It's time to start a new D&D game, and I'll be joining in as a player this time round. This 5th edition character will be a Eladrin Elf Bard, entertainer background, of the college of glamor. My spells are things like pyrotechnics, dancing lights, and charm spells. Pretty much everything to make me put on one hella boss rock and roll hero. As an added bonus, my GM is allowing me to treat my metal lute as a weapon (greatclub)!
As I play in Roll20, the next step is to find a bunch of awesome emote animated gifs that will help me show off my stuff. This is where i need help! I am looking for a list of media (anime, movies, shows, etc.) that I might find gifs of that have people using sonic attacks with their mouth or a guitar, physically ka-bonging with a guitar, and otherwise rocking out to great effect.
Things/ideas I already have:
- El Kabong cartoon (hanna barbara)
- Scott Pilgrim (of course)
Help me find other things so that this bard can be truely radical!
Note: what the people look like doesn't matter in this, the emotes are used to represent what I am doing and for comedic effect. Any gender or medium is fine so long as it has them rocking out.
Oh also the flaming guitar from Mad Max Fury Road. You could use that when you cast Heat Metal.
Other ideas: There may something you can get from The Pick of Destiny by Tenacious D (or which is from the Tribute video I think), and though I'm not sure much of it is animated, from Noise Marines from 40k