Geebs did you see that the microtransactions are capped and after you spend $30, it gives you unlimited "currency"? It's basically just a regular-price game that's available as a weird unlimited demo.
Geebs did you see that the microtransactions are capped and after you spend $30, it gives you unlimited "currency"? It's basically just a regular-price game that's available as a weird unlimited demo.
I ain't need to spend real money, I'm a picross professional
Geebs did you see that the microtransactions are capped and after you spend $30, it gives you unlimited "currency"? It's basically just a regular-price game that's available as a weird unlimited demo.
I ain't need to spend real money, I'm a picross professional
Dark Cloud 2 tho....
You probably don't want to replay Dark Cloud 2 either
They cancelled it? Oh, thank God.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
With a 30 minute countdown timer...
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
^^Biggest story in gaming this year
why the fuck am I watching animals talk about indie devs
It's a reservoir dogs thing
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
it's stuttering so much, no matter how much I lower the quality
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
Seems a little more watchable on twitch.
those guys are mega 64
it's kind of their thing
Oh no. I was playing it in Feb. it's still hella rad.
yeah, what the fuck
Suddenly kind of regretting I'm missing this.
you really, REALLY aren't missing much
I would be all over this
Dark Cloud hols a special place in my heartand is easily #1 rpg that I played with my bro growing up
It's gonna be Fallout.
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
Probably because it's fresh on everyone's mind.
Personally of the 5 listed I'd give it to Witcher, but I loved Bloodborne too.
And jesus this is already terrible.
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
I'd approve of this only if we got Brad Shoemaker running on stage screaming "BUT IT'S NOT A GAAAAAME"