Total War: Warhammer is a videogame that you can purchase and play. Command a fantasy army on a grand campaign forward to prove their supremacy over all of the other fantasy armies. Fantasy armies like:
The Empire
The empire of man is vaguely analogous to the historical Holy Roman Empire - German names, German bureaucracy, and giant riding griffons swooping down from the sky. Okay, that last part might not be traditional Holy Roman Empire.
The Dwarves
Heavily armored, coming from deep beneath the earth, and bearing a grudge, it's the dwarves. They've got big beards and even bigger artillery, and they're going to try to reclaim their once great empire from all of these pesky surface races.
The Greenskins
Orcs and goblins and all the rest comprise the horde of the greenskins, a race that desires only WAAAGH. They live to fight, and if they're not fighting the enemy, they'll start fighting each other. But if they're fighting the enemy, more and more of them pour out of the woodwork to join the fray.
The Vampire Counts
The powerful necromancers of the vampire raise their armies from the bodies of the dead, fielding skeletons and zombies alongside their terrifying dire wolves and fell bats. Corruption is the name of their game, and through their corruption they will consume us all.
The Bretonnians
The other race of man, the Bretonnians are less founded in vague ideas of European history and more founded in the myths of King Arthur and the Round Table. They prize chivalry above all else, and if they are chivalrous enough they may even be able to call the legendary Green Knight to their aid.
Oh, and there are also the DLC races. But I haven't bought the DLC races yet so I have no idea what they're about.
And there's the sequel, coming soon, which adds some other really cool races
I like this game
Super excited for dinosaurs with lasers
I'm so close to getting some giant spiders though maybe that'll turn things around.
it's quite neat
I can only play it when I've had a decent amount of rest, though, so... I haven't played for a few days
some games you can play when you're tired, this ain't one of 'em
I should probably try them on normal, not hard.
I could use a good, busy weekend so I can order a new video card and get this before the steam sale is over.
Good times.
maybe once I'm done with these costs the new Total Warhammer will be on sale or something
because lizardmen hype
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Also, playing as the Bretonnians while you are also reading a book on 14th century European history is a bit of a trip. Maybe that's what's making me good at tactics.
Not sure if anyone would benefit
I would!
The exception is maybe Dwarves, who'll be pressured by Greenskins a lot. But then, your dwarf armies are way, way better than Greenskin trash.
The other trick is that it's better to take a few of the enemy's good cities than all of their towns. If they don't have cities, they aren't manufacturing elite troops. An elite army can take down, I don't know, three or four full stacks of trash. Especially green skin trash, or zombies.
It feels like there's not a lot to do if I'm not constantly on my grind with a hero army, I guess. Like, to compare it to Endless Legend or Heroes of Might and Magic, there are no ruins that I need to explore, or strategic resources that need to be claimed (well there are some of these but it's different). And everyone on the map is a part of a nation state, there are no like, neutral bands of skeletons wandering around the map that I can take out with ease for some cheap experience.
Much of this is something that I would consider a good thing, but it's definitely different from the other strategy games that I've played a lot of, and I'm having trouble getting used to that.
But then I haven't been able to bring the a major army to bear against them, only one of my smaller ones which they outnumbered with lots of archers and some kinda invisibility ability.
My dowi sold their lives dearly though, Took a huge chunk out of their unit strength, unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to capitalize on it before they heal up.
Also, I think I have too many forces out to the west trying to take the badlands and right now, figured it seemed poorly defended and if I could swing the greenskins down around the side I could close them in the bottom right side of the map. But they have a warboss at the dragonhorn mines now so that might be hard.
Plus I am dealing with some major shit and multiple wabands down around spitepeak and misty mountain right now, that is where my one smaller army got their shit wrecked.
Those guys are tough, and their explosives do a ton of damage
If you manage to rock the Greenskins faction completely, the rest will stay as scattered tribes. It's also ok to sign a treaty for some breathing room if you need to.
I try to take out the Dwarves to the north and Skarsnik to get some amber by my armies are so squishy.
Dryads are pretty rubbish to begin with.
And think I might need to start over.
Go down fighting
Holding the dwarf capitol against hordes of greenskins is pretty fun
But after 74 turns you can save pretty much anything but a capital in ruins.
Playing as the Wood Elves and not taking any territory outside of Athel Loren with the exception of Norsca. I confederated with the other tribes, then made a beeline for Norsca and attempted to take the entire subcontinent with extremely challenging supply lines. I eventually did it. It was kind of a boring slog. HOWEVER, it was worth it for the Chaos invasion. I had doom stacks at ambush points in the mountain before Kislev. They spawned, moved towards the south and were immediately obliterated. I think the entire invasion lasted three turns.
So I'm pretty worried I'm not going to be able to stop them in the southern mountains they have a lot of high power units and tough lords to keep up morale. Not to mention magic I don't know how to deal with.
But yeah I just think it is harder for me to wrap my head wind games like these with so many interlocking systems.
For one the best units I have access to are still longsbeards with great weapons and slayers. (I don't even know how to get irondrakes) But most of my forces don't have them yet because global recruiting is expensive and long.
So you got all the amber you needed just from norsca?
More than enough. You could probably win pretty easily without leaving Athel Loren if you made enough alliances.
EDIT: Also I keep defending Valaya's Sorrow with crazy low numbers of guys compared to the enemy, which is the enemy warboss with a bunch of archers for some reason most of the time. Getting that lord there a ton of XP really fast. I just scooted my king north again a bit to take out the remnants of his army after he tried to attack it again. I swear I keep wounding him in battle which is pretty sweet.
Also I know it isn't too impressive but
Here is what my map looks like at turn 80
I'm finally starting to get the hang of it, only took me almost 100 turns. Also it's getting it's hooks in me, I've played a few hours a day the past few days.
I'd prefer to have learned this when I was on the outside of the gate rather than the inside but it's still cool.
This is turn 85. Greenskins are almost gone. Figured I should sure up my diplomacy to the north. Did some confederation.
I'm worried about those holds that are ruins? I need those for a victory right?
Oh yeah and my main army attacked an ork hold. I took the city with like just my king and runesmith and like maybe a dozen dowi left out of 1100...
Now then.. Greenskins or Vampires...
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
You will eventually need to take every single hold. That includes ones all the way up north. What you should do now (post greenskins) is build up your infrastructure and get ready for... stuff.