Phalla Royale – Players Handbook
A) Phalla Royale. The infamous ‘game’ spoken only in hushed tones, a rumored event that has more truth than one would like to believe. Many battles have been fought and many lives lost to The Program, and each time it is played the toll increases. A new tournament is about to start and the rules have been changed… do you have the wits to survive Phalla Royale?
This game follows all the standard phalla rules on this forum. I do not need to be given access to any proboards or anything else. I do need to be copied on trade PMs so I can accurately keep track of who has what.
Participants Roles and Win Conditions
A) At the start of the game, all players are either dedicated students or lone wolves. All roles offer their own selection of special abilities to take to the game. All players have base 3 hit points.
1) Dedicated Student – Play the part of an average student, dragged into the game against your will. While you may not have any extreme advantages over the rest of the field, working together with your potential allies, you may stand a chance of survival. You may choose one of the bonuses below:
a) Melee Specialist – You gain a +10% hit chance with all melee weapons.
b) Ranged Specialist - +10% hit chance with all ranged weapons.
c) Unarmed Specialist – You gain an additional unarmed attack each night.
d) Escape Artist – You are able to slip out of your collar in extreme circumstances! This is only to meet the escape requirements. This means that if you meet all the other requirements to escape, except having your collar removed, you will be able to remove the collar to allow yourself the ability to escape.
e) Lucky! – You start with two items instead of one.
f) Endurance – You start with +1 to your HP pool. (Dedicated students get 4 hit points instead of 3.)
g) Perceptive – You will always see concealed items any other players have. You cannot be poisoned. You gain a -50% dodge bonus against the Switchblade.
2) Lovers – There may be someone involved in Battle Royale that you cannot bear to be separated from. The relationship between the two of you will provide you with strength to survive the game as you look out for each other’s safety. But if you lose your partner, there may be consequences. A pair of players may take the Lovers role by mutual agreement in PM to Ardor, provided one of them has the Hair Ribbon item. Both players must agree to this in a PM. As a note, if a lone wolf is a part of a lover pair, that lover pair does not gain the bonuses below and are treated as individual players, unbeknownst to the student in the pair. Both players will be told about their lover bonus, but it will not actually take effect. You are allowed one of the following bonuses as a team:
a) Shared Fate – You and your lover pool your total hit points together and share that hit point pool. Once that hit point pool is depleted, you will both die. You need to travel together at all times.
b) Vengeful – You may travel separately at all times. When one of you dies, the other is filled with grief and rage, which will heal the surviving student to full HP. They also gain a +10% hit bonus and +1 damage bonus against all remaining players, if you cannot live happily ever after, why should anyone else? If both players die on the same night, this does not take effect.
3) Lone Wolf – There are certain exceptional students who have no need for allies that will only slow their progress, students that are in the game only for themselves. Some students have been rumored to sign themselves or their own schools up for The Program just for the thrill. These dangerous players will not stop until they stand alone at the game’s end. If you are not granted the request, you will be given a Dedicated Student role. Lone Wolves may only win as the last player standing or escaping. Lone Wolves start with 6 hit points. There can only be maximum 1 Lone Wolf per 10 players in the game. All players who wish to be a Lone Wolf will send this request to Ardor when signing up for the game. Lone Wolves may pick 1 of the following bonuses as well as a Dedicated Student bonus:
a) Weapons Expert – Gain +50% hit chance with all weapons (traps do not count). You are guaranteed to start with a weapon. You may state if you want a melee, ranged or explosive weapon. You will randomly get a weapon from the list that you pick.
b) Survivor – Start with 8 hit points instead of 6. Negate 1 lethal hit during the game.
c) Incognito – For the first 4 days, anyone analyzing you will be told you are a Dedicated Student. After that, they will correctly identify you as a Lone Wolf!
d) Star Student – You gain all of the Dedicated Student bonuses.
