Didn't see a thread specific to fears, so...
As of this morning, I have faced two of my biggest, somewhat specific, possibly trivial fears. Not trivial for me, but in the grand scheme of things - I guess trivial.
The first fear I was forced to face (not this morning's) hearkens back to Something About Mary. There is a scene where the main character gets his dick caught in his zipper. It's pretty bad in the film and I can't even think of that scene without feeling like I'm going to vomit. Can never watch that movie again. Anyway, ever since I saw that film - roughly 19 years ago - I have had an irrational fear of that happening to me.
And, at a bar within the past few months, it happened. Not to the degree in the film, but it happened, and immediate panic set in. Luckily I got out of that mostly unscathed except now I take extra time finishing up at a urinal.
Then this morning I get to put a tick next to "fall in the shower." I have always had a fear of slipping and cracking my head on the faucet or the sink or something. And if I fell any differently than I did this morning, that may have happened. I luckily slipped and fell OUT of the tub, and not on the side of the bathroom where the sink was. I'm not a klutz, generally speaking, so I was surprised. Fucking tub was just as slippery as a tube of astroglide covered in melted butter inside of a tub of vaseline this morning.
I'm trying to think of any fears I've faced head on: Social anxiety/rejection (I was an introvert up through college and then whipped over to extrovert, somehow). Rollercoasters (not a fan of heights but I try to push myself because I can only baby myself so much). edit: And making a thread in SE++.
And those I haven't: Fish (I will not eat sea aliens), anything related to heights outside of a rollercoaster (ferris wheels, bungee jumps, skydiving - very unlikely to ever happen). 95% of the shit they have at Six Flags is a no go for me.
Not sure if anyone is interest in chatting about fears, but as I lay on my bathroom tile this morning, taking stock of my life and how I just experienced two of my biggest fears within only a few months, I was curious how many others have had rational/irrational fears they had to face.
Or just make fun of me for being clumsy.
It occasionally occurs to me that if a freak accident happened and I tripped and hit my head on something it would be hours before anyone found me
I think I would be freaked out just working alone at night.
You don't do...late night security for a Pizza place do you?
No, I work at a data center,
I think I'm okay with being afraid of heights and just avoiding them forever.
I don't have a reason to anymore though so I don't think I will anymore!
is this a trivial fears only discussion, or
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
I left it ambiguous on purpose - feel free to share anything you want.
Nah. Breathing in my ass fumes is the penance people should pay for having the temerity to take a seat in my row.
Flying is the worst for me, so I'll withdraw into myself and just not interact with anyone if possible while I quietly ride out the nightmare. Tall buildings are kinda ok, but I'll be constantly twitchy. I recently had to travel up and down in a whole bunch of mountain lifts for the first time in ages and that was just awful.
Another fear is being in the middle of a large expanse of water (or space). Though that's more a simmering dread than outright terror.
Steam ID - VeldrinD
pairing that with my hypochondria makes for Fun Times
recently one of my fingers has felt a bit funny
so naturally I'm thinking I've got multiple sclerosis
I'm afraid of the world.
Which sometimes makes sex kinda weird, I tell you what.
Steam ID - VeldrinD
This is me! The one time I had a full-on panic attack was because I was made to go to a height I did not want to, while deeply tired and a little bit drunk. I've mostly gotten over whiteknuckling in airplanes but every now and then when turbulence hits I have to quiet down the internal voice that yells WELL THIS IS IT THEN WHAT A WAY TO GO
I also have a deep dislike of tall staircases, but that's probably because of the one time I was like, 4, and took a tumble down a ton of stairs at a character meet and greet at Disney. Apparently the Genie ran after me, and all the other Princes/Princesses looked briefly horrified before having to go back into their roles. (I only realized this was probably the genesis of that fear this year.)
3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
Are you sure you can't help it?
Basically the fear goes up more the easier it would be to fling myself off of the side.
... My sister knows someone who crawled out of the burning wreckage of a plane crash, her legs charred and functionless, and lay submerged in a swamp for six hours to avoid further burns while awaiting rescue. We've both agreed that neither of us have that kind of will to live.
I also dislike staircases, but that's because I've fallen down every single one I've ever encountered.
that it's all a con and when I die, surrounded by family and friends, they'll all lean forward and whisper in unison
"you were kind of a prick"
if you were that much of a prick they wouldn't bother turning up at all.
There's a joke in there about pricks turning up but I'm not going to bite.
Jesus fucking Christ!
It was that plane crash in Indonesia about ten years ago, with all the Aussie diplomats on board, if anyone remembers
I think I have a new reason to fear flying now.
I used to always assume that I wound be dead automatically and instantly if the plane went down.
Also bees and wasps and stingy things cause to be lock up in place when nearby until i either sprint away or slowly back up and cant see them anymore
What gets to me about flying is the noise? Like normally white noise soothes me. But jet engine's are just so very very loud. I actually get the same way in clubs. Loud persistent noise gets me really upset and nervous.
Actually, I kind of hate vacuum cleaners, too. The noise just makes me so unhappy and uneasy.
I don't like spaces where the noise is inescapable as long as you are there and loud enough that you can't really hear anything else.
Like dance clubs or the cabin of a jet in my examples.
It gets my teeth to clench and my brain and eyes going into overdrive looking at exits scanning for escape lanes, making sure other people aren't looking at me.
When you get up to the cheap seats in a sports stadium, everything gets very steep.
So we get to our row, and I am trying to be cool about everything. But it turns out that everyone else with seats in our row got there before we did and everyone has to stand for us. Being a large individual that meant that people had to lean back for me to make it through. I appreciated this because as I was trying to "be cool" in actuality I was holding on to every person en route to our seats for dear life. All the while brain is saying "Take one wrong step and you will be flung down every row of this section and inevitably fall to a long and painful existence".
Well, as you may have figured out, I survived. At halftime my father wanted to go down and walk around or maybe go to the beer garden. I informed him that no, I was not leaving my seat until I absolutely had to and he was free to do whatever he wanted. Overall, I had a good day, and he did too. But HOO BOY.
The other thing is being in a car with someone else driving (I do not drive anymore) in heavy traffic. Especially when it's a speed limit driving to sudden gridlock. I always assume the person at the wheel is not paying as much attention as I am and I freak the fuck out. Light traffic at speed I am okay. Stop and go? I need a drug or a nap or something.
I did actually stop my sister from rear ending someone once, because she was getting texts from her daughter, husband, and ex-husband all at the same time. I told her to ignore them or I was going to get out of the car on the freeway and walk the fuck home.
Volume on or not. Fucking terrifying.
For some reason, airplanes don't bother me, but being in a tall building does.
I face this fear regularly because after years of being terrified of them, in part due to the heights, I'm now a big fan of rollercoasters. The going up part of them is the hardest for me.
That said, while I've done it a few times, I still don't care for drop tower type rides because there's not enough "ride", the fun part, to justify to myself dealing with the awful heights.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
Fish Flies are totally harmless flying insects, about the length and width of a small bundle of toothpicks. They like to swarm as adults and coat walls of buildings during some parts of the summer. They also have an adult lifespan of a couple of days, which leads to a few days of sickening crunching when you walk on the sidewalk
Dear Satan.....
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
As for absolute silence I run into that more frequently but for just a couple minutes at a time. It's usually when the power goes out (which means not even hearing the hum of things being powered on or off) and there's nothing like a highway nearby. I usually open a door or window and stay near it to pick up on things going on. Or if I have battery powered stuffs I turn them on.
Edit - tl;dr perception is part of existing and if any of that is denied I lose it.