Per HufflePoff:
Donald Trump claimed Monday that the U.S. armed forces had “conceptually” endorsed his run for the White House and that he had secured the backing of most police departments.
“I’ve been endorsed by virtually every police department and police group. And I’ve been endorsed largely, at least conceptually, by the military. We’ve had tremendous veteran endorsements because the veterans have been treated so unfairly,” the GOP presidential nominee told News4Jax after a meeting with first responders at a county sheriff’s office in St. Augustine, Florida.
Trump is once again embellishing the truth about his endorsements.
The National Fraternal Order of Police, a union representing its 325,000 members, endorsed Trump. So, too, did the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, a union representing 5,000 immigration officers. Ditto for the National Border Patrol Council, which represents some 16,500 immigration officers. But those groups don’t represent the totality of America’s police or border patrol.
Moreover, federal agencies are prohibited from engaging in political activity. As are active-duty military or civilian personnel, under Department of Defense guidelines.
Despite his veteran endorsements, Trump’s claim that the military supports him “conceptually” also doesn’t appear to stand up to scrutiny. According to a poll of military service members conducted in September by Military Times and Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families, Trump is statistically tied with Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson.
Trump’s disregard for the truth prompted St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, which he visited Monday in Florida, to issue a clarification on Twitter after the GOP nominee claimed the agency had endorsed him.
Inmates, you know the rules!
Violators will recieve a day in the hole.
Trump Town Girls? That sounds so awful.
His small, crazy base of fans is nutso enough to take those two ideas and combine them in a terrifying manner.
The military hasn't though. He barely even has a fraction as many endorsements from former military members as Romney did. He keeps touting these numbers but they only look good in a complete vacuum away from all other facts.
Kind of like everything he says.
Name!y, using their control of many state legislatures to change the distribution of electors so they follow the gerimandered House districts and not state wide. That way it doesn't matter that the majority of the state voted blue: the GOP will get more EC votes.
I really really hope he'll just fade away after the election, but that seems improbable.
"If Trump hadn't ruined everything, we could have saved the country!"
And then they'll go right back to their bull.
The real question is, how much of their base will believe them.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
Now I don’t like her and I am not high on the Dems either but this election cycle, for me, was about the blatant hate that has been coming from the right this year. Some directed at me even. I’m hoping that a big loss will, hopefully, make the GOP moderate their positions on social issues. They can’t go on bashing LGBT people and talking down POC then eating their own when someone dare step out of line and say “umm no, this is wrong”.
I’m not proud but I did what I had to.
If my workplace is expected to be non-partisan, I don't think it's entirely unreasonable that my union be non-partisan as well. I can only imagine there's a large portion of my union who supports people other than Hillary, be it Bernie, Trump, or otherwise. And even though I checked the little box on my paperwork that prevents my national union from using my dues for political activity, it still torques me that they presume to speak for me in that capacity without at least taking an internal vote first.
IIRC, you've been one of the more conservative posters on this board, so good on you, man.
Last election someone here posted a weird article about a fringe Republican going full sovereign citizen and dropping out of the election to run for office in some kind of "real unincorporated US government." I can't find the group's website anymore, but they had many empty seats, including the presidency, that nobody was running for.
He can just join that and go play government with other weirdos who reject the legitimacy of the elections they lost.
Alternatively: Isn't union leadership elected? And having elected them, isn't their job to support the candidates who will best look after the interests of union workers in terms of compensation, safety, etc? Not support Trump because half the members are racists willing to vote against their own self-interest?
regardless, I see this being far more likely than them emplementing the actual core reforms that they've need for the last 20 years
Trump has for me, more than anything (if this was possible), make me lose some respect for the GOP
I disagree with basically all of them but I felt some were more or less consistant with their principles, and then I see them giving Trump half hearted "no... don't say that...i still am endorsing u tho" and it's just sickening
Stand up for yourselves you cowards, you're not going to save the white house or even the senate at this point, have some dignity
I'm actually a little surprised that Fox isn't taking this whole "Ailes departure/Kelly ascendant" phase to clear house a little (i.e., get rid of hacks like Doocy and Hannity, et al) and try to win back some industry respectability, but then again I don't honestly know how "respectible" they have the potential to be. My guess is not very.
Their base doesn't want dignity, it wasn't obstruction. Trump's base would prefer to watch the world burn over democrats being allowed to do anything useful. The good of the country doesn't matter if a dirty liberal is in charge. It's run away identity politics and the GOP is trapped by it (of their own doing of course, they didn't have to court those voters, they could have modernized their platform 20 years ago).
It's easy to ignore certain realities when it is basically literally your job to do so.
Where's the money in that?
You absolutely should be proud. Not because you voted for Hillary, but because you made an informed decision about what was best for the country.
Obviously many of us here like Hillary but you don't HAVE to like her to know that she'll be a good president. Or at least and adequate one, depending on your policy views. And by all means this doesn't mean people can't criticize her when she makes mistakes. Republicans should take her to task about stuff they disagree with, and Progressives will be pushing her to be more liberal. In the end, we'll probably get something in the middle that works for as many people as possible. At least, that's the hope.
Also, as a Democrat, I also hope the GOP gets it's house in order. You and the entire country deserve a better GOP.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
Local leadership is a direct election, but state and national are chosen by local leadership.
Conversely, how many police officers are there right now who are having to deal with the heat of their union endorsing Trump when they emphatically do not? I'd be willing to bet more than 50% of Police Officers do not support Trump, but because the FOPO does, they have to lockstep and follow. And it's something that many of these police officers feel powerless to change, because the leadership of their union, like many unions, is almost always predetermined behind closed doors before the local leadership even "votes." And as a result, the Police feel trapped, because if they leave the organization, they lose all of the employment protections they've had, but to keep them, they have to go against their conscience.
Working in a poll booth
votin' dem down, down.
Working in a poll booth
Trump about to get drowned.
Edit: google of 2012 tells me just over 30 million.
I guess time will tell with 2 weeks to go.
Didn't they already announce who was replacing ailes and it was basically Boys' Club 2: Electric Boogaloo?
This was some time ago, so I'll have to try some google-fu to find that again
I'll believe it when I see it, but we can always hope.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
The Murdoch boys are a lot more liberal and generally global in attitude. James especially is big into the environment. I wouldn't be shocked if Fox News continued to be right wing nutcaseville, but I can absolutely see some things, like "global warming is a hoax" getting quashed from high above as soon as the election is over and they really consolidate power, especially if Trump and Ailes accelerate the process by starting their own alt-right thing.
I'm split
I don't want Trump to get further attention but frankly the members of the GOP who have supported him don't deserve to get off so easily.
Bad news, guys. Syria is Russia and the new Iran.
...I have no idea what that means.
Republicans running unopposed from state senator on down, but whaddyagonnado.
That's just as much democracy as the entire country has on the national level.
It's also less the unions who pushed them into being like 90% democratic supporters. It turns out when one party tries to eliminate your existence then you pretty quickly align with the other choice.
To expand, police in the US are 80% male, 75% nonhispanic white roughly. Most don't have college degrees and police tend to attract more authoritarian personalities.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
A strange game of EU4
Now THAT'S rigging.
Steam | XBL
It's full on shadow presidency. Along with crazies who declare they don't have to obey that law, because President Trump repealed it. He'll create his own special taxes supporters can send him. Meanwhile they then try and claim they don't have to pay their federal taxes because they're citizens of Real America TM.
Ok I'm done scaring myself with speculation.
Zero fucking chance.
...holy fuck. Trump just neutered the GOP downticket.