Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying.
What is this?Phalla, the PA Board's take on Mafia/Werewolf. Specifically, this is a Game A/Game B jdarksun-style game, with a second game type overlaying the first.
So what's the second game type?
It's a variation on
Firefly: The Game, a board game by Gale Force Nine, LLC.
How do I play?
Start by
Signing Up using some sort of colorful language. Also let me know if you want to be a
Captain. From there, feel free to self-organize into a crew (max size including Captain is 6)... though keep in mind roles are distributed randomly, and you might not like the characters you end up with.
Game A is Mostly Vanilla Phalla. Everybody
votes. Some folk die. If you're village, you need to eliminate all the threats. If you're not, well, I think you know what you need to do.
Game B is Mostly Firefly. Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying. Avoid the Alliance. Avoid Reavers. Make money. Maybe make so much money that you can Retire and live out your days in luxury on Bellerophon.
Tell me more about Firefly: The Game.Here's my version of the board,
but here's a better one.
Captains pick where their ship starts.
The basic sequence of events is: 1) Get Job, 2) Work Job, 3) Get Paid.
There are five folk giving out Jobs: Amnol Dul (Space Bazaar, Red Sun), Niska (Ezra, Georgia), Patience (Athens, Georgia), Harken (Alliance Cruiser, Alliance Space), and Badger (Persephone, Lux). Each patron has a certain flavor to their Jobs.
To pick up a Job, your Crew has to meet the Job Requirement: they need to have a certain set of Skills (Fight, Tech, and Negotiate). Don't worry, everybody starts with one or two Skills. A smart Captain should have no problem putting together the right Crew for the Job.
Jobs come in a two different types:
Legal, and
Legal jobs are less risky, but have a smaller payout.
Illegal jobs require the crew to Misbehave, which are Skill Checks with possible bad outcomes (Incapacitation of Crew, Issuing of Warrants), but pay a lot more. Keep an eye out for those
Lawful types, though - taking
Illegal Jobs is liable to make them grumpy (Receive 50% Payout from Illegal Jobs).
Jobs can also be
Immoral. Some of your crew might be
Moral, upstanding individuals. Those folk don't like doing bad things, and receive a smaller payout from
Immoral Jobs (Receive 50% Payout from Immoral Jobs).
Once a Job is complete, the
Captain gets paid. They can then pay their crew. Or not. Be warned, the crew can
Mutiny and elect a
new Captain.
Don't fancy working for a living? You can do a
Pirate job instead, and prey upon the other
Captains and Crews. Simply mosey on over to another ship, attempt a boarding action, then try to take their stuff... if you can win the
Showdown (opposed Skill Check; both the attacker and defender choose which Skill they want to use).
Bounty Hunting is more your style? Really, it's not that different from being a Pirate - except instead of seizing goods, you're kidnapping another player. Drop them off and collect the bounty, couldn't be easier.
It sounds all sorts of complicated, but it's easier when it's all in front of you.
What if I die?
If you die by the
vote, you're dead in both games. The Mafia/Werewolves can also kill you permanently.
If you're "killed" on a Job or during a Showdown, you're Incapacitated and can't participate until a Medic patches you up.
If you're turned in for your bounty, you're Incapacitated until somebody stages some thrillin' heroics (Showdown with with the Law: good luck).
Incapacitated players can still vote and use any village or non-village abilities they may or may not have.
Captain Actions
A Captain may take any or all of the following actions once per day:
Fly - Expend 1 fuel to move a number of spaces up to your ship's Drive Core Range (this defaults to 5), or fly 1 square for free. Warning: space can be dangerous. You may encounter
Alliance Patrols in the "Civilized" (White Sun / Blue areas) region of space. You may encounter
Reavers in the "Uncivilized" (everywhere else / Red areas) region of space.
Buy - Purchase fuel ($100), gear, ship upgrades, or spare parts ($300), or hire NPC crew from your location (valid locations: Persephone, Regina, Space Bazaar, Osiris Shipworks, Silverhold).
Deal - Talk to Contacts and take Jobs. You can immediately pick up to two Open/discarded Jobs - first come, first served! - per Day. If you don't want any of the Open/discarded Jobs, you can ask for a new Job from any of the Contacts (Amnon Duul, Badger, Harken, Patience, Niska). Only two Jobs may be picked up per Day. You may not carry over more than three Jobs from Day to Day; excess Jobs must be discarded.
Work - Take an Action on a Job, or Make-Work while in orbit of a planet to receive $200. One or the other, not both. Can Work all Jobs at a single location with one action.
Boarding Test - Attempt a Difficulty 6 Tech or Negotiation Skill Test. Succeed to force a Showdown on a ship in the same region.
