Lets post our jigsaw puzzle related stuff here.
My latest jigsaw puzzle acquisition:
Some resources/links:
http://puzzle-forum.de/ < German forum
Thread specifically for 5,000 or higher piece count puzzles
^^even more specific,
The BIG LIST on flickr <-- in English, thank god
^trying to collect all of the 5,000+ piece puzzles is impossible I tell you! I was curious to try, and literally found NONE of the older puzzles for sale anywhere!
My puzzle collection and "looking for" <link/site coming soon>
ps. I'll try to get my own little site up and running for my personal collection and stuff. So for now I'll use the pa forums attatchments. (or I'll start an imgur gallery at least)
edit1: new link to a blog with some older puzzle related stuff.
I really want that Eerie and Creepy puzzles! really rare.
Pro tip: don't fuck around with them puzzles with big blue skies
a friend of mine got this as a joke when we were in college
we spent very large portions of 2nd and 3rd year trying to put it together
^this includes most 'outer space' puzzles too.
I would never ever buy a solid color puzzle, those all white or all black puzzles are just, well not as fun as finishing a nice fantasy puzzle.
really couldn't think of a better subject for their puzzle than "a whole bunch of baked beans"?
I think it's just because of how indistinguishable it will make the pieces. I have a similarly themed puzzle using coffee beans (which, granted, are a much less gross-looking subject)
There's a bunch of them that are similar, one's a picture of Smarties for example. The point is meant to be that they are difficult to do without being 5000 piece puzzles as big as a wall.
Like, this looks like a general store from a distance, but then you get close and you realize it's all made out of matchsticks and twine
It both adds a weird layer of difficulty and a layer of discovery to the whole thing
I'm also fond of murder mystery jigsaws, but that's much more of a dumb novelty thing
I had one of those! It came with a newspaper full of information about the mystery and you had to use clues in the puzzle to solve the case. It's really cool (in possibly the most nerdy definition of "cool" yet).
That looks amazing. 8->
Two dimensional puzzles inferior
Three dimensional puzzles superior
During this time I realized that good puzzles are really hard to find and the majority of them you find on the shelf in toy stores are shit.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I fucking loved Puzz3D growing up you have no idea
3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
I'm very sad this video cut off right before the point where Schmidt asks Winston if he knows what color he is.
Coran Attack!
holy shit this just opened up a part of my memory that I hadn't thought of in more than a decade
Magic the gathering has so many cards now, and usually the art is good on nearly all of them.
WotC should make more non-card MTG merchandise dang it.
Pure White Hell
1000 micro pieces
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
Oh my God, yes! For my 10th birthday I got the US Capitol Building and one of my friends and I tore into it ravenously to put it together, and three of my other friends there just could not understand our excitement. Coincidentally, I only still communicate with one of said friends!
I remember when he get the Empire State Building for Christmas we sank an entire weekend into it and still only got about 2/3 done with it. I may have to buy one of these bastards on eBay to sate my nostalgia.
EDIT: I had... that castle one I posted, London Bridge and the Eiffel Tower. There might have been one other smaller one too. God damn I wanted the Millennium Falcon puzzle so bad.
I wonder how she would do today.
For a thousand piece puzzle, it's pretty easy since there is a lot of readily identifiable unique detail. You can pick up almost any piece and fairly quickly figure out where it goes. That's my favorite kind of puzzle: large, but realistically solvable.
I should probably start the hunt for this years shortly.
... I'm pretty sure I'd rather bathe with a cheese grater.
It also included several extra near-duplicate 'decoy' pieces, just to screw with him.
So I got these 3 puzzles about a week ago. I didn't know they existed.
Later I find out there is a 4th in the series. Cool.
edit: Found all artists: Keith Parkinson, Elmore, and Easley.
Box image examples:
I always thought that was a cool idea.
I loved it as a kid.
Construct a puzzle made of identical blocks with patterns of magnets along the edges that need to match up correctly have the blocks connect...
..then put a timer chip in each block that will toggle the pattern from one to another at preset times.
I really want that Eerie and Creepy puzzles! really rare.
Nearly all from known paintings.