Let's talk about the only MOBA I can stomach these days, the only MOBA that doesn't adversely affect my mood.
That's right, let's talk about
Blizzard's All-Star DOTA!
i mean Heroes of the Storm.
What's cool about Heroes of the Storm?
And best of all, it's Theoretically Free!
I really like playing it with people, please give your BATTLENET tag to me so i can play with you!
Players in the Americas
21stCentury - TwentyFirst#1239
cB557 - cB557#1216
YOU! maybe! Hopefully!
My choice was clear
I give this [chat] a 3 out of 17.
hello from planet earth
@Dibby @milk ducks @shryke
-is about mobas
+21st is an okay dude
I think I like it tho
And it sounds like they changed the skill builds to be a lot like HOTS?
Look at the OP, :razz:
(It's TwentyFirst#1239)
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
Well, They ADDED a talent tree. Every 5 level, you get to put a point in one of two branches in the Talent Tree instead of putting it in a skill.
I think.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
I love how they do the writing for the tomb colonies.
like the everybody turns in at the end of the semester eval?
i think that's like a mandatory thing
you could complain straight to the dean about it
And you can't put points into stats anymore? Which sounds great.
what is this i'm having?
Like it stops at my skin instead of going all the way to my bones.
Yep, they removed that feature.
Basically, you get the Talent Tree instead. At first I was pretty lukewarm to the idea because the talents don't seem exciting, but they really make a big diff.
Too bad I'm not playing DOTA2 anymore. it was an excellent game.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
is this the new my chemical romance song
Majestic Orgone Battery Association.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
I also hate people that don't send you notification when they're performing maintenance, even though they know that you and a hundred other people are anxiously waiting for a business-critical patch to be put in place.
I also hate the universe in general. Fuck newtonian physics. Orbits think they're soooo cool, fucking smug as motion. Hey, maybe I don't want my mass to be attracted to other mass.
right, looks like I am definitely going to uber home tonight
I'd love it if you took a look at my art and my PATREON!
Not actually a metaphor because it's gonna be like 2 and I'm in it all night.
I see your shenanigans and raise with some hijinks.
I'd love it if you took a look at my art and my PATREON!
So like the stage in Mario Kart where you're tying to kill each other in a donut on lava except it's in one of those big stadiums where they do like basketball games and Pokémon on ice
And everytime someone closes the door, you are born anew?
Welcome to the North, Dornish Maiden. :razz:
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
So that will always have a special place in my heart
Nah, they added talents on top of the old juicy goodness, it isn't like HOTS style choices with all skills at level 1
I fly east tonight and I am mighty fearful of this cold snap. I do not easily thrive in the cold.
well eventually things crash into each other and explode
or the size difference is great enough that as they get close enough, the larger things rips the smaller thing apart
My cats do the pathetic look for a few days then BAM! Floofy fur coat is grown. It's weird how adaptable they are.