Some Captains may also take Crew Actions in addition to Captain Actions.
Captains begin the game with $1000 credits, 6 Fuel, 2 Parts, and a base model Firefly.
The base model Firefly comes with a Range 5 Drive Core, 12 Unit Hold, and 3 Upgrade Slots.
Fuel and Parts are 1/2 Unit in size. All other items are size 1 Unit.
Crew Actions:
Oncer per day, take any or all of the following actions as appropriate to your character:
Embark/Disembark - Move to a planet or another ship (with that Captain's permission) in the same region.
Medic! - Remove the Incapacitated condition from another player in the same region.
Mutiny (target) - Depose the current Captain and put a new one in place. Requires majority vote on the ship.
Many gear cards and some crew have special attributes associated with them. Some of these "keywords" are required to take some jobs; some are an "ace in the hole", a trump card of sorts that allows you to skip Skill Checks or otherwise get away from negative consequences when Misbehaving. These Keywords are:
Sniper Rifle,
Hacking Rig,
Fake ID,
Transport, and
Fancy Duds.
Both the Attacker and Defender pick a type of Skill Challenge (Fight, Tech, or Negotiation). The results are compared, highest value wins. Ties to go the Defender.
All characters may equip one piece of Gear, unless otherwise specified. This doesn't require an action, but does need to be clearly stated via PM.
I need to go be dad for a bit; example roles and jobs coming soon. Vote comes first in order of actions.
Vote close is at 9pm Eastern. Ask questions in darkorange.
Sign Ups
Grunt's Ghosts
Sir Fabulous
Void Slayer
Zombie Hero
Lucedes Ardor
REG Rysk
Captain Interest
Grunt's Ghosts
Preda (if needed)
Who are the mafia?
In Firefly: The Game, both the Alliance and the Reavers are antagonists to the players. In Phallafly, Alliance Informants will be playing the role of the mafia. If enough players sign up, so will Reavers.
What happens when the mafia kills captains? Does it harm the village to do so, or is that only a problem in the Firefly part?
The Captain is removed from the game, and the Crew of the ship (if any remain) will have to appoint or elect a new Captain. It only harms the village as much as losing any other player harms the village, but it can be a significant set back to a Firefly crew.
Please note that Captains are not guaranteed to be village. They could be mafia.
[How] does one switch crews after joining one?
Crew can disembark to any valid target at their current location, including planets and other player's ships.Q: Why do I care if I get Warrant?
A: Because the Alliance doesn't like lawbreakers. Outlaw Ships (ships with Warrants, Fugitives, Contraband, or Wanted Crew) that run afoul of the Alliance has to pay a $1000 fine per Warrant, will have Contraband and Fugitives seized, and may have Wanted Crew incarcerated!
Is ship name automatically determined? Or does the captain get to pick?
Captain's choice.
Are there bot crew or are captains with smaller crews going to be at a disadvantage?
NPC crew are available for hire.
Can crewmembers be forcefully expelled?
Yes, but only when in the same area as a planet or ship that will accept them.
* No airlocking crew. Sorry, this is for balance reasons. Vote them out if you absolutely, positively need to get somebody off your ship in the middle of the black.
* No forcing crew onto another ship. That ship's Captain has to accept them (and that ship has to have room).Sample CharactersSample JobsDay 1, State of the 'VerseNight 1Day 2, State of the 'VerseNight 2Day 3, State of the 'VerseNight 3Day 4, State of the 'Verse
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
*this is a !Sign up by the way.
I will be a captain.
The SS Tortuga is accepting applications. Please give your space bounty hunter qualifications via pm
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Island Name: Felinefine
Hey. Come play.
PM me if you could use a crew member. Strongest case wins
Not to impugn anyone else's qualifications but I want to be a rude dude in space and you are the best captain for that job.
Who are the mafia?
What happens when the mafia kills captains? Does it harm the village to do so, or is that only a problem in the Firefly part?
Also signing up as captain, because it worked out for me so well last game.
Also @jdarksun you are awesome for running a Firefly game. I love firefly quite a bit. Wife and I have actually been re-watching it this week.
And if any one of you space doggies thinks about mutiny on my ship I will not hesitate to carry you into the nearest gorram sun.
Name: Burgess
Type: Captain
Profession: none
Skills: Fight, Tech, Negotiate
Special: Taker - When you complete a Shipping Job, Load 1 Cargo. Fancy Duds.
Name: Corbin
Type: Captain
Profession: Mechanic
Skills: Tech, Tech, Negotiate
Special: Chop Shop - You may Buy Drive Cores and Ship Upgrades at half price.
