I am running a pathfinder campaign. I will update this post with new info, as the story unfolds. This is what I have so far:
The world is Erlenna. We have 5 budding adventures waiting to get out into the world. Each has a story, and a history of where they are from. Some have kept more detailed records. Others have told told there story's to anyone, even when they ask. Not is much is known about this world so far, but there is much to be discovered.
About the party:
Aligned: Chaotic Good
Playing a: Sorcerer
Named: Kaladyn.
Aligned: Lawful Neutral
Playing a: Monk
Named: RockAtlee
Aligned: Chaotic Good
Playing a: Sorcerer
Named: Kast
Prophecies are a dangerous thing when it comes to the true believers. None more so than amongst a clan of goblins who desire only power. Their oldest shaman told of a true goblin king, of the truest power. Born of fire, born of dragon blood. The shaman foretold that if a child such as this could be brought into the world he would be the greatest goblin king that ever was.
This is not that story.
Don’t misunderstand, the ritual was complete. They used their most unnatural magic’s and bound a red dragon to their will and forced it have a goblin child. What the shaman didn’t know or understand was that the blood lays dormant and a true dragon child is only born every few generations.
When the child of the ritual was born without any of the prophesized traits, they assumed it was a failure and had the old shaman killed and his body burned. So when the first dragon child arrived, skin red like smolder-fire, it had been generations and the bloodlines had been mixed beyond reconciling. The worst of it was that this child was truly evil. Certainly not the king of their legend. No, a pure monster of hate and death. So they killed him in fear of what he may become. And thus it was that they killed all of the red children born.
Until Kast. Never truly certain why he did it, and you wouldn’t be able to ask him now because he paid for his decision with his life, Kast’s father couldn’t bring himself to kill the child even though it had over the generations become their custom to do so. He absconded with him before most even knew the child had come. Above ground, not far from their home lie a dark forest and this is where he left him. Maybe he had hoped that the dark wylds would do his dirty work for him. An infant alone out there held little chance of survival.
Survive he did, as that which is unexpected often times seems to come to pass. Found by a woodland elf tribe who at first could not agree as what to do with the child. Many thought it should be killed as elves tend to have no love for goblins, not to mention there were many that thought it an abomination. But one of the druids claimed to see the mark of the wylds upon him and she decided to raise it as her own.
In time he became as much a part of the tribe as any other. Raised by his mother and family in the ways of the forest and of the goddess Sarenrae. Taught to hunt and gather and also the ways of tranquility, honesty, and light. Truly against all odds he grew up a good soul. Loved, and was loved. But few of us can stave off the darkness in our hearts forever, and within poor Kast’s heart, there is so much darkness…
Aligned: Chaotic Neutral
Playing a: Druid
Named: Ulgur
Avoiding human father (with orc fetish) and following Mr. Fuzzums.
Aligned: True Neutral
Being a: Bear
Named: Mr. Fuzzums
Aligned: ?
Being a: ?
Named: ?
Party PDF's
All the alignments seem to be that there will be conflict in the party. Above all I don't want anyone straight out trying to kill someone else. That is no fun for a game. I will discuss what I consider to be the way things should go, but it is your story. I'm just here to direct it, and give you an overarching something to play with. I think with a tanking bear, we should be ok. If there are issues, I will bring in an NPC filler tank. They won't be there to take from you, so I will not consider them for loot of exp, but there so you can play a class you want to have fun. They will be considered for CR level of encounters though.
I'm new, and admit that I plan on possible stopping this campaign at level 5. If however, everyone is having fun. Things are going good. I have a loose plan to finish it out to level 20. I have no idea how long that would take, or even what you would decide to do with the NPC that I have in my mind that is of that level.
