them. Which would at least make sense(a little) as to why they've gone crazy and look to be saying "screw you console biz!"

    I just hate that MGS is caught up in this...

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Fleur de AlysFleur de Alys Biohacker Registered User regular
    Game Scoop did an episode called "42 Reasons We'll Miss Konami," which was basically 41 games and the Konami Code. It was something of a walkthrough of Konami's history in video games.

    The gut-wrenching part of it was how loaded the list was on NES and SNES era games (including arcade games of the period). Konami was putting out something like six great games per year. They were making so many games they had to found another company, Ultra, in order to get Nintendo to let them release more games (there was an annual limit per company as part of quality control). And that company was making hits, too.

    When it got to the modern era? Almost nothing. Maybe one game made the list on the entire PS3 platform.

    Konami has been backing out of this for a long, long time. Production needs for modern AAA gaming doesn't match Konami's approach or structure. Kojima's group was pretty much the only exception to this and the only thing they had going.

    None of their scorched earth tactics are really surprising to me. I'm most surprised they're actually putting token efforts into continuing Metal Gear instead of just shutting that down too, but maybe that's just a facade until the final game is released to keep fans from preemptively giving up on it.

    I wish they'd just sell their IPs to companies that might do interesting things with them. Bethesda did some great things with Fallout. What could various companies do with Suikoden, Castlevania, Contra, Silent Hill, hell even Skate or Die and Gradius? Will we ever know, or will Konami bury the IPs and force a bunch of "spiritual successors" that wind up skirting too much of the good stuff so as to not get sued?

    Triptycho: A card-and-dice tabletop indie RPG currently in development and playtesting
  • ArtereisArtereis Registered User regular
    Man, I wonder if anyone would even buy the Suikoden IP these days. It had a pretty rabid fanbase, myself included, but it was always tiny.

  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    Artereis wrote: »
    Man, I wonder if anyone would even buy the Suikoden IP these days. It had a pretty rabid fanbase, myself included, but it was always tiny.

    This was my thought, as well. I would buy the heck out of a new Suikoden game. It's probably the only RPG beyond Elder Scrolls of Dragon Age I can say that about these days.

  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    What's going to happen to the Fox Engine

    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • WyvernWyvern Registered User regular
    I figure there's near-zero chance that they'll sell their big IP if they keep making any sort of games at all, even smartphone games. The name recognition value of a trashy Castlevania or Metal Gear mobile game is probably too high. The IPs will sadly just languish in obscurity forever.

    Switch: SW-2431-2728-9604 || 3DS: 0817-4948-1650
  • Fleur de AlysFleur de Alys Biohacker Registered User regular
    I don't think it was any smaller than Fallout's prior to #3.

    It just takes a company motivated by love for the IP, like Bethesda's crew was.

    Triptycho: A card-and-dice tabletop indie RPG currently in development and playtesting
  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    The more I think about it, the more I think Konami may just be the most diversified of the "traditional" AAA developers. They're (possibly) leaving AAA development because they can -- they have more than enough revenue elsewhere to do so with relatively little pain.

    @The Sauce is right -- Konami's gradually been pulling away from console development for a while, moving series like Love Plus to mobile. This move could have been years in the making.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • miscellaneousinsanitymiscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular
    Artereis wrote: »
    Man, I wonder if anyone would even buy the Suikoden IP these days. It had a pretty rabid fanbase, myself included, but it was always tiny.

    If murayama ever decided he wanted to come back and do a sequel to suikoden III (and provided he had access to the license), I would crowdfund the heck out of that, even if it were just a small project

  • Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    edited May 2015
    The story I've heard explaining this is pachinko. That Konami is a pachinko company first, and a games company a waaaay distant second. Apparently their profits from those goddamned slot machines are so far beyond what they ever make on video games, it makes sense in a robotic fashion to burn the one we care about down.

    So in summary, here's what we can expect from Konami going forward;

    Original here

    Zoku Gojira on
    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Artereis wrote: »
    Man, I wonder if anyone would even buy the Suikoden IP these days. It had a pretty rabid fanbase, myself included, but it was always tiny.

    Microsoft uses their offshore billions to buy the Suikoden IP... I could see the rage now. :P

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    Just to be clear: this is not a thread to discuss all things Konami. Just their...weird behavior.

    And boy is that weird. Are they publicly traded in Japan?

    Can we list the positive anti-Konami things that have begun with IGA's upcoming game, as well as what I assume will be whatever Kojima does once his contract expires?

    Also, these two videos should be linked to the OP:



    Watching these two in tandem really paints a bleak picture over the whole thing, and I suspect we're going to get even more insane details about the company for the next year or two.

    Professor Snugglesworth on
  • l_gl_g Registered User regular
    Just to be clear: this is not a thread to discuss all things Konami. Just their...weird behavior.

    And boy is that weird. Are they publicly traded in Japan?