Name: Malcolm
Type: Captain
Profession: Pilot, Soldier
Skills: Fight, Fight, Negotiate
Special: Brown Coat - When you complete a Crime Job, take $500.
Name: Marco
Type: Captain
Profession: none
Skills: Fight, Fight, Tech
Special: Gun Runner - You may Buy Gear with the “Explosives” or “Firearm” Keywords at half price. Transport.
Name: Monty
Type: Captain
Profession: Mechanic, Soldier
Skills: Fight, Fight, Tech
Special: Smuggler Extraordinaire - When you complete a Smuggling Job, take $500.
Name: Nandi
Type: Captain
Profession: Companion
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate, Fight.
Special: Heart of Gold - May Hire NPC Crew at no cost.
Name: Womack
Type: Captain
Profession: Soldier
Skills: Fight, Fight, Negotiate
Special: Cold and Heartless - When you complete an Immoral Job, take $500.
Name: “Sash”
Type: Captain
Profession: none
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate, Tech
Special: Pirate - When you complete a Piracy Job, steal $500 from the targeted Rival Captain. Hacking Rig.
Jubal Early
Name: Jubal Early
Type: Captain
Profession: Pilot
Skills: Fight, Tech, Negotiate
Special: Bounty Hunter - +Fight, +Fight when Attacking in a Showdown. May Carry 2 Gear.
Name: Inara
Type: (Upgraded) Captain
Profession: Companion
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate
Special: Finding the Better Path: When you complete a Legal, non-Immoral Job, take $500.
Name: Kaylee
Type: (Upgraded) Captain
Profession: Mechanic
Skills: Tech, Tech, Tech
Special: Resourceful Mechanic - May load up to 2 Parts for free when taking the Buy action.
Name: Yolanda. Or Saffron. Or Bridge.
Type: (Upgraded) Captain
Profession: Companion, Grifter
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate, Tech
Special: Deceptive: Change your name to discard a Wanted token. Must insist players call you by your new name.
NPC Crew
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight
Cost $100
Name: Bandit
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills Fight, Fight
Cost: $200
Warrant Issued
Name: Sawbones
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: Medic
Skills: Tech
Special: Can take the Medic! action once per day.
Cost: $200
Name: Scrapper
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: Mechanic
Skills: Tech
Cost: $200
Name: Flyboy
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: Pilot
Skills: Tech
Cost: $200
Name: Merchant
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: none
Skills: Tech, Negotiate
Cost: $200
Name: Used Starship Salesman
Type: NPC Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Negotiate
Cost: $100
Heroic Crew
Name: Agent McGinnis
Type: Crew
Profession: Lawman
Skills: Tech, Negotiation
Special: Fed - Whenever you lose a Showdown, Warrant Issued to the winner. Bounty Bonus: +$500.
River Tam
Name: River Tam
Type: Crew
Profession: none
Skills: See Special
Special: Gifted - Before each test, roll 1d6. 3: Fight, Fight. 4: Tech, Tech. 5: Negotiate, Negotiate. 6: 3 Skills of your choice.
Warrant Issued
Simon Tam
Name: Simon Tam
Type: Crew
Profession: Medic
Skills: Tech, Tech
Special: “I Am Very Smart” - May take two Medic! actions per day. +2 to River Tam’s “Gifted” rolls. Fancy Duds.
Warrant Issued
Name: Billy
Type: Crew
Profession: Mechanic
Skills: Tech, Tech
Special: Salvage Pro - +1 Cargo from Salvage Ops.
Warrant Issued
Shepherd Book
Name: Shepherd Book
Type: Crew
Profession: Soldier
Skills: Fight, Negotiate
Special: Secret Past - Fake ID
Name: Bree
Type: Crew
Profession: Mechanic
Skills: Tech, Tech
Special: Black Market Ties - May sell Parts to any Contact for $300.
Warrant Issued
Name: Emma
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate
Special: Morale Booster - May suppress Payout penalty for working an opposed Job for one other character onboard the ship.
Name: Jayne
Type: Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Public Relations - May Carry 3 Gear.
Warrant Issued
Name: Zoë
Type: Crew
Profession: Soldier
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Dust Devil - May re-roll failed Fight Skill Tests once per Test.
Warrant Issued
Name: Stitch
Type: Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Cantankerous - Once per Work Action, may treat a Negotiate Skill Test as a Fight Skill Test.
Warrant Issued
Name: Chari
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate
Special: Turncoat - Once per Showdown, force your Rival to re-roll.
