AMD Athlon XP 2700+ (32bit)
x2 512MB DDR333 RAM
Radeon X850PRO 256MB AGP 8x (Had for about 7 months now, problems started 2 months ago)
Windows XP Pro
Drivers tested:
7-4_xp_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_44981 (Latest ATi Catalyst)
rad_w2kxp_omega_38330 (Latest
Other video card I use to test: Radeon 9600PRO 256MB AGP 8x
For about 2 months now I have rarely been on my computer due to it having some sort of video problem.
Every now and then (sometimes every minute to every 10mins) of surfing the internet, browsing Windows Explorer, or just sitting at a blank desktop screen with no apps open, my computer will lock up and not respond (though I can move my mouse cursor) and after a few seconds of this the srceen will go black - then come back and work again. Seems to be some sort of VPU freeze and then my drivers or whatever reset it. Sometimes the monitor loses signal completely and I need to reset (I can still turn on/off or change the volume of my music or hit the hotkeys (Alt+F4 -> U) to shutdown (so my comp is still on and functioning, just not sending video. Though weirdly I can always move my mouse in these situations where everything else is frozen.
Sometimes when the screen comes back, the scrolling/refreshing of the screen is all messed up until I restart my computer.
This will never happen if I am in the middle of a game like World of Warcraft, Half-Life2, or StarCraft. It can happen if I alt+tab from these and just do other shit. I don't get it.
I have tried both the official ATi Catalyst drivers listed above and the latest Omegadrivers listed above. Same shit.
Now I took out my X850 and found my old 9600 that had problems of its own like showing artifacts and shit during long gaming sessions. Other than that and one fin of the fan misisng and causing it to wobble and make noise, it should be fine. I put in the 9600 and I get the same fucking issues with the blackouts! I don't get it.
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong with my shit? All symptoms point to video card sucking, but both of them do the same thing with different drivers!
Also, I still have a warranty from Newegg on my X850 card so I can send it back for replacement (probably just credit since they don't carry this card in AGP anymore). Is it possible iti snt this card at fault?
Where can I find.
Maybe it's the monitor that's the problem, rather than the cards? I would suspect that if you play games in a lower resolution/refresh rate than you use the desktop.
Try running your desktop at a lower resolution/refresh rate.
I started to have problems with my 22" CRT recently - in 1280x1024@100Hz the picture will start doing this bizarre thing, like shrinking/growing on the sides very slightly and rapidly...
At night, the ice weasels come."
Ugh, you're right. I somehow ignored a whole paragraph.
Anyway, the OP could try some linux liveCD to see if it's a software problem (uninstalling drivers often leaves stuff behind, and the problem might be caused by some other part of the OS). You can also make a Windows LiveCD, but it's more complicated than just burning an image.
Alternatively, Driver Cleaner Pro should be able to remove any junk left behind by old drivers, though the free version is a bit old; be sure to follow the instructions.
At night, the ice weasels come."
As for the monitor possibility, I play my games (except for old ones like StarCraft) at the same desktop resolution and refresh rate of 75hz.
You can also disable it from starting up with the system. IIRC CCC puts itself in the registry; Startup Control Panel is a small app that lets you remove autostart items from all possible locations and keeps the deleted history - easier than digging through the registry.
btw. do you get these problems also in Safe Mode?
At night, the ice weasels come."
In your BIOS, what are your graphics settings? Is the primary display set to onboard, auto, or AGP? It's best set to AGP if it's not already. Also, the size of your graphics aperture. Most boards offer 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 MB. Some offer 256. It's good measure to have it at either 64 or 128. Other apertures can cause compatibility issues. You may want to test these settings to see if they are part of the issue.... longshot.
The only ati related process I have running when I start up right now is ati2evxx.exe which is some sort of External Event controller.
I'll check my BIOS for those settings, but I have no idea why they would had changed from what they were. It'd be nice if that was all it was.
And thanks for the help so far guys, I appreciate it.
edit: AGP settings at 8x, 256MB. I have no onboard video. I also have been using FastWrites OFF for a long time.