4) Extra Bonuses – Essentially, helping to kill other students makes you better at survival in some fashion. For each two students you kill or help kill on the night they die, you gain a bonus below. You may gain 2 such bonuses this way during the game at a maximum. Killing a lover, which results in the other lover dying will count as two kills. Anyone who votes for the vote winner on a night the vote winner dies will gain credit for helping kill a player. You cannot pick the same bonus twice.
a) Toughness – You negate 1 point of damage each night.
b) Weapon focus – Choose a single weapon. If it is a Melee Weapon, you deal +1 damage with it on each hit. If it is a Ranged Weapon, you gain +1 attack with it per night.
c) Unarmed Mastery – Your unarmed attacks now have a hit bonus of +10% and deal 2 damage per hit.
d) Sprinter – You are able to choose a single player and run from them. You will reduce that player’s chances of hitting you to the minimum 10% with any and all attacks. You must move this round out of this zone as well. This cannot be used if there are no zones to move into.
e) Extra Endurance – You gain 1 maximum and current HP.
f) Nimble – You gain a -10% dodge bonus against all attacks. In addition, any individual attack can only have an 80% chance to hit you at maximum.
g) Exceptional Luck – Once per game you can negate a lethal attack. This happens automatically and will negate the highest damage hit you take that night. Since attack order does matter, it means if you die during the ranged round, you will negate a ranged hit. You could still take lethal damage in the melee round.
5) Win Conditions - As a Dedicated Student, your win condition is to be one of the last two students standing or escape the facility by the end of day 7. The game ends after Day 7 has resolved and if you and are the last one or last two dedicated students alive, you will win. The game will not end if any lone wolves are amongst the living, unless there is only 1 lone wolf left alive at the end. Beware when trying to escape, any lone wolves with you will get you killed instead of escaping! If no win conditions are met at the end of Day 7, all players are killed unless Kitano allows one more round of combat!
As a Lone Wolf, your object is to simply be the last one standing or you may escape. If you escape with other players, will you automatically kill them all in the attempt, allowing yourself a solo escape. However, if you and the other lone wolf both try to escape together, you will kill each other before you kill any of the students. At the end of Day 7, if all students die due to not having met the win conditions, a lone wolf will win the game provided they are now the last surviving player. If multiple lone wolves are still alive at the conclusion of Day 7, a single combat will occur to determine a winner. If the single round of combat does not produce a winner, all lone wolves are killed.
Participant Rules and Mechanics
A) Overview
1) Players have a variety of actions they can take each day of the game. Daily actions have been split into two phases: Action and Movement. In the Action phase, players can search the area, make attacks against other players, or try to discern other players’ roles. In the Movement phase, players can move or dig in one’s defenses.
2) Normally, players may hold up to three items in their inventories at a time. Item management can be performed during turns, usually as free actions. Trading and dropping items will never take up a person’s other actions. Some items may be used automatically or as a free action, but others are required to be used in place of or part of a regular Action.
3) Players also have the usual voting abilities, but their effects have been slightly changed. There is a red vote which will damage the winning player or players in a tie.
B ) Free Actions
1) Manage Inventory – You may pick up items you find in an area or drop them from your held inventory. You will have exclusive control of these items until the end of the day – nobody will be able to find or take items not in your possession until then. However, items that are not in your inventory at the end of the day may be lost to other players even if you remain in the zone.
2) Use Item – Certain items are freely usable, taking no regular action time to execute. See specific item descriptions for details.
3) Trade Item – Items may be traded between players freely or given from one player to another. To make a trade, one player should PM their trade partner and Ardor the details of the deal (what items are being given/traded). The second player should verify the trade to Ardor and the original player. When both players have agreed to the trade, consider it done. If a player is only giving an item to another, consent is not required. If the person receiving an item is now above their carry limit, it will be considered a dropped item unless the player updates their inventory in a PM to Ardor. If the person receiving the item does not want it, they should submit a PM to give it back or give it to someone else.
4) Searching – All players automatically search the area for anything of use. Items are even split up between surviving players each night. All areas start with a limited number of items available that can be found.
