In the Red corner we have the following contestants:
First on the docket we have Ted Cruz the Canadian Christian who has values for days.
Hes a top tier contender who the religious conservatives and GOP seem to favor.
Sadly he ate a booger on TV and it kind of looks like his face is melting.
Marco Rubio is probably the most handsome of the candidates, sadly his campaign seems to be losing steam against the tide of the other GOP candidates.
John Kasich might be the most sane GOP runner thus far, sadly that isn't saying a whole lot and he is at the bottom right now.
BIG BELT TITLE CHAMPION: Donald "The Donald" "The Best at Donald" Trump
I won't say anything because I was told if you can't say anything nice don't say anything, but I really don't like this guy at all.
Hillary "Hill Rod" Clinton she seems to the favorite for the DNC, she runs on the party lines.
Bernie "The Revolution" Sanders. AKA The Meme Machine. He is running on a ticket of Democratic Socialism, also known as that thing no one on your Facebook understands.
I know the race started and got crazy very early this year, but I think these threads act as a good place for us to discuss the election and I personally have learned a lot from the last threads.
Please keep discussion civil and refrain from letting arguments on the internet make your blood boil. Count to 10 and take a deep breath.
One representative said, and I quote "more guns means less crime, end of story."
I hate this place
Need I go on?
which is pretty funny since I am extremely on the fence over who I'm actually voting for and I am apparently tied for most raised in the office for the week
But I'm still watching yours because it would be really nice if you guys could keep having decent presidents for another 4-8 years at least because I like a lot of you and would like things to get better for you
And also further signs that the trend towards conservative, xenophobic governments in recent years (hi, Europe!) is ending or turning around would be super nice.
But really, a 78-day campaign was entirely too long
3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
never underestimate the power of pretending to care
Please tell us more.
I donate twice the price to their opponent.
I hope someday these politicians look at the donated spending list and go to someone else.
I would prefer to not do the jobs, but I feel like this is a better, more democratic alternative.
And of course, we quote them at the same price as anyone else. Taking advantage via pricing discrimination, or as a means to deter service, would feel skeezy as hell.
I draw the line at personal attacks and hate speech and symbols though.
Local politics can be gross as heck.
How have you guys managed to deal with politics at work?
Mostly by keeping my mouth shut, since I live in the Bible belt and work with a group of very religious, white, middle-class folks.
Most of them are pretty clearly in the tank for Trump (authoritarians), one wanted Carson because he's nice or smart or religious or something. She's actually the only one I really talk to about this stuff, because she's rather intelligent and pragmatic.
I'm immature. There's a lot of days where a co-worker is dealing with a customer, and I just strategically take my break and go to another room, or step outside to take care of trashcans/maintenance. A whole lot of disengagement.
I tried that. Until I brought up for commentary the whole Cruz eligibility thing (specifically how it was a bit of a birther backfire), and one of my colleagues jumped in with the "fact" that we still hadn't seen Obama's birth certificate.
I pretty much gave up after that. She actually thought that candidates were required to file their birth certificate to prove citizenship and eligibility. AND that somehow Obama had managed to not do that, and not only still run, in every state/territory, but actually win a major party's primary, as well as general election and reelection.
So anyone who lives in Europe wanna comment on the mirror between Trump and Europe's own extreme rights?
I've been lucky enough that there is only 2 people who work on my shift with me. One agrees with my views 100% and the other disagrees but loves to just talk policy and political history with people.
I try to just shut up or be like "I dunno about that.........." but sometimes people get me going and I try to talk in a way that explains positions without making people upset.
One of my coworkers is a hardcore libertarian and he'll start talking his own brand of crazy all the time and I just can't.
78 days is is 21% of a year. Canadian population is 11% of the US. The election will be like 19 months. Per capita, we're way more efficient
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Its not even an exaggeration. He's literally been in WWF/WWE
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
I scoured my post looking for this typo on a word I didn't even use for like 5 minutes before I realized it was in the title!
(Relevant because Trump called Christie an absentee governor while Christie was standing directly behind him yesterday)
Despite living in Kansas pretty much all the people in my immediate cubical vicinity and lunch crowd have politics largely in line with my own. I don't think I've seen any of my conservative coworkers support Trump either. It's pretty refreshing.
Now, at my previous job which was in tiny town it was pretty much the opposite and I did my damndest to keep my head down. About the only time I ever spoke up was when someone said something I could shoot down with math, like about taxes or global warming. Also one time when the lady who sat behind me said "I don't know about this Obama guy. That name doesn't sound American." and I just spun around and said "You have the most German name I've ever heard and I'm a Mennonite, so that's saying something."
As a Capitol Region resident, I'll be damned if I ever vote for some syrup-sucking Vermont hipster
So carson just openly admitted to commiting a felony