Old info about the creation of the map:
The world is yours to create, again I'm here to direct. On that note. We need backstory. Everyone at least has to have something on the map. If you need help, PM me and I will help you decide something. So on that, here are initiative rolls:
DM: Party Filler 20
Firebird: RockAtlee: 19
UserR2006: Kaladyn: 18
DM: Tinkneedle: 11
CooJammer00: ? 8
Karoz: Ulgur: 5
Petesalzi: Kast: 5
Starting out, we don't need party filler (my possible tank) so I will not be adding to the map. So Firebird, please tell me at most 5 places you want on the map for your story. If the map gets to filled me might drop it to top 3 places. I will add them in nicely and uniformly when we are done. Please @ the next person below you on initiative so they can add to the map.
Current world map. I will update it as we explore and find new places.
Links to post re-caps of sessions
And below you will find links to the videos as they are published to YouTube
I added a spoiler for links to videos as they are produced. Updated the world map with the locations.
Add section for links to post re-caps.
Trying to help set up his character in Hero Lab.
We got as far as downloading the program, but he's still interested in making his character.
We need to also see if @Scratchy is still running his D&D campaign.
STEAM ID: Firebird
XBOX Live: FirebirdLR
Playstation: FirebirdXR
I floated an idea to some people that I'd like my character to be the same across both Scratchy and Dyas' campaigns. It's also basically the same guy from AkaJayBay's role playing space game from last year, as my character was mysteriously sorta vaporized/never seen again at the end of that game. I'd have to run it by both DMs, but would such a thing be possible? Basically have my guy Quantum Leap/Sliders between campaigns when applicable? I obviously wouldn't have any of my items/levels between universes, but I figure maybe I'll trigger a trap in one campaign and I'll have learned to be more careful in the other.
It's not super important, but I just thought it might be interesting. I could also just play as two separate but similarly skilled and named characters. Having a character jump back and forth, and also having these echoes of a former life in the stars is just an in universe justification. And the onus would definitely be on me to keep the characterization consistent between campaigns.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I'm just a half-orc druid accompanying a bear that has wanderlust.
Seriously, I'm terrible at backstory.
My campaign wouldn't be near as fleshed out as this one either. Giving folks a world map is just asking for trouble . I'll sit back and watch and learn from his mistakes
Race, class, creed doesn't matter, pretty sure I could pull it off.
Tried my hand at a little photoshop, hope you all enjoy.
I think we have enough people for now. As for DM, I have never been one, so we will see where this goes. Whatever happens, the point is we all have fun.
CoolJammer If you want your story something that your character split into multiple characters, one landing in my story that is fine. However, you character can not leave the universe once there. Also, in re-reading your post, your exp from another version of you does not apply to the one in Erlenna.
If people want me to add there backstory to the OP, please PM me it.
sounds like scratcy is putting his game on hold so you wont have to atleast worry about travelling between worlds at the moment
@Scratchy sorry if this is out of place thread, but just wanted to mention to scratch that for your game if you decide to still run it at some point. it still can be done how you were planning. you can just load a table in TTS with some grids on it and use the pixel paint option to draw differnt locations like a trade road, dungeon, and inn whatever. someone suggested hooking up a pen tablet and i tried it out and its surprisingly easy to quickly draw out a whole scene on a table and since you can make it gridded it also makes it that much easier to draw adjacent rooms and keep a scale
super excited about this, me and user were talking for awhile after everyone left about the upcoming campaign, mostly about how awesome our sorcs are so get ready for more of that cause were gonna be badasses. now excuse me i seem to have misplaced a few items that im looking for... they were just here i swear.
And @Petesalzl, I have considered something like that, though maybe not something as hard set as "I'm actually a stuck time traveler". Seeing future incarnations would certainly be an interesting way to do it, as it nullifies all that space travel stuff from the future and doesn't make my guy ALSO be this other guy who sort of died and now I'm this new guy who is still weirdly good with guns.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Ok, I will be direct. NO. Again, if you want to have past knowledge from the future from the steam game, as why you came into existence, that is fine. I will not allow you to gain knowledge outside the pathfinder universe. That is meta gaming, and will not happen. Period! I don't want to be a jerk, but that does not work for balance.