C) Action Phase – In the Action Phase, players choose one of the following actions: (Default is Defend)
1) Attack – The most basic action, you will Attack a target with a selected weapon or default unarmed attack; some weapons provide multiple hit attempts that can be distributed between multiple targets. Every attack has a certain probability of success depending on weapon type, equipment, and abilities. Each hit attempt has a maximum hit chance of 90% and minimum hit chance of 10%. Attacks are normally resolved in the order of Ranged first, Melee second, and Explosives last; this may be modified depending on zone. If you kill your opponent, you will take their items (if you move, you will have all of the items with you in the next zone to review). Bonuses to hit and dodge are calculated as products instead of sums. For example, if a player has a bonus 10% to hit with an attack that has a base 60% chance to hit, the attack chance will be 60% + (60%*10%) = 66% or a bonus +6% chance to hit. Multipliers for hit and dodge use the base attack chance. So if the target of the above attack also has a 20% dodge modifier, it means they reduce the chance to hit by 60%*20% = 12%. Overall, this attack has a 54% chance of hitting (60% + 6% - 12%).
2) All Out Attack – This grants you one additional attack with your melee weapon. You cannot Hold Ground while using this action.
3) Aimed Attack – This grants you a +20% hit bonus with your ranged weapon. You cannot Hold Ground while using this action.
3) Set Trap – This special action allows you to set up a Trap from your inventory in your current area.
4) Use Item – Other items that cannot be used in a free action may be used in the Action Phase.
5) Defend – If you need to defend against an attack, the Defend action will allow you to increase your chances of avoiding attacks. You gain a -30% Dodge Bonus against all attacks made against you.
6) Cover – You can also defend other people from attacks with a Cover action. Any attacks made against a specified target will instead be directed against you. You gain a -20% Dodge Bonus against all attacks made against you or your target. Beware that items dealing splash damage have a chance to hit both players.
7) Analyze – You may investigate your fellow players with an Analyze action. The specified target’s role will be learned, though specifics about their health and special abilities will remain hidden. You will also learn what concealed items that player may be carrying. You will also gain a -40% Dodge Bonus against that specific player’s attacks against you, but not against other players’ attacks.
D) Movement Phase – In the Movement Phase, players choose one of the following actions:
1) Move – The basic movement action, you are allowed to move to any open zone. If you are making an Attack, All-Out Attack, Aimed Attack, Cover, or Analyze action, you may attempt to follow a target if they move, and will follow as closely as possible – if they do not move, then you will not move either.
2) Hold Ground – If you do not wish to move, you can make a Hold Ground action to boost your defensive capabilities. You gain a -10% Dodge Bonus against all attacks made against you in the Attack Phase. This stacks with Cover or Defend actions.
3) Follow [Player] - If you wish to follow someone, you can use that as your move action.
4) Escape – Details are very limited when it comes to escaping the facility. Requirements for a successful escape include having your collar deactivated, but other information may become available through player interactions or details found during the game.
5) Do Nothing – You may wish to just do nothing this round. If you perform an Aimed attack or All Out attack, this is what you will end up doing if you don’t want to use another movement action.
E) Voting Phase
1) Vote for Punishment! – Vote someone to be punished in Red. The player with the most votes at the end of the day will punished by taking 1 HP damage. A tie vote means multiple people receive damage. Upon any successful escapes, this damage may increase.
4) You are required to either vote or make an action each day. I will warn those who are not active in making one of those in a PM. Two days in a row of being inactive means death.
F) Order of Actions
1) The Vote.
2) All Free Actions happen before any other actions are resolved.
3) Action Phase actions are resolved with Use Item first, followed by Attacks, Aimed Attacks and All-Out Attacks simultaneously, finishing with the Set Trap, and Analyze actions. Attacks are resolved in the order of Ranged, Melee, and Explosives, except when the area changes this order, or if certain items supersede the order.
Areas of the facility
A) Facility Map
You’re inside an abandoned building, plus I’m mostly phone posting these days. No image available!
B ) Area Details
Floor 50: Low light! Ranged attacks have a -20% chance of hitting.
Floor 51: Very cluttered! Unarmed attacks are more effective, dealing +1 damage.
Floor 52: Library! Explosives deal +1 damage due to falling debris.
Floor 53: Cubicle Farm! The attack order is now: Melee > Explosives > Ranged.
Floor 54: Break Room! No modifiers here.
Items in the Game
A) Melee Weapons
All weapons deal 1 damage unless otherwise noted.
