PAX hands over lost and found items to the venues where an item is found. If you've lost something, make sure to check with the BCEC and any of your hotels you may have been staying with, depending on where you think you lost your item.
You can post about your lost/found items here, but one of those establishments will likely have a better chance of finding it.
If you or someone you know has lost anything, please send me a description in private message and hopefully we can return this precious loot to their rightful owner.
Thank you
I know it's a long shot, but did anyone happen to pick it up?
Crossing my fingers here, but I had lost a black plastic bag with two board games in it Friday night. It was Xcom the board game and the expansion. If anyone found them or has them, please let me know, thanks!
if the phone still has power, android phones all have the android device manager which acts like iphones phone tracker. If you're signed into the same google account and go here
It should let you locate your phone as well as allow you to Lock it and Erase it remotely. Provided GPS is enabled... it should be accurate within 20 meters.
It should let you locate your phone as well as allow you to Lock it and Erase it remotely. Provided GPS is enabled... it should be accurate within 20 meters.[/quote]
Power is out by now-- I did however lock my phone and put a this is where you can get in touch with me to return the darned thing msg on the lockscreen if anyone charges it and powers it up-- probably going to just get dumped in one of those cellphone trade in vending machines though... Only thing I'm really mad about are the first half of my pictures from the Expo floor since my phone had not backed up from the day before yet .