Name: Dalin
Type: Crew
Profession: none
Skills: Tech, Negotiate
Special: Intel Broker - Once per Work Action, you may pay $200 to discard and re-draw a failed Misbehave Card.
Warrant Issued
Name: Hoban “Wash” Washburne
Type: Crew
Profession: Pilot
Skills: Tech, Negotiate
Special: Hard Burn - +1 to Drive Core Range
Name: Tracey
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Fight, Negotiate
Special: Unlucky - Whenever a Crew member is Incapacitated, Tracey must be Incapacitated first.
Warrant Issued
Name: Helen
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Fight, Negotiate
Special: Morale Booster - May suppress Payout penalty for working an opposed Job for one other character onboard the ship.
Warrant Issued
Name: Jesse
Type: Crew
Profession: Pilot
Skills: Fight, Tech
Special: Opportunist - +1 Contraband from Salvage Ops.
Warrant Issued
Name: Lund
Type: Crew
Profession: Soldier
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Cheap Shot - May use Gear for Skill Tests even when forbidden.
Name: Crow
Type: Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Knife Fighter - +Fight when Carrying a Knife. May not Carry a Firearm.
Warrant Issued
Name: Lucy
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate
Special: Morale Booster - May suppress Payout penalty for working an opposed Job for one other character onboard the ship.
Sheriff Bourne
Name: Sheriff Bourne
Type: Crew
Lawful, Moral
Profession: Lawman
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate
Special: Jurisdiction - +Fight, +Fight for all Skill Tests while in Border Space. Bounty Bonus: +$500.
Elder Gommen
Name: Elder Gommen
Type: Crew
Profession: Hill Folk
Skills: Negotiate, Negotiate
Special: Angry Mob - +Fight when you have at least 3 Hill Folk in the Crew
The Grange Brothers
Name: The Grange Brothers, Earl and Val
Type: Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Two of a Kind - May Carry 2 Gear.
Warrant Issued
Warrant Issued
The Fixer
Name: The Fixer
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Tech, Negotiate
Special: Shady Connections - Fake ID
Warrant Issued
The Guardian
Name: The Guardian
Type: Crew
Profession: Medic, Soldier
Skills: Fight, Tech
Special: Security Pro - May re-roll failed Showdown Tests.
The Patron
Name: The Patron
Type: Crew
Profession: Hill Folk
Skills: Fight, Negotiate
Special: Angry Mob - +Fight when you have at least 3 Hill Folk in the Crew
The Specialist
Name: The Specialist
Type: Crew
Profession: Soldier
Skills: Fight, Tech
Special: Wet Work - Sniper Rifle, Firearm. May not Carry Gear.
Warrant Issued
The Accountant
Name: The Accountant
Type: Crew
Profession: Grifter
Skills: Tech, Negotiate
Special: Cooking the Books - Take $500 every other day.
The Bandit
Name: The Bandit
Type: Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Bird-Doggin’ - When you complete a Piracy Job, steal $200 from the targeted Rival.
Warrant Issued
The Head Goon
Name: The Head Goon
Type: Crew
Profession: Merc
Skills: Fight, Fight
Special: Goon Squad - +Negotiate, +Negotiate when you have at least 3 Mercs in the Crew.
The Merchant
Name: The Merchant
Type: Crew
Profession: none
Skills: Negotiate, Tech
Special: Shrewd Trader - Whenever you sell Cargo to a Contact, take an extra $100 per Cargo.
Please note that these are just samples. An exhaustive list of all possible roles will be provided publicly, and the Mafia/Werewolves will be provided with cover roles that are exclusive as appropriate for (Captains and Heroic Crew).
In Firefly: The Game, both the Alliance and the Reavers are antagonists to the players. In Phallafly, Alliance Informants will be playing the role of the mafia. If enough players sign up, so will Reavers.
The Captain is removed from the game, and the Crew of the ship (if any remain) will have to appoint or elect a new Captain. It only harms the village as much as losing any other player harms the village, but it can be a significant set back to a Firefly crew.
Please note that Captains are not guaranteed to be village. They could be mafia.
Island Name: Felinefine
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
You lost in this big o' system? Lookin' to get in a bit of trouble, money, or both? Then get your gear and come down, zǒu gǒu, to the Backdoor Bitch. This Butters Class ship is reenforced with a triple layer of titanium in the nose of the ship, perfect for taking shots from the front and slamming the gǒu shǐ out of Alliance ships. Interested? Come talk to Captain G. Ghosts to get your place in the stars. Companions welcome and get first pick.
Anyone who wants to come fly in the SS. Derelict should note there is a strict succession plan of being the first to call dibs when I die horribly Night 2.
Those responsible have been sacked.
Island Name: Felinefine