1) Unarmed Melee – If you hold no weapons, you can still make a default unarmed attack against one player with a base hit chance of 50%. You may also declare what you use to attack your target from the environment. For example, you may declare you are attacking your target with a fish, a carrot, a grue, a three hole punch, etc. Feel free to be creative! This shows up in the daily PMs.
2) Fire Axe – The axe can be swung once each day at one player with a 70% base chance to hit. On a successful hit, the axe will break a Pot Lid Shield and/or a BulletProof Vest. This will deal 2 points of damage.
3) Knife – The knife can attack two times each day at one or multiple targets at a 60% base chance to hit with each swing.
4) Baseball Bat – The bat can be swung twice each day at one or multiple targets at a 80% base chance to hit with each swing.
5) Sledgehammer – The sledgehammer can be swung once each day with a 50% chance to hit. A hit deals 3 damage and can break the Pot Lid Shield if blocked.
6) Switchblade – The switchblade can be swung once per day with an 80% chance to hit. A hit deals 2 damage. It is concealed from view and cannot be seen unless you are analyzed. It cannot be blocked by the Pot Lid Shield. Players do not start with these, they must be found.
B ) Ranged Weapons
Ammunition is a pain to keep track of, so for all weapons, ammunition is infinite.
1) Unarmed Range – If you hold no weapons, you can still make a default ranged attack against one player with a base hit chance of 40%. You may also declare what you use to attack your target from the environment. For example, you may declare you are attacking your target with a rock, a 2x4, a boulder, a potted plant, etc. Feel free to be creative! This shows up in the daily PMs. This attack penetrates a BulletProof Vest.
1) Handgun – The basic Handgun can be fired up to three times per day at one or multiple targets at a 60% base chance to hit with each shot.
2) Revolver – The classic Revolver can be fired once per day at one at a 70% base chance to hit with each shot fired. A hit deals 2 damage. This shot will penetrate a BulletProof Vest.
3) Shotgun – The powerful Shotgun can be fired up to two times per day at one or multiple targets at a 60% base chance to hit with each shot fired. Each hit deals 2 damage.
4) Uzi – The rapid-fire Uzi can be fired up to ten times per day at up to three targets at a 40% base chance to hit with each shot. Each target has a random amount of bullets (of the ten shots) fired at them as the gun is not easy to handle. Each target will have at least 1 bullet shot at them.
C) Explosives
1) Grenade (1) – Toss this at a target in your zone for a 70% base chance of dealing 3 damage. Any players in melee combat with the target have a 60% chance of taking 2 damage. You will avoid splash damage if the target uses a melee weapon against you.
2) Smoke Grenade (1) – This item activates at the start of the Action Phase, before all other attacks. Your target and all other players attacking the target have a -50% hit chance on their attacks. You may target yourself with this item.
D) Traps
1) Poison Vial (1) – You may attempt to poison another player in your zone, dealing 3 damage. There will be an unmodifiable 100% chance of affecting your target unless you are a target of their Attack or Analyze action, in which case the attack automatically fails. A Poison Vial is used up after each attempted use. Poison Vials do not count against your carrying capacity. The Poison Vial is always concealed from view (except with an Analyze action against you). Players do not begin with these, they must be found.
2) C-4 – Plastic explosive with a timer. When setting C-4, specify a day for it to go off. This may be the same day as when the C-4 charge is set. At the end of the Movement Phase of that day, the set C-4 will explode, with an unmodifiable 80% chance of hitting any person in that zone. Each person hit will suffer 2 damage. The player who sets the explosives will not be hit by the resulting explosion. The lover of a player who set the explosives will not be hit. The C-4 is removed from your inventory after it is set.
E) Defensive Items
1) Pot Lid Shield – This item negates the first hit by a Melee Weapon each day. If the holder of the shield uses a defend or cover action, they will block up to two melee attacks. The shield only negates successful hits. Misses do not count against the block quota. Watch out for the Fire Axe and Sledgehammer! This is used automatically each night and does not require an action.
2) Bulletproof Vest – This item negates all damage by Ranged Weapons except Revolvers. Watch out for the Fire Axe! This is used automatically each night and does not require an action.
