LEGION announced as the next WOW expansion. Go here for the LEGION page:
Note the Beta Opt In button at the top left of the LEGION menu.
Here's the LEGION trailer:
And the "Cinematic Teaser":
New Zone= Broken Isles
New Class= Demon Hunter
Level Cap of 110, includes a character boost to 100.
No weapon drops, instead every class will have a single persistent Artifact weapon that they can develop with drops or quest rewards throughout the expansion.
Class-specific order halls and followers, sort of a modified garrison.
No release date yet, but if you count forward six months from an open Beta announcement at Blizzcon in November, that would be April, 2016 ?
Patch 6.2.2 will arrive on September 1, bringing Draenor flying with it. Get to work on those achievements, people !
Patch 6.2 Notes. Tanaan Jungle, ahoy !
It will arrive on June 23.
Here's the WARLORDS site:
I don't see why they didn't scale back ilvl differences when they implemented Flex. You essentially removed a difficulty level.
From the point of view of someone who's sat out the past two expansions (MoP was my last after spending about 1-2 months in it), I put some of the blame on the set bonuses and the design of proc-based itemisation. Some procs or bonuses are just so darn powerful you'll sit out on half a set of gear until you got another set bonus plus the stat gains in the higher ilvl gear outweighed it, or you simply didn't have a viable replacement for the entire expansion. So, the ilvl inflation became necessary to get people to stop farming older tier content for those juicy set bonuses or procs.
Again from an outsider's point of view, I kind of feel that the removal of hit is actually a missed opportunity. Hit can be a great way to prod people to get higher tier gear if the hit requirements increased with every tier of content and also provides a soak for stat points which won't turn lower level content into a complete lolfest since being over hit cap does nothing to your damage output. Whether or not that's actually feasible to do with WoW's engine and design, that's another question but IMHO it's interesting food for thought on what if you had increasing hit requirements for every tier, or possibly even within a tier itself as well.
Of course, it's not a clear cut design decision. There is a possibility that when faced with such a design, players may complain that they feel compelled to put hit above all else when facing new content and that's a "boring" decision to make, much like the original reasoning in removing it in the first place because getting the requisite +6.x% to-hit then dance around the cap was a no brainer.
If you make the ilevel gap too small, you stand a chance at having a really well itemized pair of boots in tier X, to actually be better than a poorly itemized pair of boots from tier Y.
For instance, why does each class and spec have a 'best' secondary? All you are doing is making a bigger issue for youself (and also making gearing boring so why bother with secondaries at all then).
They actually did a good job of making every point of MS, Crit, and in many cases Mastery equal. Haste is hard to do this with but it could be done. Then of course there is always the up and down involved in how getting a ton of one stat starts making obtaining another one valueable. But still.
This way there is actually a POINT to having different stats on different gear - choice. Its downright stupid to have one stat setup be vastly superior then give people a bunch of gear without the stat.
Does that work? Who can say. What overlap of people are disinterested in looking at a guide yet they will read through their passive abilities in their spellbook?
There's nothing really wrong with attunement stats. Min-maxing theory crafters are always going to put forward a "best stat" for a specialization that people will aim for. @Kai_San there has always been a superior stat setup for every class in every expansion. It's like having the Dungeon Journal. That stuff was always online on fansites. Now it is in the game itself where you can more easily reference it once you know it is there.
I like gearing in this expansion as you more or less engage with it as you see fit. Don't care too much? Stack your attunement and do what you do. Otherwise read a guide and figure out what the best secondaries are other than your attunement stat. There are very wrong gearing choices (just ask Mistweaving Monks how much they like Mastery. Folks say it is worth a fourth as much as Multistrtike) so choice does matter. Something I like about gear in this expansion is how gear can influence play-style and options. Shadow Priests can make their level 100 talent, Auspicious Spirits, extremely powerful by stacking crit. Alternatively they can stack mastery and focus on single-target damage with Clarity of Power as their talent. The two have pretty different damage rotations and strengths in the same specialization. Mistweavers can have a core skills, Renewing Mists, not go on cooldown based on their multi-strike. Your engagement with the mechanic changes based on your itemization.
The best itemization changes the way your skills work in addition to how hard they hit. Not all classes have this. The ugly flip side is sitting there wondering "do I have enough stat to try this playstyle?" or "I didn't get any drops with crit, I'd be better off doing a different specialization that I like less". That's the problem with choice tied to luck (drops). There's gotta be wrong choices. You don't know if the drops you get will support the right choices. Yet the game isn't tuned around people making the perfect choices constantly.
It definitely does not work. Half the time, your attuned stat isn't actually the best, like with combat rogues, who actually want multistrike, instead of haste. And the actual bonus is so hidden anyway, baked into a random passive for each spec, that it doesn't do new players any good.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
It is possible to balance the stats enough that normal players do not need to give a shit about the min maxers finding a 0.5% diff. You just need to do something about those unbalancable masteries.