Not trying to break your game, but I'm just saying that my character would "learn" the same way I am "learning". Example, there's an altar in Scratchy's game, I go to grab it and set off an arrow trap.
In your game, I see an altar in a room. I DON"T grab whatever is on it this time, but instead I maybe throw a rock at the thingie.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
For the RP part, While I'm ok with a backstory that you dropped into my world do to time/dimensional shift, it would be a one time deal. I would prefer you don't RP:
I guess what I'm saying, don't make your character say it, or say it out loud. If you choose to do things differently because of what you experienced elsewhere, that is normal.
I don't want to be a jerk, but this world is not part of any other. It is made up of what I have an idea for my story, plus the 5 players. Adding things from outside that world is what I would call meta gaming. While friendly banter on voice during play is fine, I don't want anyone in the party to get into the habit of knowing things there character wouldn't.
This is a fine line. It is hard to sit at a table, and see one character off in a room by themselves. That character reads a book and learns a great thing about what not to touch in the dungeon. If that person makes sure to say "Tell everyone in party don't touch that", and no one touches it. That is how it should be. If however, they say nothing, and one person who is a klepto doesn't touch it (when it is of high value, and they have a habit of taking all those items) it is meta gaming. Why would a person who normally takes those items suddenly not do so? If they were told, Don't (and they listen) ok. But if they were never told, I would kind of expect them to try and take it.
Now is there gray area? Yeah. I won't insta gib people for being people. I just want to put out there now, I do expect people to try and be true to there character. This is hard, because this is my first DM. I have read a lot, watched a lot of videos, and expect to make a lot of mistakes.
So off soap box, I hope everyone enjoys themselves, because that is what we are here for.
Never expect one DM's traps to be like another's.
Edit 2:
If you learn something, and you are in ear shot of your party. For all that is good, say "I tell the party". Only evil characters (which none of you are) don't tell others.
Trying to spitball a way to balance both sides here. Your character could have a quirk like strong sense of deja vu inducing paranoia while in dungeons, after triggering a trap, strange settings or an ambush. This just helps dictate why your character won't approach an altar despite no evidence to the contrary.
Whether this actually results in influences to dice rolls is up to the DM. It could be "dangerous or strange situation has a 10% chance (roll 2d10) of triggering deja vu paranoia" which results in +2 in WIS based skills but -2 in all CHA based skills until you get a full night's sleep.
Metagaming is a tricky thing. While you can have some hilarious pseudo-fourth wall breaking or having strange beliefs ("We're all controlled by giants in the sky!"), but playing as you yourself would in the situation is practically an other-worldly possession. Still, it happens to the best of us and learning is part of the process so don't get too bent out of shape about it.
I'm actually going to use the time before the next play session to come up with some quirks for Ulgur and Mr. Fuzzums.
This is something that you only get from experience. I'm ok if you write something into your character I guess were you want to give your character a trait to have other world experience. The having a trait that is a plus to deja vu and a minus to cha is something I could go with.
Above all I want everyone to have fun. But a few things on play as you, and playing as a character.
If you play as you, you would know not to take that. If you play as a klepto, you would take that because, well you do. (See monk)
If you play as you, you would know that all dungeons are going to have traps (Indiana Jones much?). If you play as a 7 WIS and 9 INT, you are going to be real stupid, and randomly do bad things. He, I have an 18 INT. Why can't I just beat this stone into submission?
WIS is more other worldly smarts. You were born with it, and hey, you have a knack for that thing. I real life, people sometimes say, George has a knack for cooking. You are Wise in cooking. Now, if your wise in cooking, does that mean when your car breaks down at the side of the road you suddenly know how to fix it? No, and this is where the giants controlling us come into play. I above all don't want to ruin fun. I do want to encourage you play your character as them though.
