Aside from the past greatest hits, like mocking McCain for being a POW, or picking fights with gold star families, Trump's White House, and Trump himself, have been on a tear this week, with a number of things that don't fit well into other threads.
In no particular order:
Green card holders are now blocked from joining the military until a background check is complete, which can take up to a year.
One policy change is to the initial security and suitability screening for green card holders. "Effective immediately, all green card holders must complete a background investigation and receive a favorable military security suitability determination prior to entering any component of the armed forces," Miller said in an interview.
Previously, green card holders could ship to basic military training as long as background investigations were initiated. Green card holders go through the same check as American citizens.
The change will mean that green card holders entering the military may be in the delayed entry or training program longer than in the past, due to a backlog for security clearances at the Office of Personnel Management.
The clearance procedure could take up to a year.
Trump lied at a press conference, claiming that past Presidents didn't call the families of fallen soldiers.
“If you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls. A lot of them didn’t make calls. I like to call when it’s appropriate, when I think I am able to do it,” he said.
He then blamed his generals for telling him that.
"President Obama I think probably did sometimes, and maybe sometimes he didn’t. I don’t know. That’s what I was told. All I can do—all I can do is ask my generals. Other presidents did not call. They’d write letters. And some presidents didn’t do anything," Trump said. "But I like the combination of—I like, when I can, the combination of a call and also a letter."
Then, this morning, he dragged John Kelly's, his current chief of staff, son into it.
“You could ask General Kelly, ‘Did he get a call from Obama?’” Mr. Trump said in an interview on Tuesday on Fox News Radio. “I believe his policy was somewhat different than my policy. I can tell you my policy is I called every one of them.”
And he followed it up this afternoon by saying, while meeting with a widow of one of the soldiers killed
"He knew what he signed up for."
He said this while she was sitting next to a Democratic Congresswoman. thread is for Trump and the White House's recent comments and actions in regards to the US military.
Please limit it to those things only.
everyone is pissed off about his comments today and yesterday. So much so that the green card thing seems to have gone all but completely unnoticed. I'm not naive enough to believe that this will change any minds given how much he's already shit on the families of fallen soldiers, but his comments today are especially egregious and likely to cause even more friction with Kelly and the other generals he keeps adding to his staff, and I can only imagine that as the collective everything of the news media excoriates him for it, it's going to be
The Thing for at least a news cycle.
Are the families empowered to speak out/respond to questions regarding the call if they so choose? I doubt they will, but I know what is said on these calls is generally kept confidential, for the family's benefit.
I'm interested in seeing if anything happens with Trump politicizing Kelly's son.
I see how "He knew what he signed up for" is insensitive, but I wonder if there's more to it.
It's what the drunk dickhead at the end of the bar in some dive says, it's what lazy writers use in movie scripts to let you know who the bad guy really is and it's the last thing that should come out of any Presidents mouth since they have the ultimate discretion in when and where we deploy our soldiers.
Come Overwatch with meeeee
I know the instinct here is to hit him for it on the hopes that maybe, just maybe, this is the straw that really breaks his approval rating. But...there's a lot of straw up on that camel already, and I'd just as soon spare these families the drama.
As with many of his fiascos, it began with him spontaneously and spuriously attacking Obama, and from there, has just been an escalation of attacks; largely on Obama, but now extending to the dead. He's claiming to be the best, most respectful out of one side of his mouth, and being outright insulting from the other. Usually, you have to go a couple years back into his twitter feed to get the rank hypocrisy, not have them lined up in back to back press conferences. Usually.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
So what is this thread about?
Tracking and cataloging instances that show he doesn't give a shit about men and women in armed service, and fact-checking claims about previous presidents (mainly Obama) that will be made by conservative mouthpieces trying to downplay Trump's instances, probably.
EDIT: To be clear, I'm not criticizing the creation of this thread, or trying to suggest it doesn't serve a legitimate purpose. I just think there's no debate as to whether or not Trump actually gives a shit about the lives of American troops.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
yeah he's a piece of shit that doesn't know what it means to sacrifice anything for anyone else. . .
he will never not shit on the military unless it's a talking point and then he will go back on that point.
Taramoor on Youtube
What do you mean, of course he knows sacrifice, he built a great company!
A lot of great workers, caterers, architects, and illegal Polish laborers had to be sacrificed for that company!
I fucking wonder which one it will be.
Come Overwatch with meeeee
Trump tweeted that a few minutes after Rep. Wilson was on Morning Joe. I am guessing he was just blustering like an old man getting mad at cable news.
It's not about political points. This is a horrible thing and he should be shamed for it by the American people. It doesn't matter if this is the thing that "breaks the camel's back" or not, whatever that's supposed to look like.
I'm getting extremely frustrated that it doesn't matter what he does, how much cold, hard proof there is that he is a pathological liar, 30-40% of the population still believes everything he says.
I’ve seen an explanation that makes sense to me. Trump respects the strength our military represents, he doesn’t give a shit about the individual soldiers though.
Or worse show total apathy to what he says "Well the guy did sign up for it..."
It's... it's just insane that all of these yellow-ribbon waving pseudo-patriots will flip out over a clumsy salute but still stick by their guy when he trashes the memory of volunteer soldiers dying for missions that may or may not have been in the country's best interest.
If anyone knows me then they know this shit infuriates me.
Trump is the OG "man who yells at cable news"
So he doesn't respect the military, then
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
1) The Khans
2) John McCain
3) The "generals"
4) Bone spurs (get well soon Mr President)
But he's an expert on symbols, facades, and shibboleths, so as long as he fetishizes military strength as represented by flags, anthems, truck nuts, really big cool tanks, military parades on Pennsylvania Avenue (it'll happen!), and a tenfold increase in the nuclear stockpile, he can claim that he loves the military
NNID: Hakkekage
Hypocrisy is for Democrats who took money from Harvey Weinstein only, DA, you know that. Don't be naive.
It is only by the grace of God that Trump has not gone full tinpot dictator and started appearing in public in military regalia festooned in medallions to demonstrate his objective love for and absolute command of the military
NNID: Hakkekage
Less than four hours later: He has no understanding of how to act. Even an ordinary person should have some gut level instinct on how to handle this.
Wilson is saying Johnson's mother said Trump did not remember Johnson's name.