    They very much are and are still listed in at least one major Western stock exchange. They haven't stopped being a publicly traded company; THAT would be weird.

    The point about "pulling out of a stock exchange" superficially sounds really bad, but given that a company is still publicly traded, particularly in the exchanges where the bulk of its operations and revenue occur in, what does it really mean? It's something we don't often see happening in video game companies which alone makes it noteworthy, but I'm not a financial expert. But if it really is true that less than 1% of Konami's stock activity occurs on the NYSE, such that being listed there is more expensive than it's worth for the company, then in that light it's more of a practical decision than anything else.

    But doing so at this moment in the company's publicly turmoil definitely creates perception issues.

    Cole's Law: "Thinly sliced cabbage."
  • Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    I'm still not convinced The Phantom Pain is going to make it out completely unscathed. If it makes it out at all.

    Like, hope for the best but assume the worst. There's no limit to what Konami might pull at this point.

    Professor Snugglesworth on
  • Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    One of the saddest things I think will come from this is changes to MGS: PP. We don't know anything yet but GZ spoilers
    Kojima was literally in the game, fully modeled and voiced by him. I have no doubt similar easter eggs were planned for PP.
    Stuff like that is likely being scrubbed from the game if they're removing his name from promo materials. Hell I will be surprised if he even gets proper credits.

    Local H Jay on
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    The devs for the Goat Simulator: GoatZ thing have Kojima's back, at least. When they found out his name was removed from Phantom Pain's credits, they listed him in the credits for their game.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    I wouldn't worry too much about Phantom Pain. The game was almost certainly feature-locked at the time shit started going down, and Konami has dumped far too much money to risk annoying their stockholders by not getting any return on the investment.

    That said, I'm a little worried Konami will push it out the door even if it needs delays to fix things, and we'll get yet another AAA game launched with major problems.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • lionheart_mlionheart_m Registered User regular
    I'm even more worried what this means for PP's multiplayer. Anyway's I'm looking forward to this E3. I mean, Sega pulled out, will Konami back out too?

    3DS: 5069-4122-2826 / WiiU: Lionheart-m / PSN: lionheart_m / Steam: lionheart_jg
  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    As of now, Konami will be at E3. You would think that if they would back out they'd have done it by now, but who the hell knows what's going on.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular

    The one time I support the frequent brutality of the Twitter comments.

    On the one hand I feel a little bad; I'm sure whoever the poor sap posting these tweets is has nothing to do with the decisions of the company.

    That being said, I'm glad the anger is consistent and outspoken. Even if they truly give no fucks, let them know how much they've angered us.

  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    The sad thing is the only way to show Konami how much they've angered gamers is to literally start a public outcry to NOT purchase TPP. Let the game come out and hold strong to that statement. Sadly no one would have the courage to follow through with it, but if they just had a huge loss it would get the attention of some people in Konami. Or at least their investors.

  • cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    The sad thing is the only way to show Konami how much they've angered gamers is to literally start a public outcry to NOT purchase TPP. Let the game come out and hold strong to that statement. Sadly no one would have the courage to follow through with it, but if they just had a huge loss it would get the attention of some people in Konami. Or at least their investors.

    That would probably just prove their point that AAA development is crazy risky and should be avoided.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
  • Darth_MogsDarth_Mogs Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Everyone involved in the game, from Guillermo Del Toro to Norman Reedus, have said the game is cancelled.

    Mobile, so finding the links would be a pain in my ass, but Konami themselves have outright cancelled Silent Hills, said they did and everything.

    Like a few others, the thing that really pisses me off about it all is that I see no reason to believe Konami won't sit on all their IPs and do Fuck all with them. I doubt we'll even see shitty mobile games. Which....is a plus, I guess...

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  • Capt HowdyCapt Howdy Registered User regular
    Nintendo needs to purchase Castlevania if Konami sells its IPs.

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  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Artereis wrote: »
    Man, I wonder if anyone would even buy the Suikoden IP these days. It had a pretty rabid fanbase, myself included, but it was always tiny.

    If murayama ever decided he wanted to come back and do a sequel to suikoden III (and provided he had access to the license), I would crowdfund the heck out of that, even if it were just a small project

    Yeah this is the rub, after Murayama left back in 2002 they really didn't have any idea about the overall world story of Suikoden, so that is basically when that series died. (Although I really liked Suiko 5)

  • AstaleAstale Registered User regular
    Everything after III was prequels, right?

    IV was crap, V was wonderful.

  • vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Overworked Mysterious Eldritch Horror Hunter XX Registered User regular
    Someone fixed the 80s movie trailer image.


    Muuuuch better.

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  • vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Overworked Mysterious Eldritch Horror Hunter XX Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    As of now, Konami will be at E3. You would think that if they would back out they'd have done it by now, but who the hell knows what's going on.

    Are they going to be boo'd off the stage or will the fill all the seats with paid fake hype men and women?

    // Steam: VWinds // PSN: vagrant_winds //
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