Six years ago one of my younger brothers passed away in a car accident. It was, and still in the worst thing to happen to me, but as they said, time has made it easier.
The only thing that I still haven't been able to deal with properly is when I meet a new person (something that I do often) and they ask about how many siblings I have.
Not counting him still feels wrong somehow, but answering with "I used to have four, but one passed away..." leads to awkwardness, as generally I barely know whatever person is asking me.
Has anyone that gone through something similar found a tactful way to address this?
She uses present tense a lot for her sister when talking about the family as a whole, because she is still part of the family even if only in memory. Individually she uses past tense though.
Being dead does not make one less of a sister or brother. In all seriousness, you're carrying him with you. He's there, even if he can't be there himself.
Helps to know I wasn't alone in feeling like this.