3) First Aid Kit (1) – This item may be used as a free action to heal either you or another player in the same zone up to 2 Health Points of damage. The First Aid Kit is used up after a single use.
F) Support Items
1) Collar Deactivator (2) – This item is used with the Use Item action of the Action Phase. Your collar will be deactivated, allowing you to potentially escape from the facility. This can be used on up to two players per night. The Tracking Unit will not be able to find you specifically, but will correctly list you as a player in the zone with the default option.
2) Tracking Unit – The Tracking Unit gives you the option of learning how many players are in each zone or learning the location of a specific player. The first option will be chosen by default; be sure to specify if you are performing the second option with your daily actions. Use of the unit is a free action provided with your nightly results.
3) Hair Ribbon – This item allows the holder to form a lover pair with another student. The students must be in the same zone when this is used. Students do not start with this item, they must be found.
While this may seem like a lot of work, it’s mostly a survival game where you really only have to decide on a few things each night. The votes are mostly to keep folks posting in the thread.
You have the red vote, you can make an action and move each night. Your goal is simply to survive and be one of the last two standing or find a way to escape.
Important Notes:
Today, please sign up and if you'd like the chance to be a lone wolf, please PM that to me. Starting locations are randomized. There will be a Day 0, a setup day to determine any lone wolf assignments. On Day 0, you can choose your student perk. More information will be available in the Day 0 Narration.
On Day 1, you will be randomly assigned to a zone and the game will begin.
The game is designed for up to 20 players and will last for up to 7 days. The player amount can be modified as needed.
Day 0
Day 1 Start
Day 2 Start
Day 3 Start
Day 4 Start
Day 5 Start
Day 6 Start
Day 7 Start
Final Narration
1. AustinP0027 - Day 2
2. Drez - Day 4
3. JPants - Day 2
4. WACriminal - Day 5
5. Discrider - Day 5
6. Smasher - Day 2
7. jdarksun - Day 5
8. Auralynx - Escaped Day 7
9. Gizzy - Day 3
10. Bliss 101 - Escaped Day 7
11. Locus - Escaped Day 7
12. Martoss - Survived until Day 7
13. Brody - Survived until Day 7
14. Grunt's ghosts - Day 1
15. Megafrost - Day 5
16. Premium - Day 3
17. Void Slayer - Day 2
18. Lostninja - Day 5
19. Mamawolf - Day 7
20. Green - Day 6
21. Preda - Day 2
22. Egos - Day 2
23. Sir Fabulous - Day 1
24. Cythraul - Day 7
1. Bedlam
2. Jaysonfour
Game days end at 8pm Pacific time.
@”sir fabulous”
@”the anonymous”
@”bliss 101”
(Beat you Gizzy! :P )
!sign up
I think this qualifies as an unmitigated invitation to axe you to death Day 1.
Which will differ from my recent experience of phalla how?
It will be done openly and gleefully.
Island Name: Felinefine
You won't be the only former victor in this game.
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Like the time when two of the schoolkids slept together in the lighthouse?
So weird.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
There will be 2 people who get the Lone Wolf role, from past precedent.
Lots will ask. I won't, game's more interesting that way.
You can get analyzed as a lone wolf, in which case you will have about as much a chance as an outed SK in most games.
Sign up anyway!
There have been versions where you can win with everyone from your school if i am remembering correctly.
That's one of the things I love about these games, the tiny tweaks/differences. I caught at least 1 perks I'm pretty sure weren't in previous games (that I have played in).
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
You can usually win with your school/allies by escaping together, unless you're a lone wolf, in which case you brutally murder all the escapees.
Nothing precludes you from dropping the boat at any time however.
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Maybe I'm misreading but can you only attack someone where you are?
You will be told in PM who is in your area, and yeah only attack in your area, though C4 can be set up for a later turn.
At the beginning of the day you get a list of who's in your zone and their easily observable items.
Sometimes there's rifles and binoculars that allow you to fire into surrounding zones, but it doesn't look like they're here.
You can only attack someone in your zone, except if you previously set explosives somewhere (or any other items like that, if any).