Is a cooperative Rebel campaign for X-Wing Miniatures in which you start off as a pilot in an X-Wing or Y-Wing, operating a Squadron with your friends to advance the Rebel Agenda in the Aturi Cluster. Your character advances in pilot skill by earning XP during missions. It's free to download from the website linked (in the Heroes header) and it contains all the rules. Right now we're just going to be doing a starter mission to see how well it goes as a PBP. I'll be using Vassal on my end, but I'll need 3 heroes to step forwards (
@Fuselage has a reserved spot because that's Brother Privilege) and fight against the dastardly Imperials and a bumbling GM.
To Start with you can either take an X-Wing or a Y-Wing.
If you take an X-Wing
You have
5xp to spend between the choices of Astromech, Torpedo, and Modification. The cost of these items in XP is equal to the Squadron Point cost while playing a normal game.
If you take a Y-Wing
You have
8xp to spend between the choices of Astromech, Turret (BTL-A4 upgrade is free if you wish to take it), Two slots for either torpedo or bomb, or a modification.
Because this is only going to be one engagement I won't go into further detail, but I highly recommend players read through the rules in case this goes well and becomes a full campaign. I'll leave the sign-up open until Saturday at around 1300 eastern and I'll choose 3 random contestants.
Back Ups
@MegaMekUncle Moon Wants YOU!
I can't sign up, but will be watching with great interest.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
2 - Flechette Torpedoes 3 - Dorsal Turret 3 - R5-D8
3 - Stealth Device
2 - BB-8
5xp isn't a lot but I'll go with survivability and take R2-D2:
Question: In a full game, does any unused xp stay with you when upgrading for later missions?
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
Also I wish they had scum abilities available, be a mercenary for either side.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
I didnt see in the rules how to determine who goes first when everyone is at an equal pilot skill, so you'll be numbered 1-4 (1 will be squad leader) so I will let you guys decide whether to go 1-4 or 4-1. Or, if you feel like.being wingmen pairings, 1/4 then 2/3 or.vice versa.
Sorry about all the periods, my wife's samsung galaxy keyboard is dumb and I hate it.
The problem with BB-8 is that it's another step. Presumably the turn follows the same rough outline as normal: planning, activation, combat. BB-8 is another decision that has to be made after some ships move, which works fine in person but gets awkward PBP. Given it's a reposition ability, using it is very much dependant on the possibly final positions of other ships.
1. @Fuselage
2. @Grunt's Ghosts
3. @Chrysis
4. @Albino Bunny
5. @Elvenshae
The real question is if we should have a cool name that could be used later if @DaMoonRulz makes this a certified campaign or is we assume this'll be a one-off.
In that spirit, what do you think about being called The Replacements or Test Squadron?
Those are bad names and don't include puns. Somebody please come up with anything better.
You'll be setting up in the Red Area for this mission
Regardless I'll play Ori Averrod, information officer for the Aturi Cluster's Rebels and not too shabby in her beat up Y-wing.
Y-Wing: R-7 Astromech, Blaster Turret, Bomb Loadout, Ion Bombs.
What, you thought I wasn't going to bring bombs?
EDIT: To make the load out less dumb now I think about it:
Y-Wing, Bomb loadout, Extra Munitions, Seismic Charges, Blaster Turret
Arrol Fylann, codeslicer out of [mumbles]
Flying a Y-Wing (R2 Astromech, Ion Turret, Bomb Loadout, Ion Bomb)
I'll start on Fuselage's wing, back in an echelon right formation.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
@Elvenshae - Bantha One
@Albino Bunny - Bantha Two
@Fuselage - Bantha Three
@Chrysis - Bantha Four
@Grunt's Ghosts - Bantha Five
The squad will activate from 5-1 and fire 1-5. When I get home around noon I'll update the map (Map in OP if you haven't noticed) and begin the first activation round
Since I'm back and right of @Fuselage and activate after him, we should plan our turn in carefully so that he takes the broader turn and I take a shallower one, to avoid running into each other.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
Truly, Pork Dorkins was an enigma.
No fancy flying for Information Officers, just calm, planned explosions.
Also I guess 'OOC' stuff as most my posts here are going to be lazily IC for Ori:
I, other than obviously trying to beg Damoon for my K-wing, would probably go full on Support HWK or into a T-70/A-wing, either way thematically I'll probably have a stealth device
We've picked up a group of enemy signals in the nearby asteroid field; likely an Imperial patrol. Intercept those ships, and keep them away from the convoy until we can execute a hyperspace jump to ensure our base remains hidden.
As you make your way toward the last known signal, suddenly your sensors light up, revealing a handful of TIEs screaming towards you!
They begin filtering their way through the field, preparing to evade, minus the pilot that had to barrel roll to avoid an asteroid strike
1. @Grunt's Ghosts
2. @Chrysis
3. @Fuselage
4. @Albino Bunny
5. @Elvenshae
Gimme your move and your action and I'll complete them to the best of my ability. Try to put in contingencies in the case of something like a barrel roll near an asteroid
I think I want to get Engine Upgrade, then Autothrusters and either stay in the Y-Wing or get into a B-Wing with C-3PO, Luke, or some other crewmember. I want to be the tankiest little tank I can be.
Which...if I'm trying to take all the Aggro, do you think I'm making a mistake to BTL when I don't have an unhinged astromech to keep me maneuverable?
Question sir! How do all of the Ghosts fit in Grunt's cockpit?