INT is learned. You went to college to be a car mechanic. Now, when your car breaks down at the side of the road, you can fix it with one hand tied behind you back. With only a bottle opener and a plastic lid. How? Who knows, but you did it. You probably also rolled a natural 20 on you fix car check. So you make it back home, and want to cook dinner. You slayed a bird on the way how, so you are ready for a cooked meal. You have no skill in cooking, so you skewer the bird, and put it over an open flame to cook. Did you remember to gut it, and take out the innards? No? You were still thinking about how you fixed that car in impossible means.
So above are two examples of playing a character, not yourself. As karoz says, this is hard to do. When I played IRL, I so wanted to have knowledge about the thing that was going on across the table. To help with this, when we play I will most likely use Steams IM system to send info to one person if they are the only one who gets it. This way, the possibility of Meta Gaming will die down.
The last thing on this I will say, is unless you obviously do things your character should never do, I won't say anything. For the sake of the game and the story, it is great if everyone can get "into character" but that is hard to do.
Again, above all I want everyone to have fun. So CJ, roll your toon with past knowledge from the future. If you want a custom trait to help with this, I'm willing to make one up. However, realize that there has to be a balance, and if you get a plus somewhere, you might get a negative somewhere else. I like the deja vu paranoia mentioned above for this.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I want to start getting cities and locations built in. TTS. I think I'm just going to borrow some for locations.
CJ, have you finished your character?
You can use a light horse however you want to use a light horse. You have to remember that anything that was summoned (horse, bit, bridle, and a riding saddle) or any part therein will disappear after the time. Other than that, if you complete the task with whatever part you summoned, use away. I want to be vague as possible, because I really don't want to give you an idea. I enjoy waiting to see how you will utilize your tools for any given situation. Now, you all ready heard about putting 6 in a row and calling it a wall.
So here is a story.
If it is fun things, that won't get people killed, I love this approach. The owl was actually part of the story, but we never knew that till way later, because she killed it. We as a group, also learned that you should prepare an animal for cooking.
I enjoy creative uses of spells and materials. I will confirm with Mrs. Alure as the 23rd gets closer. I will also send out @ symbols as we get closer if people haven't responded.
but im glad i was reading, because i had no idea that spell scrolls and wands were a thing nor how they worked.
And how would you make a flying flamming horse meteor?
Also note, I have subscribed to a wide variety of maps. Unless I see a big reason not to do so, I'm going to utilize maps that have all ready been created. There are great artists out there, and why not use there stuff they put out.
Also, as DM I give you permission to make any summoned horse any color you want.
Is it possible to eat summoned said horses?
STEAM ID: Firebird
XBOX Live: FirebirdLR
Playstation: FirebirdXR
Also not sure how I would handle your body taking parts of the horse for its use, and than your body loosing those molecules later afterwords.
Trying to figure out the Link spells with my bear:
So does that mean only buffs I can cast on myself or I can trasmit them to Mr. Fuzzums as well? I may need to get Distant Spell Link to do that though and that'll be a ways off. Augment Summoning and Natural Spell are up first
Good call on the create food. I guess if you eat the horse, well you ate food. I would recommend that you prepare it first. (skin, gut, etc).
On the share spell, if I'm understanding you, and spell with the target as "you" you can cast on your bear. Aspect of the nightingale was the first druid spell I found. So instead of you gaining this aspect, you can make Mr. Fuzzums a nightingale. Although it would be funny if Mr. Fuzzums could Commune with birds. A bear talking to a bird? I think that something like Cheetah's Sprint might be a more useful spell combination during combat if you plan on having the bear tank. Does that help?
Now, you can do this as long as you are in touch range. or as you said get Distant Spell Link. Where did you get that quote BTW?
NM I found it under the companion section.
also, havent heard from @UseR2006 for awhile, you still with us? see that spell i sent you, storm step sounded right up your alley
Ignore it for the purposes of the game or pull some elven lembas bs that keeps you full for a while. Even the Good aligned will eat their companions to stay alive..