I play Disc Priest which tends to value Mastery over our attunement, Crit. Crit is pretty close runner up though. Your attunement stat is almost always in the top 2 best stats for your class which, given that each item has two secondaries most of the time, is still a good guideline for players to follow.
I won't argue that hiding it in the spellbook behind a passive is really awful for new players. I appreciate it though whenever I am on an alt or I switch to a rarely-used specialization. It is easy enough for me to reference. Blizzard could do good work by making your attunement more prominent in the spellbook. First page treatment with maybe a border. I still think it is a good idea.
So the best choice for you @Kai_San is that all stats are within ~1% of each other? Every stat is extremely close in value for all classes? I see that as the opposite of choice. There's no wrong choice. Everything is basically right. You just pick up whatever the highest item level gear is and go (which is actually how it works right now with the strength of primary stats).
Do you run tests or experiment with gear to figure out what statistic is best? I am not interested in that sort of exploration of stats and I am more than willing to just look it up. Attunement makes that information easier to reference than ever before in the game.
Either way though some people enjoy the style of certain stats over others. Sometimes its not just about being the best.
That and for all of their sever combines and wanting to get people out in the world, the garrison effectively removed that. Same with the removal dailies. I can't remember the last time I've left my garrison since building the auction bot. I've leveled two characters to 95 just through garrison missions.
why is that inherently a bad thing though?
Dragonspine Trophy from Gruul was near best in slot for melee DPS in TBC, even into Sunwell.
Maybe not, but they've spoken directly about it in the past, that it's s problem and forces people to get really deep into the math or use external sites to gear themselves.
There'd be no point in having them then.
Like, say, how Fire always has a tough time until they get enough crit to actually work.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
I think it would be great if every 5 man instance in the game had a current max level version that was slightly more difficult than Heroic but just slightly, so they'd be doable by people in full 630s for example with some difficulty, by just paying attention to CCs and mechanics, but they wouldn't scale anything down like Challenge Modes.
Anyway, have this difficulty just go ahead and give out tokens or currencies that can be exchanged for gear equivalent to current Normal raid tier. So right now I'd go so far as to say that should be 670 because of the ilevel disparity between Highmaul and Foundry, and when Hellfire comes out, it could give whatever Hellfire Normal would give at the start. And the instances their selves could drop Raid Finder level gear.
Just let people queue up randomly for any 5 man instance in the history of WoW and grind out gear that way if they want to. I think that would be fucking awesome.
Also, if you don't *need* the gear, let the currency be exchanged for shit you do need, like Flasks, Potions, Runes, and Food.
Also end instance bosses should have a super rare chance to drop a piece of gear scaled to heroic. In an item cache kind of way. You get a token and click on it and it becomes a piece of gear for your class/spec yadda yadda.
Then at different points in the week let this random mode offer special bonus bags from instance end bosses, with gold and a chance for toys, or battle pets, or mounts, or fun boss transmog gear, or mounts, or something new.
apparently you only get them from completing a daily heroic, and they reward the 90-100 upgrade tokens for heirlooms, which otherwise cost several thousand gold apiece
so that's pretty nice, really.
Yeah, but as far as I know, you can only do those quests for the coins once per character. Took me a few weeks overall to complete everything on my character.
My Backloggery
Anyone looking a dude? I have no idea what's happened in WoW since Cataclysm (and that includes the fact that I have a kitted out Warlock from SoO, I didn't understand any of it then), but I'm real bored
is there one quest for each item, one armor one weapon quest? because I turned one in yesterday but today was getting draenic coins still
I believe shambler milk is still about?
I've been playing with @Mugsley and @Aegis most recently.
in 98% of situations a higher ilvl piece is just going to be better; when considering equal ilvl pieces you're choosing between 2-3, and you pick the one that either has your attuned stat or is a tier piece. You can construct a scenario where a lower-ilvl piece has ideal stats and the higher ilvl piece has terrible stats, but in practice that's hardly ever the case even when considering warforged stuff. Secondary stats are weighted closely enough that getting into the scale factor weeds isn't really necessary (I agree that spriests getting haste is dumb though.)
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I could have sworn I stopped getting them when I finished. There doesn't seem to be any way to turn in any extras you might have after doing all the quests too.
My Backloggery
Where at? I'll have a 90 boost to use
They might have fixed it then. I haven't done a single daily heroic since so I wouldn't know.
The one situation I've run into where it was an interesting choice was: Set of Boots with Avoidance versus Warforged Set of Identical Boots except without Avoidance.
The tradeoff there was a miniscule dps loss versus a gain of 5% aoe damage reduction, which for ranged is effectively everything.
But yea, ilvl typically wins out.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Alternatively, Not Sucking (tm) provides a 100% aoe damage reduction
so there's that
Not all aoe damage is avoidable.