We knew it would be bad. We knew it would be worse than we could imagine. But could anyone envision it would be as bad as it actually is?
"I met a traveler from an broken land,
Who said—“Two small and sizeless hands of sausage
Stand in the swamp. . . . Near them, on the ground,
Half sunk a shattered nation lies, whose frown,
And joyous people devoid of understanding,
Tell that its founders well those passions read
Which now perverted, stamped on these lifeless things,
The tiny hands that mocked them, and a heartless soul that fed endlessly;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Trump, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, They are the best works,
Nothing beats my works, ask anyone.
Round the decay of that colossal Wreck, golden and crass
The lone and level marshes stretch far away.”
The Rundown:
- We currently do not have a state department. The cabinet members say they quit. Trump says they were fired. Trump says many things.
- In response to the Executive Order on the the Border Wall, the Head of the Border Control has resigned. Or has been fired. Again, Trump says many things.
- Former Mexican President Vicente Fox tells trump, "We're not paying for the fucking wall!" Trump says, "Yes, you are!" Current President Pineto says, "Fuck this, I'm out," and cancels meeting with Trump. Trump says the cancellation was a mutual decision. Trump says many things.
- Spokesman Sean Spicer announced the wall would be paid for with a 20% tariff on Mexican imports. Perhaps due to realizing that tariffs are imposed on
buyers of goods (i.e., Americans in this case), Spicer hours later said that the previous announcement was "just some ideas, nothing official."
- Sean Spicer has inadvertently tweeted his passwords to the public. Twice.
- Everyone on Team Trump is using private, unsecured email servers.
- Elizabeth Warren, bless her heart, still believes in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy.
- The country is falling apart faster than we can report on it.
- Congressional GOP members are saying they've been shut out of the Executive Order process and have no idea if any of them are tenable, viable, or even legal.
- Everyone in Washington with an anonymous Twitter account is reporting frantically about the ever-growing trash fire that started in the West Wing this week.
- Trump continues to insist 3 million people illegally voted for Clinton. Trump says many things.
- Trump asserted golfer Bernhard Langer was kept from voting while the brown person next to them got to vote. Bernhard Langer says, "Woah, dude, no, what? No. I can't vote, I'm not even American. Leave me out of this."
- Mike Pence probably is putting together a solemn-but-reassuring memorandum on his acceptance of the presidency. You know, just in case.
Oh, and explicitly due to Trump's first week in office, the countdown clock on Nuclear Holocaust has moved up 30 seconds. We are now two minutes, thirty seconds, to midnight.
Follow all the myriad intersections of rolling dumpster fires, tire fires, and garbage explosions right here at
https://presterity.org/ (thanks
@Handgimp !)
Do not engage the Watermelons.
How about [Trump] 2.5 Minutes is plenty of time?
Gah! The last thread got locked as I was posting this
The frightening part is that's just what happened today.
Every time I read/type/think/say this it makes me want to violently throw up in anger.
Yeah, that's not sending the message the author thinks (it was quite clear that W wanted to take a very different diplomatic tack from Clinton.)
How long did this transition take?
Do not engage the Watermelons.
I'm almost positive he thinks about that on the regular. "Just how much public backlash against Trump do I need before I can take office?"
Do not engage the Watermelons.
It keeps going: Enviromentalism is well and nice, but nobody is going to have their job on the chopping block if they can fight for it. Sending people to the Soylent Green factory "For the Greater Good" suddenly loses appeal when is your name on the list.
I must've missed that.
I suppose it's too much to hope they'll do the right thing and impeach.
getcha barf bags ready
Why ‘false equivalence’ usually isn’t — and elections make us dumber
Or maybe it's only bad if Clinton does it.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Trudeau has always been in favor of keystone XL
Pipeline politics are different in Canada, and are very regional.
The Moral Majority folks.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
People only thought they were equal because you kept making it fucking front-page news.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Are you asking for an alternative title?
Which gets to the heart of why these get tarred with the "false equivalence" brush. When you constantly treat two wildly dissimilar things as equal, people will point out that. This isn't people being "dumber", this is people calling out the argument as flawed.
I guess he doesn't want his job anymore.
More likely, much with basically everything else: It's OK If You're A Republican™
i tried calling Feinstein's office in SF, and got a "full voicemail box" message. ended up calling her LA office and having to leave a voicemail there. no one would even pick up the phone.
our Democracy fucking sucks at this.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
So they're going to deport all the Cubans, right?
(because it might need to be said: not serious)
so, "before we stopped picking up the phone", then.
It was originally reported that this would be effecting all visas, including visitor visas, but that was later updated to be for work/study visas.
Kiwis looking for explanations of what this means, especially those who are in the process of trying to emigrate to the US for work/study have no current recourse or answers available to them.
Why not?
because there is no Ambassador, and as such, no legal advice available to those here who are hoping for answers. Because there is no official representative body from the current administration.
in case anybody was wondering why firing all the ambassadors on Jan 20th was a big deal.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
might be better to just stay in NZ for the next 8 years